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I had more questions about us fake dating, so I offered that we go grab something to eat and talk it over. We went to a little burger place, right around the corner of his apartment.

"What do I say if he asks how or when you asked me to be your 'girlfriend'?" I questioningly teased as I dipped my French fry into his little cup of ketchup.

"You can say I asked you today, and I asked you by.." he trailed off, "French fries," he turned his tray to face me and smiled.

"What?" I almost choked, Niall nodded his head down towards his tray and my eyes followed.

'Be my fake gf?' was laid out in French fries, the question mark was drawn poorly with ketchup.

"Are you kidding me?" I laughed, "this is so corny!" I laughed even harder.

"I'm not going to waste all my good 'asking out' ideas on you," Niall rolled his eyes at me, his voice had a hint of annoyance in them.

I smiled at his foolishness and picked at the French fries displayed for me, "Hey!" Niall said as he smacked my hands away.

"Just wait," I said in between smacks and shoving the fries into my mouth. I took one last look at the tray and turned it back to him.

I made the fries spell out 'ok'

Niall chuckled at the act and looked up at me, "you couldn't use your own fries?" he asked and shook his head.

I shrugged and leaned back into my seat, "What time is it?" I asked which was mixed with a yawn.

"9:45" I watched him extend his arm so his sleeve would fall back behind his watch, he moved so smooth and effortlessly. He opened his hands then slowly closed it back into a fist.

A phone's ringtone snapped me out of gawking state, Niall leaned to the left then to the right trying to figure out which of his back pockets held his.

"Niall here," he said as soon as he found his phone.

I gasped, the voicemail.

I immediately stiffened up, suddenly aware of all the things he said, the things he confessed in that voicemail.

I tuned out all the sound in the burger place. I was sitting, staring at Niall with wide eyes as he talked into his phone. When his eyes caught mine.

He furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head to the side as he continued talking, the motion that means 'what's wrong'

Every word he said in the message flew back into my mind. Every. Single. Word.

What the fuck is that, Samantha?

Fuck, did I want you.

I still want you.

"Hello," Niall waved his hand in front of my face, I lowered my eyebrows trying to not make my eyes look so wide.

"You look like you saw a ghost," he laughed and leaned back into his seat. He brought his hand up to his chin, where he rested it.

I cleared my throat and shifted in my seat, "I'm sorry, I don't think I can do this," I quickly gathered my things and pushed my chair back, attempting to leave.

I heard a screech from a chair being quickly pushed back, a small thud on a table, and shuffling of someone's feet. I walked faster, taking big steps trying to widen the gap between me and Niall.

I finally got out of the restaurant and took a left, this wasn't even the way to my apartment but I just had to get out of there.

I heard the chimes of the burger joints door chime, signaling someone's arrival or departure. I took even wider steps; I was basically doing lunges at this point.

"Samantha," I heard a cold, stern voice say my name. A second later a hand was placed on my shoulder and I was whipped around.

I was facing an angry, furious, pestered Irish man. I closed my eyes hoping that when I opened it his stare would be less harsh, but it wasn't.

"What the fuck just happened in there?" He spat out.

My breathing was fast and uneven from all those lunges I was doing, and him being angry with me did not help. "Nothing," I lied, "I just changed my mind," I shrugged my shoulders, trying to play it off.

He narrowed his eyes at me, "You're a shit liar," he directly pointed out. "One minute we're laughing and joking, then I get a phone call and you're white as a fucking bed sheet!" his voice got louder and his accent got thicker.

I smelled the beer on his breath that he had ordered with his food, "You get a bit tougher when you drink, huh?" I laughed and lightly hit his arm.

"Don't change the subject," he snarled. I was hoping the happy, fun, kind Niall was going to appear but it seemed like the alcohol running through his veins wasn't going to let that happen.

"What happened?" he asked once more.

I sighed and lowered my shoulders in defeat. I searched for my phone and called my voicemail.

"This is why," I pressed the number one and it started playing the absurd message.

Nialls eyes widened, his shoulders tensed up, and his voice deepened. "You," he let out in a low rumble.


Hey guys :) here is the weekly update! School is back in session tomorrow but I'll still be updating, or atleast try to lol.

Thank you so so SO MUCH for the 1.2k reads!! I would've never expected this to even reach 500 reads, but it surpassed it and reached 1.2k omg.

Thank you all who read, vote, and comment on this! I'm so happy that you enjoy this :)

I hope you all have a great 2016!

Don't forget to vote and comment :)

love u cuties xx 

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