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A/N: I forgot to update yesterday! Sorry!

I looked up at Kate who had wide eyes, just like me. "Tonight?" She mumbled. "Well, are you going to go?" She asked.

"I don't know!" I answered quickly. "Should I?" I looked at her for some sort of advice.

She looked at me up and down and shrugged her shoulders, "I mean, you did shave your legs. Why not?" she started, "But at the same time, this is Niall. The guy who had a bet with my ex-boyfriend and lied to you, not to forget that he did hurt you." Her voice lowered.

I looked down back at my phone and began to type:

To: Niall Horan 6:29PM
What time?

I turned on my heel and walked into my room. I stood in my closet a few minutes, contemplating whether I should put on nice, going-out clothes or lazy, house clothes. Taking me out of thought, my phone dinged.

From: Niall Horan 6:31PM
Is now okay? I'm actually across your building.

I gasped and threw my phone on a pile of my clothes that I have yet to fold or hang back. "Kate!" I yelled running into the bathroom again.

"What? What? What?" She rapidly said while she ran into the bathroom after me.

I took down the towel from my head and shook it. "He wants to go out now."

"Now? You're barely even ready!" She exclaimed.

I stood up straight and looked at her, "You think? Please go pick out an outfit for me to wear while I fix my hair and make-up." I pushed her out of the bathroom and quickly grabbed a brush.

Kate kept going back and forth with different shirts asking if this or that was okay, but the choices she showed me were either too hot or too cool for this weather. "Something in between!" I yelled at her.

Kate walked back in with my phone instead of a shirt, "You didn't even text him a yes or a no, sweetie." She placed my phone on the counter and I grabbed it typing a quick 'Sure. Just let me get ready.'

His response was really quick.

From: Niall Horan 6:42PM
Okay. Text me when you're coming down.

I placed my phone back down and went back to applying my eye-liner. "This is the last one I'm suggesting. If you don't like it then you go find a shirt yourself." She sighed as she held up a black tank-top with a long, knitted, forest green cardigan.

"Now, why couldn't that be the first one you picked out? I love it!" I motioned for her to hang it on the door knob. I quickly finished my light make-up and pulled my hair into a side braid. I pulled on my tank-top, cardigan, light blue jeans, and my little boot-like heels.

I texted Niall a text saying that I was heading down while I slung my purse over my shoulder and told Kate to not set my house on fire while I was gone. "Yes, mother." She laughed.

Once I was out my door and walking down the steps, I felt nervous. My hands started to lightly sweat and my legs slowly started to feel like jelly. I shouldn't feel nervous, but I did. And I didn't like it.

When I got out of my apartments entrance, I saw him. He was standing with his back towards me. He was wearing a quick-dry, dark grey short sleeve with tanned shorts. He wore black Nike's and he had his hands in front of him. He turned around to face me once he heard the door slam.

"Samantha." His voice rang through the busy streets' noises. He was holding about five roses. He reached out his hand and gave it to me. "You haven't responded to any of my messages saying that I was sorry so I felt like this was appropriate: I'm sorry."

I slowly reached my arm out and received the flowers. I quickly smelled them before dropping them by my side. "Is it okay if I put this up in my apartment real quick?" I softly asked.

"Yes, yes. Go ahead." He quickly answered, putting his hands in his pockets. I muttered an 'okay' before turning around and walking back into the building.

"What are you doing back in here?" Kate's voice called out behind me.

"What are you doing down here?" I whispered while pulling her out of Nialls view.

"I wanted to see you two meet again. I thought it was going to be, you know, like in those love movies." She said.

I rolled my eyes at her and handed her the flowers. "Put this somewhere when you go back up, will you?" I asked before walking back outside.

Nialls head shot up and the sound of my footsteps. He furrowed his eyesbrows slightly, "That was quick." He looked up at the building.

"Yeah," I chuckled, "Kate met me downstairs. Shall we?" I motioned for us to walk.

He nodded his head and motioned for me to walked to the right. "You look pretty tonight, Samantha." He complimented me.

"Thanks, you too." I replied, "Well, not pretty, because, you know, you're a boy, but you look.. nice." I fumbled with my words causing Niall to let out a laugh. God, did I miss his laugh. Even when something wasn't remotely funny, Niall found it funny. And when he laughed he made everyone else laugh. Happiness and joy just radiated off of that boy when he was smiling.

"Thank you." He smiled at me. "Where'd you like to eat?" He asked me as we continued our walk down the busy street.


Hey guys! This was sort of a filler chapter, sorry. Plus I forgot to update yesterday LOL I had it written out but I just forgot to upload it.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

Don't forget to vote and comment pls!

Have a great week!

love u cuties xx

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