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"Goodness, Samantha! You're going to make us late!" Niall was yelling at me while I was standing in the restroom. I could hear his shoes walking back and forth in front of the front door. I was finishing putting on mascara when he started yelling at and made me poke my eye.

"We would've been out of here by now if you didn't scare me!" I yelled back. Suddenly, a blonde fellow dressed in a white t-shirt with a grey blazer and black jeans appeared in the mirror. I turned around, mascara wand still in hand, and scanned him up and down. "Damn, baby, you're hot." I playfully winked at him.

Nialls face momentarily softened from my playfulness but quickly changed back into his annoyed expression. "We're going to lose our reservations. Hurry up." He gave me a look that said we better not lose our reservations. "Okay, okay." I muttered, rushing. Twisting the cap on to the bottle of my mascara, I started to hum the chorus of a song; Unsteady by X Ambassadors. I could hear Niall outside. His foot that was tapping on the floor came to a stop and it became quiet. A few seconds later, I could hear him singing along.

Smiling as I continued to hum, I thought about how soothing his voice is. It's not something you hear every day on the radio. Niall has.. a distinguished type of voice. He can make it real quiet and raspy, loud and fun, or demanding and full of emotion. My favorite is when he closes his eyes when he sings. He completely lets go and that's when, I believe, his voice is the most beautiful.

I knew for a fact that once I started walking that the sounds of my heels would cause him to stop singing so I let him sing the chorus for me one last time. As I walked closer to him, his eyes fixated on me. I gave him a smile as I stopped right in front of him. Even with my heels I was still smaller than him. The scent of his cologne was wafted into the air as he lifted his hand to stroke his chin.

Mimicking me earlier, Niall said, "Damn, girl, you're hot."

I looked at him a questioning look, seeing if he was serious. "'Girl?'" I asked him, settling my purse on my shoulder. Niall stuffed both of his hands into his pocket, cocked his head to the side, and let out a, "Giiiiiiiiiiiiiiirl!" I bursted with laughter.

"Please, I beg of you, don't ever do that again!" I reached for the door knob and pulled the door open. I walked out of my apartment still laughing at Niall.

Once Niall and I got into his car, I quickly inserted the aux line into my phone and started playing Unsteady. I peaked over at Niall who had a small, absent smile playing on his lips. "I heard you humming you know." His voice was soft and low.

"I know, I heard you singing. I didn't want you to stop singing so I let you continue for one more chorus." I squeezed his arm.

"Oh, great." Niall teased, "So, you purposely made us late?" He looked at me as a red light caught us. A lighthearted smile was beaming at me. He gave me a quick wink before looking back on the road as the light turned green.

I rolled my eyes, even though he couldn't see me, and muttered, "Oh, be quiet," before resting back into my seat. I looked out of my window, city buildings passing me by with the sunset reflecting off their glass windows. Women, men, teenagers, mothers, daughters, son, toddlers, and babies were seen scattered on the sidewalks or on outside seatings of restaurants. Through our quiet ride to dinner, I could hear their laughs seep through my cracked window. I could hear the music perfectly setting the mood in restaurants. I quickly fell asleep.


I felt shaking. Something was shaking. I don't know if it was me or the Earth or what, but I felt it. Then a voice appeared, quiet then loud. "Sam." it said. Who is it? "Samantha." It called again. It's starting to sound familiar but I can't quite put my finger on it. "Babe." Okay, now it's coming together. I felt another shake, one after another, and with a final shake I was awake.

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