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Holy shit over 20k reads!!! This book was waaaaay behind in reads compared to The Model before now it's skyrocketing!! Thank you!! And it is way behind in updates too. I apologize! I was busy with school and once school ended I had a massive writers block but now I think I'm good!

Niall was fast, his long legs giving him long strides so I couldn't catch up with him. His hands were balled up at his sides, quickly tightening then slowly loosening then tighten again. I kept yelling after him, begging him to stop, but he wasn't paying attention to me. He was dead set on Nathan.

"Niall, please!" I yelled once more and to my surprise he stopped. He didn't turn around to look at me, his fists were still clenched and his eyes were still looking at Nate.

I ran up to him and stood in front of him, my hand touching his cheeks to grab his attention. "Look at me," I whispered but his eyes were still had that fire in them, an angry flame that was flickering inside his blue eyes. "Look at me, Niall," I raised my voice.

His eyes snapped towards me, quickly softening at the sight of me. I offered him a small smile, "Please don't do this." I whispered, the flames that were once in his eyes were visible once more.

"Don't do what?" He spat. "Don't confront your boyfriend? Why not, Sam? I wanted to be with you and he just comes out of nowhere and takes you for his? No, fuck no, that is not happening." He pushed me aside and continued walking to Nate.

"Fuck!" I angrily whispered before running through dancing people trying to reach Nate before Niall gets to him first.

"Excuse me."

"Pardon me."

"Please move."

"Out of the way please!"

I tripped over someone's foot right before I reached Nate but he saw me and rushed over to my side to pick me up. "Are you okay?" He asked as I got to my feet.

"Y-yeah, I'm f-fine. Where's, um, Niall?" I frantically looked side to side looking for the blonde, angry man. My eyes found him marching towards us from about ten feet away.

I shifted Nate so he was standing directly in front of me, I placed my hands on the side of his face and began to speak. "Nate, babe, listen. Niall is going to come over here and probably going to try and start a fight with you because he's drunk. But please, please, please don't fight him. Just walk away and don't say anything that will upset him." I begged but I was too late.

Before Nate was even able to comprehend what I told him, I felt Niall's presence beside us. I dropped my hands from Nate's face and tucked my hands into my back pocket.

"Hey, bud." Niall had a devious grin on his face. His voice was rough and threatening.

Nate, oblivious, smiles and responds, "Hey, man. What's going on?"

"Nothing really just this." He talked so calmly that no one expected to see him throw a punch towards Nate. I didn't even realize what I was doing until Niall's hand brushed past my head.

I was screaming, yelling out a long "no" while pushing Nate out of the way. Everyone in the club seemed to stop for a moment, they all looked in our direction.

Niall and Nate looked around assuring everyone that it's all okay with fake smiles, they started dancing and drinking again, minding their own business. "Samantha, what the fuck?!" Niall's voice growled at me. "I could've punched you!"

"Dude, what are you doing?!" Nate finally realized what was going on. "Did you just try to punch me?" He asked.

"Yeah, I did." Niall blatantly said.

Nate looked at me with a not-so shocked expression on his face. He leaned down towards me and whispered, "I knew he was going to do something." When he pulled back his eyebrows were tightly furrowed together and his lips pursed.

"Niall, pal, next time you plan on punching someone make sure it happens like this." Nate threw his fist across my face and it landed right on Niall's jaw.

In a matter of two seconds, the two boys were on the floor. Kate and Jake rushed to my side asking what in the hell happened. I shrugged my shoulders and said I don't know. I was tired of this, I'll let them have it for a few minutes.

After a few really good punches were thrown, Kate pinched me. "Aren't you going to try and stop them?" She asked. I shrugged. "Let them get it out of their system."

A few seconds later, the bouncers came and broke up the fight. Jake came towards me and Kate he was a little roughed up, his shirt was lopsided and his hair was sticking up from all sorts of places. "Where have you been?" I asked as I ate the fruit that was inside my drink.

"Trying to stop the fight! Did you not see me?" He said, annoyed.

"After a few punches I kind of zoned out, sorry." I slightly smiled and Jake rolled his eyes.

"They're outside waiting for you." He sighed as he sat down on the stool.

"I'm going to let them calm down before I go out there." I responded.


"Idiot." I mumbled as I sat beside stupid Nathan, rubbing my knuckles with my hand.

"I can hear you, you know?" He spat at me.

"Good, I wasn't exactly trying to hide it from you." I spat back.

"What is your problem?!" Nate snapped. "First, you act all giddy about wanting to hang out with us then the next minute your throwing punches!" He ran his hands up and down his face then through his hair obviously stressed.

"I.." I start, "I can't stand.. you and Sam." I muttered.

"Ain't that obvious." He snorted, I shot him a death glare.

"It's only been two weeks since we stopped talking and she already found a new guy." I motioned my hand in a way that presented him. "I just," I inhaled, "I didn't think she'd move on that fast."

"But weren't you two 'fake' dating?" He questioned and I groaned.

"Yes, we were but it wasn't fake to me."

"Nathan?" I heard her sweet, calm voice call his name. Both of our heads turned towards her. Her arms were crossed over her chest, her hands running up and down her arms as if to keep her warm.

I stood to my feet while she walked closer to us. "Yeah, babe?" He asked before he kissed her forehead. I winced at the sight of it.

"Can I talk with Niall alone?" She asked and he nodded, leaving us both.


Hey guys! Long time no update haha. Sorry about that! I didn't even know I left you on a cliffhanger! Sorry!

I'll be updating from now on!

Don't forget to vote and comment!! It's much appreciated!

Aaaand, check out my other fic The Model!!

love u cuties xx

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