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I let the message he left me play out, I didn't say a word and neither did he. We stood motionless, with blank expressions plastered on our face.

As soon as the message ended, I lowered my hand back down to my side and stuffed my phone into the pocket of my jacket.

Niall's jaw fell open, no words coming out. I rocked on my feet a few times before coughing, trying to break the silence.

He covered his face with both hands, and gave them a good, hard rub. He left his left hand drop to his side, while his right hand followed along the edges of his jaw. His fingers met at his chin then pointed at me.

"It was you," he slowly spoke. I looked at him with a confused look. "I remembered calling someone last night, but I couldn't figure out who," he continued, "it was you," repeated.

"You called me," I agreed with him, not having anything else to say.

"Is that why you got so nervous and awkward all of a sudden?" he asked.

I nodded, and he threw his hands up in the air then landed on the back of his head. He ran them through his hair a few times before speaking again.

"It was just a drunken call, Samantha," he started, "please, just disregard it," he begged. His eyes were pleading with mine, begging me to forget about it.

"I can't," I whispered, "I can't 'pretend' to be your girlfriend after hearing that message, Niall!" I told him then turned around and walked away.

"I was drunk! I didn't know what I was saying!" Niall yelled out to me as I heard his footsteps, trying to catch up with me.

He flew in front of me and stopped me by putting both of his hands to my shoulders, holding me in place. "I was drunk, I didn't mean it. Any of it," he said between short breaths.

"You-" I said but Niall cut me off, "Samantha, stop being so stubborn!" he groaned.

"Do it for, Ray," his voice became softer. "Don't do it for you, or for me, do it for Ray," he bargained.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, preparing myself to argue with the Irish lad. "It'll be only temporary," he threw out.

I cocked my head to side, encouraging him to elaborate more. "It'll be only for Ray to see, which means only when we go to the hospital, right?" he got the hint and started speaking. "I told you the night we met, I don't do long-term stuff," he reassured me.

"I don't either," I responded.

"See? It'll be only temporary, neither of us will let it get to far," he gave a small smile. He let go of my shoulders and stuffed his hands back into his front pockets.

"You're lucky you're Irish," I playfully teased him and continued walking with him beside me.


A few days later

I shifted in my bed and found out how sore my body was, I worked the lunch shift today and I had to carry so many heavy plates, bowls, and cups. I threw the comforters off my body and groaned as I looked at the time; it was only three in the afternoon.

I walked out to the living room and found Kate sleeping on my couch, she needs to go home one day.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a coffee cup from the cabinet and walked towards my coffee maker. As soon as I set down the cup I realized that Kate broke it.

I looked down at my old Keurig coffee maker and found the new one that Kate bought me for Christmas sitting beside it, I squealed at the sight of my brand spanking new coffee maker. I popped in my green tea k-cup and watched my coffee maker do its magic.

Kate woke up to the smell of my tea, "hi," she mumbled as I sat down next to her.

"Kate, go home," I wasted no time in telling her.

She looked at me and gave me a dirty stare, "I will, if you tell me what's going on between you and the Irish man," she winked.

She has been asking me this for the past few days, I groaned then sipped on my tea to avoid talking.

Kate grabbed my cup and set it on the coffee table, "Tell me."

"There's nothing to tell!" my voice escalated into a high pitch. She crossed her arms at me and leaned into the chair signaling that she doesn't believe me. "Fine, fine. I'll tell you," I gave up.

"We're fake dating," I said and earned a loud squeal from Kate. I waited for her to calm down before continuing, "You know how Ray is dying, right? Yeah, he wanted to see me happy so he asked Niall all these questions like if he likes or loves me and stuff," Kate just nodded her head.

"Niall came up with the idea that since Ray only has a few good days left it should be filled with happiness and joy, and me being happy makes Ray happy," I went on, "So, he figured if we fake dated it would make Ray happy and then his last few days would be good, you know?" I shrugged at the end.

Kate's mouth was pursed into a thin line, "Do you not see how fucking stupid that is?" she snapped at me. "You do not lie to a dying man, Sam! That's not right, it's not right on any level!" she started waving her hands at me.

I let her have a go at me, telling me how insensitive, rude, and mean I was being to poor Ray. I didn't really care what she thought, because when Niall and I went to visit Ray hand-in-hand his smile could not get any bigger.


This chapter is a teeny, tiny bit shorter but it's okay :) this was also sort of a filler chapter. 

I hope this chapter was pleasing and enjoyable and not boring! 

Don't forget to vote and comment :) and share the story with your friends! btw, I also updated 'the model' :)

love u cuties xx


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