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"How'd you sleep last night?" Niall asked. My eyes went wide and my mouth dropped a little but I quickly shut it. 

"Pretty good, thank you. Your bed is comfortable one of the most comfy beds I've ever slept in-" I rambled on before Nialls laugh cut me off. "Why are you laughing?" I quickly asked. 

Niall shook his head while it fell to look at the ground, "Why are you rambling on about my bed?" he said followed with soft laughter.

God, he was adorable. The way his cheeks were turning pink from the slightly cold wind was cute. The way he puts his hands in his front pockets while he walked was cute. The way his eyes got squinty whenever he laughed a bit too hard was cute. 

Stop. I mentally scolded myself. He is not cute, stop staring at him, stop analyzing every aspect of his body, just stop it, Sam. 

"I'm guessing your silence means that you're nervous," Niall spoke breaking me out of my trance. "It's okay to be nervous around me, I get it a lot that I'm intimidating," he spoke boldly of himself.

I couldn't help myself but snort at his statement. "Intimidating, yeah SURE," I laughed.

Niall kept the conversation going as I speed walked to my destination. He would occasionally tell me to 'slow down' to which I'd tell him that I am 'in a rush.' I was walking too fast that I almost missed the turn that led to the hospital. 

"Why are we turning into the hospital?" Niall asked from behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see his face only a few inches from mine, "Uhm.. I volunteer here sometimes," tucking my hair behind my ear as I spoke.

"What exactly do you do here?" He asked with more than enough interest in his voice than I needed. 

"I help out with the older patients," I said as I walked faster, wanting to get out of the now freezing air.

 "What?" Niall choked out while jogging to come to my side. 

"You know, the older patients. Old men, women, people who are old," I tried to reiterate for him, but the look on his face told me he had a million questions to ask me. 

"No, I know what you mean. But why? What do you do? Can you even do that? Isn't it awkward? Aren't they a pissy at times?" Niall shot out one after another.

"Niall, holy shit," I stopped at looked at him, "I volunteer here because my mom is a nurse, and ever since I was kid I followed her to work and helped her with her patients. She would do what she had to do while I talked to the people. I don't know exactly WHY I do it, but I enjoy it so I do it," I said in one breath and then continued walking until I got to the doors.

As I walked in with Niall on my tail I was greeted by the receptionist. "Hey, Sam. How you doing today, honey?" asked Linda, the receptionist. She handed me over a clipboard with the volunteer sheets that I had to fill out every time I came here. 

"Not too bad," I answered and grabbed the clipboard, "I swear, Linda, when can I stop filling these forms out? You guys see me here all the time, I should just get a card or something," I said handing her back the clipboard. 

She laughed, "I'm just following procedure here, hun. Trust me, if I could I wouldn't let you sign these things every time. Is this guy with you?" she brought my attention to Niall, who I forgot was with me.

"Oh yeah, he is. I forgot about him," I mumbled as she handed me another clipboard. I handed it to Niall who quickly filled out the information about himself. When he handed back the clipboard, I told him to follow me.

I showed Niall 'the ropes' of volunteering here at the hospital. He followed me as I checked up on the patients, ran some errands for a few people, and we even blew up some gloves for the kids. I looked up at the time at it was getting close to nine. Gotta go check Ray.

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