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I woke up by the loud thud from a door closing. I blinked a few times before my eyes adjusted to the bright light that was seeping in through the curtains. I looked around and didn't see anything familiar to me. I quickly sat up; I was on a couch.

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and blinked once more. This wasn't my apartment. I shifted around to face the front door. Kate was standing there. Her eyes wide with shock, mouth slightly open.

"What are you doing here?" We both asked in unision. I rose to my feet and walked around the couch to meet her face to face, meanwhile pulling my hair into a ponytail.

"Are you here to see Niall?" I half whispered, putting my hands on my hips.

Her mouth opened but no words came out, "Did you sleep here?" she avoided my question.

"Of course you came here to see Niall," I scoffed and answered my own question, "You two are 'dating' so of course you have a key to his apartment. And of course you are here to see him in the morning. What, are you two going to have breakfast?" I sassily asked.

"Sam, I know you're upset but let me explain." She raised her arms in a position that stood for 'calm down.'

"I'm not upset. I don't care if you two are together, what I cared about is that you two had the nerve to get together a few days after Ray passed. I don't understand how you two have the nerve to come into my work and while I'm waiting on you, you two are basically fucking each other in your minds!" I yelled, being a little too upset than I should be.

"Sam, for fucks sake, listen to me!" Kate held me the shoulders and yelled in my face. I became quiet and so did she. We were both suddenly aware that Niall was somewhere in this apartment.

I shoved her hands off of my shoulders and walked over to the couch where I woke up. I sat down and crossed my arms over my chest, watching her take a seat across from me.

"Go for it." I mumbled while rolling my eyes.

"I'm not dating Niall." She started.

"Don't sit here and lie to my face, Kate." I leaned forward, pointing my index finger at her.

"I'm not lying, just shut up for a moment and listen." She snapped. Kate took a deep breath before continuing, "The reason why Niall and I were looking at each other like that was because I didn't want you to get suspicious of anything. But now looking at it, it just made you more suspicious."

"It wasn't a date," she continued, "when we got to your work, I wasn't expecting to see you there but when I did I had to improvise so I acted all happy, cheerfully, and giggly. I knew that if you saw me and Niall you probably wouldn't feel so comfortable waiting on us, so I, we, acted like that to get you to go home or something. Which worked."

"Once you left, it all got serious. I basically questioned him as if I was a cop." Kate giggled, but I didn't. "I found out that Jake and Niall are friends. And that night at the club? They were there together, Niall was just talking with some girl as we came in, so that's why we didn't meet him."

"I don't know when, but sometime during the night Jake texted him saying how you weren't having fun with Nate and Jake ended up betting with Niall that he couldn't get with you." I looked down as I heard her words. Was this all a game? "Then we met him on the dance floor."

"I swear, Sam, I didn't know about this. I learned about it that day we met at your work. I broke up with Jake that morning and went there confronting Niall." Kate reassured me.

I didn't say anything. My focus was on the floor, my eyes running up and down the same line of a floorboard. "Is that why he 'dated' me and said it was just to make Ray happy?" I looked at her.

"I don't know, Sam." Kate got up and moved to sit beside me. She threw her arm over my shoulders and hugged me lightly. "He was just supposed to take you home or something. I'm not sure, I didn't want to know every detail of that stupid bet they made." Kate stated.

"Hey." Nialls raspy, morning voice came floating in the room. We both turned and stared at him while he was walking towards us rubbing his eyes. Once he lowered his hands and his eyes landed on the both of us, he stopped walking.

"Sam. Kate." He nervously chuckled. "What are you two doing here? Together?" He rubbed the back of his neck.

I looked at Kate and she was staring at me too. "I got this." She whispered and was about to get up but I pulled her back down.

"No, I got this."


Sooo, here's the (week late) chapter :) I'm sorry if you read this because I didn't update last week. I've been having a writers block for this story :(

Niall recolored his hair and idk how I feel about it haha

Anyways! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Pls don't forget to vote and comment!

love u cuties xx

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