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Nialls POV

I continued to stay quiet for the rest of the ride. Sam sat in the passenger seat fuming, mumbling drunk words that were meant to offend me but it did the opposite. When I would snicker she would snap her head at me and stare at me with her wide, dilated eyes.

"Stop laughing at me." She'd slur. I'd nod my head and tuck my lips into my mouth to stop the smile that was threatening to play on my lips.

Other than her scolding me, the car ride was quiet. You could feel the tension in the air. It wasn't to the point where it was uncomfortable but you can tell it was there.

I pulled up to my apartment building. "This isn't my home." Sam whined.

"I know, it's mine." I got out of my seat and walked across the car to her door. She threw the door open before I got to her.

"I don't want you to help me." She hopped out of the car and almost fell face first onto the curb.

I caught her by the arm and let out a small chuckle, "Yes, but you need my help." I couldn't throw her arm over my shoulders because she was shorter than me, so I tried my best to hold her by the waist.

Sam kept muttering offensive words as we walked to through the lobby and towards the elevators. "I want to press it." Her light voice rang through the quietness of the lobby.

"If you can reach it without me holding you up, then go ahead." I tested. I let go of her waist and she wobbled for a bit before she found her balance. She looked over at me and gave a wide, drunken smile.

She's playful when she's drunk. I smiled to myself as she took steps before me. She was pretty content for the first few steps, before she twisted her ankle and fell. It took me a few seconds to react.

I ran up to her side and she was moaning. "Are you alright?" I asked as I laid my hand on top of hers.

She hissed, "No." I brought myself up to my feet and extended a hand to her, she hesitantly took my hand.

Once she was standing on her good foot, I bent down and hooked my arm underneath her knees and carried her inside the elevator. "Do you want to push the button now?" I teased.

She rolled her eyes, "Oh, shut your pretty mouth." She slightly hit me.

Something in the elevator changed; it was the atmosphere. Everything became quiet, our breaths were the only thing that you could hear. Our eyes were locked together, neither of us wanting to break it.

She broke it first. Her eyes trailed down my face and rested on my lips. Involuntarily, my eyes did the same. My eyes glided past her smokey make-up and down to her nose. Tiny droplets of sweat glistened in the elevator light from when she was in the club.

The motion of her lip being bitten down by her teeth caught my attention. Swiftly, my eyes landed on her dark red lips. Her bottom lip pushed past her teeth and was now even with the other side. Suddenly, her lips became closer to mine and mine were doing the same.


We both gasped. I looked up at the elevator panel, Level 10. I silently swore under my breath before walking out of it. Sam sighed heavily.

"Hold onto my shoulder. I'm going to put you down so I can open the door." I instructed as I let go of her legs. She listened.

Once I pushed open the door I was about to pick her up again but she rejected. "I got it." She muttered and limped into my apartment. She threw herself onto my couch.

I shrugged off my jacket and hung it up in the closet next to the door. Running my fingers through my hair, I sighed and walked over to her. She moved to sit up straight.

As I sat down, her head snapped to me. "Why are you like this?" Sam blurted out. I cocked my head to the side and gave her a questioning look.

"When I called, you were upset and all mean and grouchy then when we get in your car you're all lovey and sweet and kind." She blubbered.

I smiled at her. I threw my arms behind my head and my feet onto the table in front of me. "I could say the exact same thing, you know?"

"Ugh!" She gave me a cold, drunken stare. Her eyes were droopy, and slowly closing. "What-" she paused, "-ever." She huffed.

"What were you doing in a club?" I blurted out.

Her eyes shot open and her stare gave me chills, "What's it to ya?" She said with a bit too much attitude for my liking.

"You don't talk to me or Kate for three days, then we see you at your work and the same day you decide to go out with guys you don't even know!" I raised my voice at her.

"Don't yell at me!" She yelled. "Yes, you saw me at work. But who were you with? Kate! My fucking bestfriend, Niall!" She waved her hands in the air, her bun falling from the top of her head.

"I know that we weren't official, or whatever shit term you want to use. But it's common fucking courtesy, and common sense, might I add, to not go out with a girl's bestfriend. Especially someone you "dated!"' She used her fingers to quote 'dated.' I let her continue to yell at me.

"I mean," she sighed, "It's not like I like you or anything. But what you did, and what Kate did, is rude, mean, stupid, weird, and every other adjective!" She rambled on.

"I decided to go clubbing because I couldn't fucking get the picture of you and Kate," she said her name in disgust, "making sexy, googly eyes at each other. I couldn't get the picture of you with someone else but me out of my damn mind, and it hurt, Niall. It hurt every time it popped in my head." She ended in a whisper.

I was about to counter argue, but her last sentence surprised me. Did she just admit she likes me? I watched her as she plopped back down on the chair, the air making light hiss sounds as it absorbed her weight. She leaned her head on the pillow and slowly closed her eyes. In a matter of seconds, light snores escaped her mouth.

I walked over to her and straightened out her body. Putting her legs atop the couch and bringing her arms to her chest. I sat next to her. Bringing her head into my lap and moving the hair away from her face.

Her light snores were lightly travelling through my apartment, making me smile. Once I removed all the fallen hair from her face, I ran the back of my fingers up and down her cheeks. I took a deep breath.

"The reason why me and Kate are together is because..." I whispered, "we thought it would help me. I thought it would help me realize that I don't have feelings for you, that it was just a thing. It did help me realize."

A loud, single snore came from her. I smiled wider. "I realized that in the few weeks we've faked dated that I have fallen in love with you." I said freely into the air as if she was listening to me, but she wasn't. She was asleep.


heyy :) I know I said in the previous chapter that this was gonna be like heated with problems and stuff but it ended up being all cute.

anyways, hope you liked it :) next chapter will be heated with problems!

vote and comment :)

enjoy x

love u cuties

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