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"Niall." Samantha's voice was full of surprise and a hint of worry. "What are you doing here?" She asked, sitting back into her seat.

"I, uh, wanted to surprise you. Haven't seen you in a while, you know? Kinda wanted to see you so here I am." I lightly chuckled from embarrassment.

Samantha scooted in to the end of the booth and patted the seat next to her. I slowly slid in, my eyes wide and cautious about what's going on. Is she not going to introduce us? I thought.

Suddenly, the man's hand reached across the table. "I'm Don." He spoke. He had a deep voice, deeper than mine. I was a little intimidated by it. I shook his hand and told him my name. Don shook it viciously, my arm flying up and down involuntarily. A hardy laugh erupted from his chest, taking me by surprise.

"Stop scaring him." I looked over at Samantha as she rolled her eyes as she spoke. Her arms were crossed over her chest with her hair falling around her shoulders. The light beamed down directly above from her, giving her a somewhat angel-like glow.

"So what?" Don's voice boomed, yanking me out of my trance. "You missed Sam and decided to visit her at work?" I cleared my throat, straightened my back and answered him. "Yeah. I was planning on taking her out for lunch. But it seems you've beat me to it." I mumbled the last part which made Don cock his head.

"Well," Don leaned back, his arms reached over his head and he yawned while he stretched, "that makes two us, huh?" He laughed again. This time it was louder, deeper, and way more intimidating. Don had big arms compared to my skinny ones.

"Sorry I've beat you to lunch, pal. Maybe you can take her to dinner tomorrow night. I got her booked for tonight." He laughed again. I looked at Sam who was watching the two of us, no expression on her face.

"No, you don't!" Sam suddenly answered. "You didn't even ask if I had plans." She let out something that sounded like a 'sheesh' and I chuckled.

"Why are you laughing at her?" Don's voice was sharp and quick. I shot my eyes up to look over at him. His eyes were focused on me, eyebrows tightly knitted together. "That's not funny, don't laugh at her." He quickly added.

"Oh, for God sakes! Shut up, Donny!" Samantha reached over the table and slapped his arm a little too playful as she said his nickname.

"So, how long did you two date?" I blurted out, not even thinking. I quickly reached for my drink and took a long sip.

Don was in the middle of drinking as I spat out my question that he choked for what seemed like two minutes on his drink. On the right of me, Samantha was quiet and bug eyed. Looking between me and Don.

Once Don contained himself, he wiped his lips and spoke hoarsely. "Can you not see the resemblance?"

Then it clicked. They're fucking siblings. I smacked myself in the forehead and left my hand there to cover my now red face. I felt my ears start to burn as embarrassment crept up from my neck and into my face. "Oh, God." I mumbled into my hands.

Don and Samantha doubled in laughter as I kept my face hidden. "He thought we dated!" Don's voice boomed. "As if someone would ever date little Sammy!" He laughed harder but Sam stopped.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" She sounded mad.

Don calmed himself and sighed, "It was a joke, Sam, take it easy." He rolled his eyes and I could see Sam doing the same.

"I actually have a boyfriend, Don." Sam proudly said. A small smile played on my lips.

"Oh, yeah?" Don took a drink. "And who's this imaginary boyfriend of yours?" He chuckled.

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