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I woke up at seven in the morning to Kate banging and calling my phone. I ignored her calls and her screams that were flowing through the front door into my bedroom. Why the hell is she here? 

As I turned to lay on my belly I heard her scream, "Sam! Get your tiny ass out of your bed and open this fucking door NOW!" I groaned louder than I probably should have and reluctantly got out of my bed. 

As soon as Kate heard me unlock my door she pushed it open and let it slam against the wall behind it. I didn't say anything to her because she woke me up for, probably, something stupid. 

"Good morning to you too, sunshine," she patted my cheeks as I plopped down onto my couch. I slapped her hand away and cuddled deeper into the cushions, searching for some kind of warmth.

I was about to fall back to sleep until I heard a loud crash come from my kitchen. I quickly shot up and looked over at Kate who was standing over the fallen coffee maker. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she spoke so quickly I could barely understand her. 

"Kate, are you serious? You come in here banging on my door, demanding me to get up and open it and seven in the morning and you break my new coffee maker? Do you know how expensive this was?" I glared at her as she picked up my, now broken, coffee maker.

"It's okay! I'll buy you one for Christmas!" she offered, trying to distract me that she broke my coffee maker. 

"Christmas is in like two weeks, Kate. How am I supposed to make coffee for two weeks without a coffee maker?" I snatched the coffee maker from her and set it on the counter, pushing it farther away from the ledge. I sighed and asked, "What do you want?"

"Well, I did want coffee but.." she looked at the coffee maker on the counter, "I don't think that works anymore," she said innocently. 

"Oh, shut up," I turned and walked towards the living room once again. This time I grabbed a blanket off the chest that held tons of blankets and extra pillows and sat in front of the tv.

I was skimming through the channels until I decided to stop and watch reruns of How I Met Your Mother. 

Kate jumped down onto the couch and slid next to me grabbing at my blanket when I didn't offer her any. "I did come here for a reason though, I didn't just come to break your coffee maker," she said as we both focused on the show.

I said a small 'hmm' signaling for her to continue on, she shifted in her seat a little bit before saying, "I want to go out with Jake again tonight, and he insisted on taking you out with us again," I opened my mouth to object but then closed it when she said, "I'm not done. I told him that you probably would say no because you didn't really like Nate," I nodded my head in agreement. 

"So," Kate continued, "he said he'll find you another guy. I met him already, and he's probably someone you'll find interesting. Plus he's hot," Kate winked.

"Why can't you just go without me?" I questioned. 

"Because I've only known Jake for like a few weeks, and I'm scared that it might get awkward if it's just me and him. Come on, Sam. I actually, kinda, like this guy," she whined.

"Can we go out to eat dinner or something? I'm not really in the mood to drink tonight," I took my eyes off the screen and looked at Kate, whose eyes were bulging out of her head. 

"Yay!" she screamed, "Yeah, sure! I'll text Jake that we had a change of plans," she whipped out her phone and started typing furiously. I shook my head at her and made the tv a little louder.


I stumbled into my apartment after a long, eight hour shift at the restaurant. Today was the busiest lunch we've had all week, and to make it worse we were short two waiters.

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