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A/N: This was rushed and it was unedited

"I have something to tell you." My words were slurred from my drunken state. I could hear him take a deep breath.

"Why do you sound like that? And why is there an echo?" He questioned.

"Hey, hey, hey." I straightened my back. "My turn to talk, you shush." He took another deep breath, but this time out of annoyance.

"Okay, good." I leaned my head against the stall again. "You think you can just leave me and go for my bestfriend?" My voice cracked. I planned on telling him, yelling at him through the phone, but my emotions got the better of me.

"Sam, don't cry." He tried to soothe me.

"I'm not crying!" I yelled through the phone, and through the tears that were now spilling from my eyes. "I know this is stupid of me to get upset over something that was temporary, I mean, you only faked dated me because of Ray." I mumbled.

"I guess I should've seen it coming. You leaving after Ray. And I shouldn't be upset because it's not like I like you or anything, but I am. And I don't know why." I rambled on.

"Where are you?" Niall asked me, a shift in his tone of voice.

"Why?" I weakly asked.

"Because I am coming to get you. You are obviously drunk and most likely crying in a bathroom stall so I am coming to get you."

"No," I stood up. "I can take care of myself." I hung up the phone. I walked out and fixed myself in the mirror before I walked back out into the raging club.


Nialls POV

I was about to smash my phone in the wall as she hung up on me. Instead I threw it on the couch. I was pacing back and forth in my living room, running my fingers through my hair.

"Was that her?" Kate asked.

"Yes, it was her." I snapped at her. "Fuck!" I dropped my head into my hands.

"Maybe this wasn't a good idea, Niall." She said as she scooted closer to me as a way of showing that she's here for me.

"You think so, Kate?" I looked at her. Kate's face dropped into a sad look. I sighed and rubbed my temples. "I'm sorry for snapping at you. I just don't like this." I got up again this time to look for my shirt.

"Well, you're not going to tell her right?" Her voice a higher pitch than usual.

"No," I whispered. "Now get up, we got to go get her." I walked out of my apartment.

Kate and I drove around the city, trying to think where Sam could be. "Are you sure that you have no idea as to who she could be with?" I asked for the fifth time.

"I already told you. I don't." I saw her roll her eyes at me. I scoffed.

"Text your boyfriend." I ordered.

"You're my boyfriend." She joked, trying to lighten to mood.

"Now's not the time." I said through gritted teeth.

Kate typed on her phone as I looked at the bars and clubs that were lined along the street. Her phone rang. "Does he know?" I eagerly asked.

"Yeah," it was a barely a whisper. Her voice got louder, "They're together, at a club called The Flare." I told her to find out where it is and to tell me the directions.

Once we got there, I jumped out of the still running car and told Kate to stay here. Of course, she didn't. She took my keys out of the ignition and followed me in.

The place was packed, bodies everywhere, the smell of sweat and alcohol were lingering in the air. I narrowed my eyes, scanning everyone's face to find a particular one.

I found Jake's own instead. I wrapped my hand around Kate's and pulled her through the crowd. "Where is she?" I spat out as soon as he was in hearing distance. He pointed out into the crowd.

I turned on my heel and searched the sea of bodies on the dance floor. How the hell am I supposed to find her with everyone in the way? I groaned and walked into it.

Random girls were trying to dance on me. A few grabbing my neck and pulling me down to them. I tried to gently unhook their hands but they were feisty. In a matter of seconds I got annoyed, so I pushed through the crowd.

Once I got into the middle of dance floor, that's when I saw her. She was dancing alone with a drink in her hand. The light that was on her bounced off the sweat on her skin, giving her a glow.

I wasted no time on getting to her. I pushed whoever was in my way or whoever was about to. As I got to her, I placed my hand on her upper arm and turned her toward me.

Her eyes didn't recognize me at first. She smiled and then continued to dance in front of me. A split second later she froze. Her head slowly tilted up, her wide eyes met mine. "What are you doing here?" she whispered.

"Taking you home." I wrapped her hand in mine and started to pull her out of the crowd. To my surprise she obliged and didn't have a fit.

"Where is your stuff?" I asked her over my shoulder.

"In Nates car."

My body tensed at the sound of another man's name coming out of her mouth. I took a deep breath and nodded. "Do you need it?" I questioned. She shook her head no.

We passed by Jake and Kate at the bar and I grabbed my keys out of Kate's hand. Samantha didn't seem to notice.

I helped her get into my car and told her to put on her seatbelt as I walked to the drivers seat. I heard her mumble a 'shut up' as I closed the door. I lightly laughed.

I got in the car and quickly pulled out, deciding to take her back to my place. I looked over at her and she had her arms crossed and hair pulled into a bun. A scowl was evident on her face.

"Sam." I breathed out her name.


A/N: helloooo

Sorry, I didn't update on Monday. I've had a busy week and all. I can't wait to write the next chapter because some drama happens :)

hope you enjoyed haha don't forget to vote and comment.

love u cuties xx

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