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It was Saturday, thank God. I didn't have to go to work today, so I didn't set an alarm to wake me up. I pushed up on my bed to get into a sitting position but quickly fell backwards in exhaustion. 

"Fuck," I whisper-shouted as my head banged against the headboard. I clutched the back of my head and rubbed it up and down as I gave the head board a menacing stare. 

After a few good seconds of giving my head the attention it needed, I crawled out of bed and went into the bathroom to clean up. 

I heard my phone's notification sound go off, the specific one I set for voicemail. Oh, yeah. Niall called me. I put my hair into a ponytail and flopped onto my bed while grabbing my phone. 

I called my voicemail and set it on speaker. "You have one new message," a monotonous voice erupted through my speaker, "to listen to new messages please press-" I cut if off already knowing what number to press. 

I rolled my eyes at the unnecessary calling out of the number, date, and time that the message was received. "Hey, Sam- aye, be quiet will ya?" Niall screamed at other people, "Hey, Samantha. Niall here," my heart started to beat fast at him saying my name.

"Niall, take this shot with us!" I heard Jake's faint voice call after him. "Yeah, in a minute," he laughed and slurred his words. "Hi, Samantha," he said for the third time. I couldn't help but laugh at his, most likely, drunken state. 

"I wished you could've came out with us tonight," he spoke. "But it's okay, I get it, you like me too much to hang out with me, yeah?" he cockily said. His words were hard to make out at first with his thick Irish accent and the alcohol causing him to slur every word he said. 

I heard him sigh, "You know? You are a very confusing girl, Samantha. The night at the bar you wanted me, but when we got to my apartment," he gave out an exasperated breath. It suddenly became very deep and full of confusion, "you didn't want me anymore," his voice trailed off. 

I heard him suck in a sharp breath, "What the fuck is that, Samantha?" he quickly spat out. "Do you know how hard it is to sleep with a hard on?" I couldn't help but laugh at his remark. 

"God, did I want you," he breathed out. "I saw you have a drink spilled on you by that guy in the bar, you walked into the restroom and I lost you," he continued, "I looked for you everywhere, but couldn't find you, then I saw you on the dance floor talking to Kate."

"You looked so good in that dress, I just wanted to rip it off you that second I walked up to you," he confessed. "Fuck, did I want you," he whispered, barely loud enough for me make it out. 

"Hey, come back to the table," I heard a female's voice come closer. "I'm coming," he answered her. His attention turned back to his phone, "I still want you," I heard his raspy voice called out to me as he hung up. It made chills run down my spine and the hair on my skin stand up. 

"To replay the message-" my phone started but I quickly ended the call. I sat on my bed for a few minutes, contemplating on what I just heard. Did he mean all of that? Or was it just a drunken call? 

My phone started ringing, knocking me out of my trance. I jumped at the sudden sound and quickly answered it. "Hello?" I asked without seeing who was calling. 

"Sam! I'm sorry to bother you," I heard Linda's voice, "do you mind coming down today and visit Ray?" she asked. 

My heart jumped in my chest, "Yeah, sure. Is everything okay?" I panicked. 

"We think so, he's just having a bit of a freak out today. His doctors think you are the only one who can, hopefully, calm him down," she explained in a soft spoken voice.

"I'll be right there," I quickly said and hung up the phone. 


I rushed through the hospital doors and saw Linda at the receptionist desk, "I've got you covered, just go!" she waved me off.

"See, why couldn't you have done that before?" I laughed a bit at her, trying to calm my now racing heart.

I walked into the Ray's room and saw two nurses in there, trying to calm him down. They didn't notice me walk into the room because he was giving them a hard time. 

"Sir, please just calm down," one of them said as they tried to keep him in his bed. Ray's face was all scrunched up and dark red. He looked really angry. His head turned to look at the other nurse who was in my direction and saw me. 

"Sam," he slowly lowered his arms. I heard the two nurses give out a long sigh. "What are you doing here?" the anger drowned from his face and was replaced with a small smile. 

"Just wanted to check up on my favorite guy since I  had the day off," I walked over to his bed and started to take off my jacket and scarf. 

"Where's the blonde, Irish man?" He shifted his body to look behind me. I knew he wasn't with me, but for some reason I turned around just to make sure. I saw the two nurses walk out the door, leaving us alone.

"Oh, Niall didn't come with me today, Ray. Just me," I smiled as I pulled up my regular chair. 

"Aw, that's too bad. I really wanted to ask him if he caught the game yesterday," Ray pouted. He suddenly looked up at me with so much excitement and enthusiasm in his voice and asked, "Call him here, will ya?" his eyes beamed at me. 

I inwardly groaned, not wanting to see him just yet because of his little voicemail. "Uhh, I'm not sure that's such a great idea, Ray," I scratched the back of my head. "Oh, just do it," he encouraged me, "it'll be fine," he smiled at me once more.

I grabbed my phone and reluctantly called Niall. I laid my forehead in my palm as I put the phone to my ear. I counted the rings.




"Niall here," he quickly spoke into the phone. I straightened my back and cleared my throat. 

"Hey, it's Sam," my voice went up a notch with every word. 

"Samantha," I could hear his smile through the phone. Why is he so happy? Isn't he embarrassed? I know I would be.

"Yeah, hey. Uhm, I'm at the hospital right now and.." I looked up at Ray who was beaming with excitement, "Ray is wondering if you'd like to come down here," I offered him. 

"Yeah, I'll be there in maybe twenty five minutes," he announced and hung up the phone.

I slowly pulled the phone away from my ear and looked up at Ray. His smile seemed to have never left his face, "this ought to be fun," he said with a voice full of mischief. 


Hey guys! I hope this chapter had enough excitement in it to not make it boring haha.

Thank you so so much for the 400 reads and the lovely comments! I love reading them, they make my day omg. 

Pls vote and comment if you liked this chapter!! :) 

I think I'll be updating this every Monday :)

thanks for everything guys, love u all xx

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