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5 Years Later

My breath trembled as I exhaled. I was nervous. So, so nervous. I didn't know what to tell him. I didn't know how to tell him. I don't think he'll understand if I tried to tell him.

I was walking around the room. My hands twisting in nervous knots; sweating from being in these gloves. I quickly ripped them off and threw them on the floor. Frantically waving my hands back and forth to stop them from sweating.

Nervousness. One of the things that many people in this world hate. It makes our heart beat race which leads to us sweating. Sweating leads to hands touching skin, removing the water. Hands touching skin leads to be worried about how we look. Being worried leads to stuttering of words. And stuttering of words leads to no sense. I'm going to make no sense.

Instinctively, my hand wiped my forehead. My makeup rubbing off onto my hand. "Shit." I cursed before rushing back to the mirror.

I looked at myself. "You can do this."

A knock on the door.

I turned around and stared at it. Slowly, cautiously the door opened. My heart began to beat. Who is it? I could hear the loud thuds in my ear. I could feel my chest about to burst. I started sweating again. Finally, a head peaked through. Kate. "Hey, babe. How are you?" She came in. I sighed, lightly calming myself.

I smiled at her, a small smile. "I'm okay." I chuckled, turning back into the mirror. I looked at myself again. Here I was, dressed in all white. The dress had a lacey top, resembling a bralette but more fancy. It was a ball gown style. I loved it. It was tight on top, like a corset, and poofy in the bottom. My dream wedding dress.

"Did you think of your vows yet?" Kate asked.

I looked at her through the mirror. "No. I don't know what to say, Kate. There's a million things I want to say to him but I don't know how. I want to tell him that I love him a million times but it still wouldn't seem enough."

"Speak from your heart." She smiled. "You two were the idiots who planned on writing on your own vows." She muttered under her breath, purposely letting me hear her.

"Shut up." I threw her a pillow that was next to me. "Help me." I called her over and pointed to the patch on my face that was lacking foundation.

She gave me a questioning look. "I was nervous and accidentally wiped away the sweat that was building up." I answered her, knowing what she was about to ask.

After fixing my makeup, she helped me into my gloves again. But I quickly took them off. I didn't think they matched.

"How is he?" I muttered.

"He's great," she answered, "he looks really handsome today."

Another knock on the door. Kate and I turned around quickly. My dress making a whooshing sound to which I smiled at. My father's head peeped around the door. "Hey, dad." I called him in.

"You look beautiful." He said. "You make a beautiful bride." He kissed my cheek.

My eyes started to tear up. The emotions that have been building up since the weekend started all coming out. This is actually happening.

"No, no. Why are you crying, my girl?" My dad gave me a hug. I just shook my head.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as I sucked up the tears that were daring to fall out and ruin my makeup.

"I'm nervous, to tell the truth." I laughed.

"Do you love him?" He asked.

I looked at him questioningly, "Of course I do." I said with a bit of attitude.

"Then there's nothing to be worried about. If you love him, and he loves you, then you don't have to be nervous. You're just walking down an aisle to meet the love of your life and listening to an old man say words and all you have to say is 'I do.' It will be a piece of cake." He joked around, which did make me feel better.

A knock on the door.

We all turned to look at it. "How's the beautiful bride doing?" Jessica, the wedding planner, walked in. "Oh, my goodness. You look absolutely stunning in that dress. You can't even see the baby bump." She hugged me.

Yes, I'm pregnant. No, this is not a 'shotgun' wedding. The date has been set for two years now and about four months before the wedding I was late. And now I'm pregnant and I cannot wait to have a little bundle of joy.

I touched my belly. "It's the whole poofyness of the dress." We all laughed. "Is it time?" I asked.

Jessica nodded. An adoring smile on her face as I lit up with joy. I walked out of the room and saw my bridesmaids hanging out in the hallway, all dolled up and ready to go. I smiled even more.

Kate gave me a kiss on the cheek and a quick pat on the butt before racing down the elevator, leaving me and my dad.

"Ready, sweet girl?" He asked.


Once we reached the bottom level, I could hear the piano playing. I took a deep breath. "You're only walking to meet your beau." My dad whispered.

We stood before the door. My bridesmaid already walked down the aisle. Now it was my turn.

They opened the doors. Everyone was facing me, staring at me. But I was staring at him. The love of my life. He was in the most beautiful tuxedo he could have ever bought. His hair, almost fully brown, the tips having short streaks of blonde, was sweeped to the side. Just the way I like it.

I caught his eyes and I've never seen him smile this big before. I squeezed my dad's arm before sticking one foot out after the other. I was walking down the aisle. I watched as his hand rose to his mouth then to his eyes. Wiping a tear. I chuckled.

Walking down this aisle, I remembered when we first met. When he followed me to the hospital. When he broke my heart but mended it. When we sat on the couch all day with popcorn on our laps and in between our entangled bodies. I remembered us.

My father stopped before him and looked at me. "I love you so much." He whispered in my ear before giving me a kiss. "I love you." I told him back.

I stood next to him. Next to my love. Next to Niall. I stole a quick look at him but he was already staring at me.

"Hi." He whispered while the priest started talking.

I blushed, remembering what we first said to each other. He had a beer in hand and a mischievous smirk on his lips. "Hello." I smiled.


HEY GUYS!!!! First of all, thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I know this isn't the best book and it's not the best written book but thank you for reading, for commenting, for voting, and for being supportive.

As you know, this is my first book I've ever written/published on wattpad and I'm so glad I did. The reaction I got was incredible and it really makes me want to pursue a career in writing (I've always wanted to but was always iffy about it). And that's from all of you!

I really wanted to make this story longer but I ran out of ideas and I didn't want to keep going back and forth of them being together and not being together. I didn't want it to be so repetitive, you know? Overall, I think I kind of ended things at the right time.

Thank you for sticking with me through this process, especially to those who have been here since the beginning!! You were my first 'fans' and I love you so much. THANK YOU.

I hope you all enjoyed this story as much as I did writing it. I hope you guys are happy and healthy and confident and strong and loving and everything.

I'm still writing my other book, just in case you still want to see what I have in store lol.

Thank you, again. I owe everything to you.

HAVE A GREAT LIFE (since I won't be saying 'have a great weekend' anymore):

love u cuties xx

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