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As Nathan got up to leave I heard Samantha's light footsteps as she walked closer to me. As a reflex, I smelled my breath. It reaked of alcohol, causing me to gag as she sat down.

"Do you hate me that much that I cause you to gag?" She sounded annoyed.

I shook my head furiously, "No, no, no. I-It's my breath." I explained, "It smells awful."

"I wonder why." She muttered.

"Sam-" She cut me off.

"Why?" She questioned, "Why are you like this? Why are we here? Why are you pretending to be okay with this," she moved her hands in circles gesturing to everything around us, "when you obviously aren't?"

"I thought I would be. I thought if coming here and seeing you happy that I would be happy." I explained quietly.

"Niall, it's impossible for that to happen! These things take time. I would've been fine if you didn't want to speak for me for a day or two, that's perfectly normal. But you made this worse by making us all go out and bringing Nate along when you'd know that we'd be together most of the time. You just made it worse for yourself!" She raised her voice, frustrated.

"I couldn't stand not seeing you anymore, Samantha!" I grunted. "Two weeks was too fucking long." She became quiet.

I shifted my body so that I was facing her. Her knees were up against her chest, her arms wrapped around her knees. Her hair cascaded down her back in layers that were recently cut. Her baby hairs floating around her face from the slight breeze.

I inhaled deeply. Whispering, "Do you know what went through my head everyday during those two weeks?" She didn't answer. "I thought about you. I wondered how you were, what you were doing, if you were safe, if you were happy. I thought about the people you'll be meeting, how happy you are when you meet knew people."

"I wondered if you were up in your apartment, in your bed, wrapped up in blankets with the blinds shut like I was." She didn't make a sound. "I thought about you every second of those two weeks. I stayed up late wondering if you were safe at home, constantly beating myself up knowing that something might happen to you."

She closed her eyes, her mouth slightly open for her to breath. "I would walk past your work and wonder if you were working that day. If the customers were treating you right, if they tipped you enough or didn't tip you at all. You were all that I could think about, Samantha."

"I missed you so much. I've never missed someone like how I missed you, I thought I was having heart attacks from how much pain I felt." I moved closer to her, taking her hand into mine while she stayed still with her eyes closed. "During those two weeks, I've never wanted you more. I wanted to hold you, to hug you and never let you go even if you begged me to let you go because you couldn't breathe." I caught a glimpse of her smiling, I smiled too.

All of a sudden, she moved her hand out of mine and crossed her arms over her chest. "I can't do this." She whispered. My heart dropped.

"Sam, yes you can. You can, Samantha. I would treat you so good, you wouldn't believe it. I would never hurt you. You'd be the only one for me. I would never cheat on you. I'd never leave you. I'll be with you forever, as long as you'll have me. Please, Samantha. We can do this." I begged and pleaded with her but she kept shaking her head.

She got to her feet quickly, waving her hands for a taxi. "It's not that I don't want to, I just can't, Niall. Please understand." A tear fell from her eye as a taxi arrived.

"And why not?!" I raised my voice.

"Niall, please. You're drunk, you don't know what you're saying. I'm with Nathan now. I just can't do this." She started to push me into the cab. "I'll visit you tomorrow when you're sober. Please, just go home." She closed the door behind me.

I poked my head out of the window. "Samantha!" I called out to her as she began walking into the bar. "I may not be in the right state of mind tonight, but I do know one thing. Sober or not; I love you. I always have and I always will." Then the cab drove away and I leaned back into the seat closing my eyes.


I stood there motionless. Not able to decide if what I heard was real or it just sounded like it. The door of the club opened, peoples laughter, footsteps, and the music seeped out quickly then it closed. A single persons footsteps were the only thing I could hear now.

"Sam, honey, are you okay?" Kate's voice comforted me.

I spun on my heel to face her, my face failing to hide my emotions, about ready to cry. Kate grabbed me and pulled me into her just in time for my waterworks. "Shh, it's okay. It's all okay." She stroke the back of my head.


Kate and I sat quietly in my living room. We separated from the boys, they wanted to have a few more drinks before they went home so we left.

I told Kate what Niall told me, or what I thought I heard, and she was just staring at me as shocked as I was when I heard it too. "Do you.." She trailed.

"I don't know." I quickly answered.

"What if-?"

"I don't know what I'd do."

"What about-?"

"I don't know who'd I choose."

It went back and forth like this for a while, her starting a question that I've already asked myself and me answering it before she even finished the question. But she asked me something I didn't ask myself yet.

"Do you love him too?"


Hey guys! I hope you all had a great weekend and are having a great week so far :)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to like and comment!!

love u cuties xx

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