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Niall and I have been walking around talking, passing by the place we were supposed to eat atleast five times. Neither one of us wanted to go inside and sit down. It would be awkward and we both knew that.

His hands was in his front pockets as were walking. His head slightly hung down causing a few strands of hair to fall gently down to his face where he'd quickly swoop it back up and it'd start slowly falling down once more.

I had my arms crossed over my shoulders as it became a little chilly. I was looking forward being the eyes for both of us since he wasn't paying attention to where he was walking.

It was only the two of us out here everyone was inside eating dinner or in shops looking around. It was quiet besides our two voices taking turns.

"You got to know that I truly am sorry, Sam." His voice flew into my ear snapping me out of a slight trance.

He's been saying this since we started walking. "I know, Niall. You've repeated that same sentence for a while now." I lightly laughed.

"Because you're not acknowledging me. You're just walking and nodding not saying that it's okay or that you've forgiven me." He abruptly stopped talking and dug his hands deeper in his pockets.

"I don't know if I do forgive you!" I yelled, a few heads from people sitting outside turned my direction and I tucked a piece of hair behind my ears in embarrassment.

"What do you mean?" He whispered.

"Niall," I sighed, "what you did hurt. It hurt me. Accepting a bet to sleep with me? To see how fast you can get in my pants?" I swallowed down the angry lump that was building up in my throat.

"I said I was sorry, Samantha!" Now it was his turn to have heads turn to him.

"'Sorry' doesn't quite make it, Niall."

"Let me make it up to you."

I cocked my head to side, surprised and intrigued by his offer. "How?" I asked.

"Let me take you out on real date. I won't try to sleep with you. We'll just go have dinner, or see a movie, or on a picnic, whatever you want to do." His mouth slowly broke out into a smile and so did mine.

"A real date?" I questioned. He nodded his head. "So, like, we're going to get dressed up and try to impress each other?" I asked and he nodded again.

"You do know that we know each other?" I laughed.

Niall let his head drop and then quickly snap back up to meet my eyes. "I know, Sam, but let's act like nothing happened and I can get to really know you and you can get to know me." He said.

"But you already know the real me." He muttered.

"What?" I questioned him.

"Nothing." He gave me a small smile.

"Let's go on that 'date' now." I offered and without waiting for an answer I grabbed his hand and pulled him down the sidewalk.

"Where do you want to eat?" He asked.

"Surprise me."


Niall and I ended up grabbing a few subs from a small deli and eating them on a park bench. It was really nice. The sun was setting, the birds were chirping, and rush hour was over so there wasn't any honking of cars.

Niall has been speaking about how sorry he was and that he can't wait to get to know me more and such. "I can't wait for the day we actually are together." I choked when the last word left his mouth.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

"Together?" I covered my mouth as I asked. He slowly nodded his head.

"I want us to be together, Samantha." He said in a low, serious voice.

My eyes went wide and I placed my sub on the bench and got to my feet; pacing back and forth. I started to bite on my lip out of nervousness. "We can't," I paused and looked at him. He was confused and a bit of hurt was evident in his eyes. "Be together." I dragged out.

"W-what?" He stuttered. I sighed and sat back down. My feet tapping the ground repeatedly.

"I'm actually seeing someone," I stopped, "We actually just started dating." I pulled my lower lip between my teeth and lightly chewed on it.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Niall straighten up and then slowly lean back into the park's bench. "Oh." He simply said.

He took a sharp breath and I dreaded what was going to happen next but I could feel it coming. I closed my eyes a few seconds before opening them and heard his next question.

"Who is it?"

My feet were nervously moving around on the ground, sounds coming from my soles dragging on the concrete. "Nate." I mumbled.

"Pardon?" He leaned towards me.

"Nathan." I said a little louder.

"Nathan?" He reassured me. I nodded.

"Hmm." Escaped his pursed, tight lips.

Silence surrounded us. What was once peaceful noises all came to a stop and was filled with eerie silence. "We can still be friends." He mumbled more to himself than for me. "We can still be friends." He repeated but with more confidence and reassurance now.

Nodding, he looked at me. "We can still be friends, right?" He asked.

"Yes!" I said quickly. "Of course!"

"We should do something together. Me, you, and Nate. And Kate and Jake if they're still together." He suggested. I was taken aback by how he was taking this.

"Y-yeah, sure." I stuttered. "Like what?"

His eyes were wide with excitement, or something else entirely, and a smile plastered on his face. "Let's get drinks together. Say, tomorrow? Around eight? If that's convenient for you all." He politely added.

I nodded and he started packing up our sandwiches and then threw them into the trash. He pulled out his phone and quickly tapped on it. "Oh, crap." He looked up at me and then back down to his phone.

"I am so sorry, Samantha but something urgent came up I have to go. I won't be able to walk you home." He sounded so distraught.

"No, don't worry. I'm fine, you go." I motioned for him to go.

"I'm so sorry!" He apologized again before running away. "Text me the final details about tomorrow!" He yelled over his shoulder. I yelled back an 'okay' before getting up and walking towards my apartment.


Hey guys :)

I decided to move the update days for this book to Wednesdays because it's a hassle for me to be updating on Monday because.. it's a Monday LOL

Sorry for it being late! But I hope you enjoyed :) Things are going really slow lol sorry

Don't forget to vote and comment :)

love u cuties xx

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