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Jake and Kate weren't together anymore but they were cool with hanging around one another. So, Jake, Kate, Nate, Niall, and I decided to go to this one club around eight.

"Woo! Let's do this!" Niall exclaimed in the car. He was far way more enthusiastic than any of us tonight. He was, basically, the only one talking throughout the car ride.

"Have you guys ever been to this club? How many times have you all went out? Do you guys always go out or rarely? Do you go out as a group or do you go in pairs sometimes? Nate, how many times have you and Samantha gone out?" He asked within a matter of a minute.

"Uhhh," Nate wasn't ready for the sudden question.

"A good couple of times." I butted in and gave Niall a dirty stare. He mouthed a 'what?' to me.

Once the car reached the destination we all quickly got out of the car, wanting to break free from the tension that Niall, himself, was building.

"Yeah! Let's each do a shot to start us off!" Niall yelled while running into the slightly crowded club.

"What is he on and where can I get some?" Jake joked beside me.

I hit him on the arm, "Shut up. I think he's not okay with Nate and I, but he's trying to be." I explained.

"Well, it makes him look like a mad man." Kate yelled over her shoulder as she walked into the club after Niall.

Nate caught up with me and threw his arm over my shoulder, leaning into my ear, he whispered, "He's not going to try anything funny is he?"

I rolled my eyes and looked over at my boyfriend, "I doubt it." Nate planted a kiss on my temple as we went into the building.

Niall already had five shots waiting on a table. I saw his face shift from a smile to a frown to a smile again. "Here you go." He placed one in front of me and Nate as we sat down.

We raised our glasses up, half expecting and half knowing, that Niall was going to say something. "Here's to a fun night!" He yelled and so did we, clinking our tiny glasses together.

We each swallowed the burning liquid and a chorus of 'ah' came from our table. "I'm going to get another, anyone want?" Niall was quick to his feet.

"Hey," I got up and followed him to the bar, "slow down, okay? We just got here, we don't want you to get shitfaced too fast." I placed my hand on his shoulder. His eyes looked at my hand and then slowly to my face.

"I'm fine, Sam. I can handle my alcohol." He shot me a forced smile before turning to the bartender and yelling that he wanted one more shot. I sighed and walked back to the table where Nate was. He had a beer in his hand, smiling at me as I walked closer to him.

"Did I ever tell you that you're so fucking pretty?" He asked.

I grabbed the beer away from him in a jokingly manner, "Drunk already?" I teased. He shook his head and a low chuckle escaped his lips as I gave him back his beer.

A few hours past by and everyone was taking it slow, except Niall. Jake and Kate were off somewhere talking. Nate and I occasionally went to the dance floor but always came back to our table. But Niall was glued to the bar.

I kept an eye on him and he did the same. He was sitting on the stool facing me and Nate. Nate's back was to him so he didn't see Nialls eyes piercing into him. I felt his eyes on me while I was laughing with Nate. I felt his eyes on me as I was dancing. I felt his eyes on me with every swig of a drink.

I got fed up with all his staring. When Nate went to use the restroom I made my way over to Niall. As soon as I started walking over to him, he turned his back to me. "Now that I am in front of your face you decide to stop staring at me?" I hissed at him, turning him to face me.

He didn't answer me. "Why are we here Niall? It's obvious that you are not okay with Nate and I being together, so why did you insist on us hanging out?" I plopped down into the seat next to him.

"That should be me." His voice was rough from all the alcohol. "I should be the one sitting across from you, making you laugh, dancing with you and having you occasionally step on my feet. That should be me buying you drinks, telling you you are gorgeous." He rambled on. "But instead of me, it's him. Fucking him." He spat out as Nate walked back to the table.

"Fucking shithead." He cursed.

"Hey, don't talk about him like that!" I raised my voice.

"Fine, I'll talk to him like this!" He yelled back.

"Niall, you're drunk!" I grabbed his arm, trying to keep him from starting a scene.

He turned to face me, fire burning in his blue eyes. "And you're not mine." He growled before yanking his arm away and storming off into the direction where Nathan sat.


Hey guys :) sorry I didn't edit this I just needed to update because I forgot LOL

Have a great weekend!

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love u cuties xx

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