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I quickly walked up to Jake with a smile plastered on my face. "Hey, Jake." His eyes averted mine as I walked closer but eventually had to look at me once I was right in front of him.

"Hey! Sam!" he said with fake enthusiasm as he pulled me into a bear hug. "Hey." I grunted back.

"How are you and Kate?" I didn't want to make small talk; I wanted to get straight to the point.

His body suddenly got all tense again. Just like when he saw me when he walked through the doors.

He cleared his throat. "She didn't tell you?" he spoke quietly.

"No, actually, I don't think she tells me anything anymore." My tone had a hint of anger in it as a picture of her and Niall quickly flashed in my mind.

"We, uh," he paused, "are on a break." I wouldn't have believed him if it wasn't for his voice. It sounded so honest and full of sadness that I couldn't help but believe him.

"What happened?" All anger left my body and sympathy flowed in. I motioned for us to move to a table so we can talk and he followed.

Jake started telling me what happened as we sat down. "I don't really know, honestly." He sighed. "I know that we were fine last week but two days ago Kate just got really upset with me and started arguing with me on every little thing." He buried his head into his hands.

"It's like she wanted me to be the one to break it off, but I didn't want to. You know?" I nodded. "I really like her, Sam." He looked up at me with pleading eyes, begging me to do something.

"Jake, look," I started, "I wish there was something I can do but, as of right now, I can't do anything."

He smiled a small smile that showed he understood what I meant. "I know what we can do though." I spoke up and his head looked up at me with an intrigued look on his face.

"What do you have in mind?" He chuckled.

I actually didn't have an idea as to what we could do. The words just came out of my mouth without thinking. I pondered on what I could that would take his mind off of Kate and just let him have a good time.


"Let's get shitfaced." I smiled widely, because not only did he need this but I did, too. "Shitfaced?" He laughed.

"Yeah, let's get so drunk that to the point that we don't remember why we're so upset. Nate," I pointed over to the barista, "can be our designated driver." I offered.

He shook his head as if he was about to say no, but the smile on his lips said yes. "Alright." Jake agreed.

"Yo, Nate!" Jake called his friend over.

"What's up?" Nate responded as he wiped his hands on his apron as he approached us.

"Sam," he motioned to me, "and I were thinking about getting shitfaced tonight." He quoted me. "Is alright with you if you be, like, our designated driver?"

Nate was quick with his answer. "No, man. It's fine with me. What time are we going?" He asked Jake.

Jake turned to me, signaling for me to reply. "What time do you get off?" I directed my question to Nate.

"I get off at four."

"Oh, wow. That's actually early." I laughed. I scrunched up my face thinking about the best time to leave for a club or bar.

I quickly turned my attention back to Jake as I remembered something. "You know where I live right? You and Kate probably came over once or twice." I asked.

"Yeah, I think I have your address saved in my phone." He patted the front pocket of his jeans where his phone lay.

"Meet at my apartment, let's say, at eight o'clock?" I looked between Jake and Nate.

"Sounds good." "Sure." The two boys responded at the same time.

I got up from my chair and told them I'll be going and that I'll meet them later. As I exited Starbucks I gave them both a wave.


The boys were on the dot when they picked me up. Once we got to the club that Nate suggested we check out.

Jake and I were quick to drinking. He was faster than me though. I started off with a beer, while Jake went straight for shots. Jake eventually got me into doing shots with him, which quickly affected me.

Jake threw his head back, slugging down one shot. He was quick to grab another but I swiftly grabbed it from him. "I think you had enough, my friend." I slurred as I spoke.

"No, no, no." He objected. "I can take some more. I'm fine." He emphasized the 'fine' by dragging it out and widening his eyes as he said it. I busted out into a fit of laughter.

I was in such a drunken state myself but I was acting better than Jake was. Nate was sitting across from us at the table laughing at our stupidity. "Nate!" I squealed. "Take a shot!" I'm pretty sure I've told him to take a shot before, but I'm telling him again.

"I'm fine, Sam." He laughed. "Thank you." Nate picked up his bottle of water and drank it.

"Oh, well. I gots to use the little ladies room." I stood up to quickly that I fell down into my chair. Nate offered to help me up but I declined him, waving him off.

Once I got to my feet and stabilized myself I walked over to the restroom. Surprisingly there was no line nor was there anyone. I leaned on the sink counter and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Nice outfit tonight, babe." I did a gun sign at myself through the mirror and clicked my tongue. I swiftly turned on my heel and walked into one of the stalls.

While I was using the toilet, I decided to check my phone really quick. I looked at my homescreen background and it was of me and Kate. My thoughts were quick to change.

Kate and Niall. Niall. I scrunched my face up and started muttering incoherent words. "Let's see about that." I mumbled as I started scrolling through my phone.

I leaned my head against the side of the stall and pressed the phone to my ear. With every dial tone that rang, my anger built up. I heard the dial tone stop. He picked up.

"Samantha?" His gruff, rusty voice say my name.

"Listen here, buddy old pal."


Hey guys :) here's an update for you all :) 

This is sort of a filler chapter for what's to come next :) 

Thank you all for who continuously read and support this book and 'The Model' as well! Much love you to you all! 

I hope you enjoyed :) 

love u cuties xx 

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