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"You what?" I coughed up as Don and Niall started to walk.

Niall, under the dim light, went pale. Don, on the other hand, started snickering.

"I just said that and now you said it. You can tell that we're related." Don giggled like a little girl.

I rolled my eyes at my brother whose alcohol intake started to kick in. "Don, shut up and go away." I pushed him away from Niall and I before hearing erupting with laughter.

"H-hi, Samantha." Niall stuttered.

"Hi, Niall." I dragged out.

Niall shoved his left hand into his pocket and pointed towards the bathroom before speaking. "You heard what happened over there?" His voice was high.

"Yes." My voice was low.

"Oh." He paused. "Okay. So you heard me say that I-love-you?" He spoke the last three words so quickly I could barely understand.

I felt my ears instantly get hot, out of habit, I tucked my hair behind my ear and stared at the ground. "Uh, yeah?" I looked up, answering him, with squinted eyes.

Niall laughed nervously. "Alright, I gotta get going." He picked up his arm and looked at his wrist where there should have been a watch, but it was on his other hand. "It's getting late. I'll catch you later." Niall took off walking, pushing people as he made his way to the door.

"Niall!" I called out to him but he didn't turn around. I could see blotches of red spots creeping up his neck as he walked away. I sighed, grunted, and stomped my way to where my brother sat.

Hitting Don on the arm, I plopped down on the seat. "What?" He groaned.

"You, my idiot brother, got Niall so drunk that he's acting like a little girl right now and won't talk to me!" I whined.

"Me?" Don asked. "You're the one who scared him. He just said he loved you to me, and I'm pretty sure he hasn't told you it yet, and not even ten seconds later and you ask him if he 'whats' you. The poor leprechaun didn't see it coming!"

I sank into my seat. I had mixed emotions. I don't know if I like Niall or if I love Niall. I rubbed my hand over my face before groaning really loud. "Oh, shut up." I heard Don mumble.

"Where is the fella anyways?" Don asked after sipping on his beer.

"I don't know! After a few words to each other he looked at his wrist which didn't have his watch on and said that it's getting late and he has to go and took off!" I explained.

"Sam, think about this. There is a man out there," he pointed towards the exit, "who is drunk out of his mind and just confessed that he loves a girl and she found out."

"What if something happens to him?!" I immediately started panicking. What if he wanders into a dark alley and gets mugged? What if he falls asleep in the park? What if he walks on the road and gets hit? "Don, you got to go find him!" I started pushing my brother out of his chair.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Don stood up with his beer still in hand. "He's your lover! You go find him!" He sat back down.

I rolled my eyes at him in frustration. "My 'lover' won't talk to me. What makes you think he'll want to follow me? You got him drunk, go get him!" I pushed him out of the chair again.

"Damn it. Fine!" He yelled. He chugged his beer before slamming it down on the table. The club didn't even notice. It was too loud and busy to care about a thud. "You're paying the tab and then you go home." He said gathering his things then tossing me the keys. "Take the car since you're a sober soul." And then he left.

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