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A/N: this is by far the chapter I hate the most LOL 

Nialls POV: 

I'm awake. I feel like I am awake, but everything is black. My eyes are closed, I slowly open them up to an unfamiliar ceiling. I turn my head slowly to the side and see some girl.

I scrunch my face up as I try to figure out who she is. Her hair is scattered all over face. Is it Sam? I thought as I sucked in a sharp breath.

I quickly shut my eyes and lay my head back down on the pillow as I felt the bed shift, she's getting up. I slightly open them, just enough to see through them and I see her back.

Tattoos. It can't be Sam. I see her walk into the bathroom and shut the door. I quickly sat up and looked for my clothes while I pondered the question of what the fuck happened last night. 

I found my clothes at the foot of the door and swiftly slide them on. I leave a little note saying how last night was 'fun' and that I'll give her a call and that I am sorry for leaving so fast I just had to get somewhere. 

I didn't have to be anywhere, I just wanted to get out of there. I opened her front door and shut it, a breath left my lips as I felt the reassurance of not being caught leaving. 

I pulled on my jacket, combed my fingers through my hair and walked into the streets. I'm halfway home when my phone starts ringing. 

"Niall here," I said as I put the phone up to my ear. 

"Hey, it's Sam," I heard her voice. I couldn't help but smile at the fact that I didn't sleep with her last night. Not saying that I don't want to, because, fuck, do I want to. 

"Samantha," I uttered stupidly. I smacked my forehead with my palm. 

I heard her take in a breath and mutter nervously,  "Yeah, hey. Uhm, I'm at the hospital right now and.." she trailed off, "Ray is wondering if you'd like to come down here," she finished with a hint of annoyance in her voice. 

At that moment, everything from last night flooded my head. "Yeah, I'll be there in maybe twenty five minutes," I absentmindedly said. 

I recalled everything from last night. Jake and I went to this bar and had a few drinks. Scratch that, we had too much to drink. We were so shit faced, we got kicked out a few bars for being obnoxious. 

We finally sobered up a bit and were allowed into a club. "Last spot for tonight then I got to head home," Jake patted my back as we walked into the club. 

After that I only have a few memories of what happened. I blacked out most of the time we were there. I remember dancing with that girl I woke up with, then walking out and making a call.

I almost passed my apartment because I was too depth in thought. I slapped myself a bit before walking up and into my apartment. While I was changing I started thinking more about last night. 

The only thing I remember is me blubbering into my phone, I don't know who to, what I said, or if I even made sense in such a drunken state. 

Little did I know that I would be taken home tonight.


I made it to the hospital and walked to the receptionist counter. It was Linda, "Hey, my friend called me-" I started but was cut off. 

"Samantha, yeah I know," she smiled at me. 

I gave her a confused look, "So.. do I fill something out or?" I asked while she still smiled at me. 

"Oh, no honey!" she waved her hand at me, "Just go, you remember what room right?" she asked me and I nodded. 

I walked up to the door and heard a laugh. Sam's laugh. I quickly knocked and slowly pushed the door open.

Samantha had her back facing me, but I caught Ray's eyes. "The Irish bloke has arrived!" he cheered causing me to smile at his enthusiasm.

"Hey, Ray," I walked in. "Hey, Samantha," I breathed out as her head turned to face me. 

Her eyes were wide, and bewildered. My hands flew to my hair hoping I didn't have bed hair, or sex hair. I don't even remember if I slept with her, my mind raced. 

"Hey, Niall," I heard her soft voice say. Ray pulled up a chair at the other side of his bed, making me sit directly across Samantha. Her eyes were locked on mine, forcing my eyes to keep staring into hers. I tried to look away, but every time I did my eyes would find their way back to hers. 

"Did you catch the game last night?" Ray's voice boomed with excitement. Both of our, Sam and I's, head quickly snapped into his direction. 

Ray and I were so enveloped in our conversation that Sam started to play games on her phone. She eventually got up to walk around and 'stretch her legs' but it was obvious she was bored. 

Ray's head followed hers as she walked out, as soon as she closed the door he snapped his gaze at me. 

"What do you intend on doing with Samantha?" his voice immediately got deep and stern. 

Caught off guard by the question, I stumbled out a response. "Uhh.. I intend on being.. friends, maybe or.. maybe something more with Sam. I'm, uh, not quite sure on-" Ray cut me off. 

"Do you like her?" he spat out, not giving me a chance to get a good grip on what was happening. 

I cleared my throat, "I like her as a friend, yes,"

"Do you plan on liking her more?" he asked. 

Confused by his question, I answered with a question. "Do you mean do I plan to like like her? Or-"

"Do you plan on loving her? To love Samantha," Ray said. I was completely taken aback from such a straight forward conversation with Ray. Ray! Who I knew for a day or two. Ray who is such a nice, old man. The person Samantha frequently hangs out with. 

I wasn't the only one who was shocked by what Ray has said because just a second later, the door slipped open. Revealing Samantha with her eyes wide open, and her jaw on the floor. 


Hey guys :) I decided to make a chapter in Nialls pov to try it out, but idk I don't think I really enjoy it as much as writing in Sams pov haha. 

Plus I wasn't really satisfied with this chapter, I found it kind of repetitive, especially in the beginning. This was also sort of a filler chapter haha. And I didn't edit this so yeah.

But I hoped you enjoyed! Thank you so much for reading, voting, and commenting! I love reading what you guys have to say!

So yeah, vote and comment some more!

enjoy! love u cuties x 

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