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Kate called in sick for me the next day even though I wasn't. I didn't have the energy to get out of bed and it was already half past noon. Kate stayed the night, I could hear her in the kitchen. Opening and closing of cabinets, the low hum of the coffee maker working, her quiet curses as she realized I didn't go shopping this week.

She came in with two cups of coffee. I stayed motionless in bed. My head was peaking out of the top of my comforter. "Sit up." Kate instructed. I groaned before listening to her.

I grabbed the warm cup in my hands and sighed. "How are you feeling?" She asked.

"Conflicted." I responded with no emotion. She let out a 'hmm' as she took a sip of her coffee.

"Are you going to talk to him?" She raised her eyebrows at me before taking another sip.

I removed my cup from my lips and wiped whatever residue was left on the top of my lips before answering her. "I feel like I should but I don't know what I would say."

We fell quiet. The occasional sound of one another sucking in the warm liquid from our cups and the crinkling sound of us shifting on top of the bed. I looked over to my night stand in search of my phone but it wasn't there so I felt around the bed.

"Kate, where's my phone?" I felt nervous, afraid that I left it at the club last night. I set my coffee on the night stand and lifted up the comforter, running my hands all over the bed trying to feel for something rectangular.

"Outside." She finally responded and I relaxed.

Finishing off my coffee, I let out an 'ah.' I leaned against my headboard with the blanket pulled up to my chin. "Why is it outside?" I cocked my head to the side.

"I didn't want you to wake up." She said nonchalantly, and refusing to elaborate.

"What?" I sat up quickly, Kate picked her coffee cup over her head trying not to spill it.

"What?" Her eyebrows narrowed at me.

"Why would I wake up?" I asked, then it hit me. "Did someone call me while I was asleep?" She didn't answer so I jumped out of bed. "Damn it, Kate. What if it's important?"

I ran out of my room and into the living room, my eyes darting everywhere looking for my black case. I found it resting on top of the microwave. "It wasn't very important, trust me." Her voice escalated as she walked in behind me. I rolled my eyes at her as I unlocked my screen.

Five missed calls and seven text messages. All from Niall Horan.

The messages were him apologizing, saying he was sorry for how he acted and that he wants to make it up to me, asking me, begging me, to respond or pick up his calls. Little did he know that I in and out of sleep all morning.

"Why didn't you tell me he was trying to contact me?" I was irritated by how unreliable she could be sometimes.

She snickered, "Really?" I narrowed my eyes at her, "Samantha, sweetie, you and I both know you aren't ready to talk to him. You just said earlier that you were 'conflicted.'"

I took a deep breath and relaxed. "I'm sorry, you're right. Thank you." I gave her a hug before walking over to the couch.

"Since you're up and at it, you should give him a call though. See what he wants." She slyly said. She likes the idea of Niall and I being together. Despite everything, she found us really cute together and she'll try anything to get us together. She told me all this once before.

"Before you do though, let's talk more about last night." She smiled, "How are you going to respond to him saying that he loves you?"

I rubbed my hands over my face, "I don't know." I groaned. "I mean," I paused, "I like him, I do, but I'm with Nathan and I don't want to hurt him because he's such a good guy and he's really sweet and all. But Niall," another pause, "he's something else. He's a lovely guy, very, very sweet, and we click together really well but then there's the shit that he pulled before and I don't know." I sighed.

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