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A/N: I decided to not make the chapters so long now, I didn't notice how long there were before and I apologize omg. 

"What are you doing here?" "Why do you seem so nervous?" Niall and I asked at the same time. Our words clashing into each other making it wound like an absolute mess. 

"Go ahead," I offered Niall. His face scrunched up while he rubbed his hand over his mouth.

"Why are you so nervous?" his eyes clung onto mine, making it impossible for me to look away. His eyes were full of concern and wonder. 

"Because you," I whisper-shouted as I leaned into him. I suddenly realized how stupid I sounded with my two word response. "Why are you here?" I asked with a hint of attitude as my voice went back to its normal volume.

Niall dropped his head and let out a small chuckle, "I'm here because she," he pointed over at Kate, "invited me," he let his hand drop and land on my knee. I quickly jerked away from his touch.

I moved away from his touch because I wasn't comfortable with him touching me like that. Sure, I was all for it that night at the bar but that's because I had alcohol flowing through my veins. Now that I am sober it just doesn't feel right. 

Nialls hand stayed hovering over where my knee once was before slowly retreating his hand. I looked up and saw how his face fell at my harsh movement. I immediately feel bad, to reconcile with him I laid my hand on top of his and gave him a small smile before pulling away once more.

Jake and I quickly got to talking, me giving him the talk where I say if he hurts my best friend he is dead meat, him saying how he would never do anything to hurt Kate. Kate was smiling like a total idiot whenever Jake said all these things that he would never do to her. I couldn't help but smile too at the connection that was obvious between them. 

I was about to take a bite of my food when Kate pushed her chair back and stood up before me. "Sam, come," she talked to me as if I was a dog. 

I lowered my fork from my mouth and gave her a confused look, "Why?" I asked. 

"Just come," her eyes got wide. I sighed and left my fork leaning on my plate as I stood up to follow her. 

Kate linked her arm through mine and motioned for me to walk towards the restroom. As soon as we entered the restroom, Kate made a bee line towards the open stall. "You need to stop talking to Jake and talk to Niall," she said in the stall.

I looked at myself in the mirror and adjusted my shirt and flattened my hair a little before responding. "I didn't invite him here," I turned to lean against the sink, "you talk to him." I crossed my arms and waited for her to come out.

Kate walked out with an annoyed look on her face, "Just fucking talk to him, Sam. Stop being so stubborn and rude and just talk to the poor boy," she glared at me through the mirror as she washed her hands. "He was really excited about tonight when I called him. He likes you, Sam," her voice got softer as she finished her sentence. 

I was taken aback at her last few words. "No, he doesn't," I instantly said, "that night at the bar he said he doesn't do relationships. He does one time things, like me." I gave Kate a confused stare. 

"Like you?" she scoffed. "You don't do one time things, Sam. You're incapable of one night stands and stuff, who are you trying to lie to?" she laughed as I tried to object everything she just said but failed miserably. "Just give him a chance," she nudged me as she started to walk out.

I decided to listen to Kate and give Niall a chance. As we got to the table and sat down I looked over at Niall and gave him a smile. His small smile soon turned into a bright, beaming one. 


The night turned out pretty good. We drank some wine, had good laughs, and Jake choked on his food a few times from the jokes Niall told. We were all standing at the curb next to the restaurant looking for a cab we could all share. 

A cab finally stopped for us and we all quickly got in. We decided I should get dropped off first since I lived the closest. I gave the driver my address and he started to drive in the direction where my apartment was.

"Do you girls want to come?" Jake asked as I sat back in my seat. 

"Come where?" I asked as I tried to get comfortable in the small space I had.

"Niall and Jake are planning on getting drinks," Kate answered me. She leaned into me and whispered, "they don't want the night to end, I think it might be getting serious between them." I burst out laughing and the two boys gave me a funny stare.

The cab started to slow down, and I turned to see that we were close to my apartment. That was fast. "No, I'm good for the night. I think I might turn in early tonight, you boys have fun though!" I said as I handed cash to the driver and thanked him. "Take care of my girl, don't give her too  much to drink." I teased Kate while getting out of the cab.

"Since you're not going, I'm not going!" she yelled out at me as the cab started to pull away. I heard the two boys yell out a 'boys night!' and then their laughter started to fade.

I walked into my apartment and changed into my pajamas and cleaned myself up a bit. I made a cup of apple cider and carefully walked towards my couch. I decided to watch tv since it was still early and I wasn't tired just yet. I flipped through the channels, deciding to watch My Fake Fiance on ABC Family. About 30 minutes into the movie I finished my apple cider and fell into a deep slumber. 

I woke up to the sound of my phone hitting the floor. I set it on the counter as I walked in and was on vibrate. I got up and ran to check if it was okay, thankfully it was. I had a few texts and missed calls from my mom. She probably called me so much that it made my phone fall.

I turned off the television, and yawned as I walked into my room longing for my bed. I got under the covers and placed my phone on the night stand. I heard it vibrate again. Mom, I groaned. But it wasn't. It was Niall.

I decided to let it go to voicemail, not wanting to talk to him tonight. I can listen to the message when I wake up, I thought as I fell asleep once more.


Hey guys :) I don't know about you, but I like writing long chapters but I don't like reading long chapters. I didn't know that the previous ones were pretty long until I read it on my phone lol. So I decided to cut it down a bit. 

This chapter is kinda a filler chapter bc I didn't want to make it so long LOL

Why do you think Niall was calling her so late?

What do you think he wanted with her?

Pls vote and comment your thoughts and reactions!

AND THANK YOU FOR 250 READS OMG I'M GLAD YOU GUYS ACTUALLY LIKE THIS. And check out my other fic :) it's called the model where louis is an adidas model skdfdkj okay bye 

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