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"Hey! Hey!" I yelled as Niall leaned into my arm as he downed another shot. This might have been his fourth shot in the past twenty minutes. I lost count.

"What're you trying to do to me?" He laughed, the smell of alcohol seeping out of his mouth. Niall's accent has grown thicker due to the amount of alcohol coursing through his veins.

Laughing, I patted him on the shoulders and told him to sit down. "So, Irish Man." I grinned and Niall busted out laughing. "You called me 'Irish Man'!" He yelled and I laughed harder.

"Irish Man!" He yelled and he swiveled on his chair that clearly wasn't meant to swivel causing him to slip out of his chair and fall on the ground. "Oh, shit." I cursed and reached over and pulled him up by the shirt.

Sam looked over at me as she heard the thud of Niall hitting the floor. Her eyes were burning holes into my head while I gave her a weak smile and patted Niall on the back. "You alright, boy?" I squeezed his shoulders and felt him pull away.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing, you're just hurting me." Niall spoke. I barely understood him through his accent.

"Oh, uh, sorry." I removed my hand and slapped the table. Niall's back straightened up and he looked awake now. "So, what do you do when you're not at work, Niall?" I took a gulp of beer.

Niall looked at his shirt that was all bunched up from where I pulled him up. "Why is it so messy?" He mumbled, slowly lifting his hand to the bunch. "This is a new shirt." He started to whine.

Oh, great. He's a fucking whiner.

"I paid good money for this shirt, Don." Niall looked at me with droopy eyes and a frown. "I got this last week and it's already my favorite shirt." He started whimpering. Loud. He started saying some other crap but I couldn't understand so I let him let it out while I drank my beer.

"Don, what did you do?" I heard my sister's voice approach the table. I turned to her and looked at Niall whose head was on the table.

"I don't know what to tell you, Sam." I answered.

The moment I said her name Niall stopped whining and sat up. "Sam." He said in a really breathy voice. I looked at him with wide eyes and confusion. His frown quickly turned into a flirty smirk.

"Hey, Niall. How's it going?" Sam asked while she sat down.

"Much better now that you're here." Niall winked at her. What the fuck is this guy doing?

Sam laughed uncomfortably as she looked between Niall and me. "Oookay." She dragged out.

"I'll go get us some water. Hopefully it will sober him up." She stood up.

"Hopefully." I scoffed.

The moment she left, Niall shifted back into his whiny ass self. "You have a great sister, Don," he said, "I know I screwed up with her before but, I'm telling you, I am so happy she's giving me another chance."

My head snapped up and I looked at the drunk man across from me. I could feel my eyes grow wide and my eyebrows start to knit together. "What do you mean you screwed up?" I said in a low voice.

Niall visibly tensed. This little shit didn't even try to hide it. I could see it in his face that he was scared of what to say next.

"Didn't, uhm," he paused, "didn't S-Sam tell you?" His voice went up an octave and he quickly reached for his drink.

"No, apparently my sister doesn't tell me jack anymore." I started to get angry. "What did you do?" I asked.

"I, uh, I think it's best if she tells you. Oh, here. She's coming now. I'll let you two talk. I'm going to the bathroom." Niall blurted out and almost tripped trying to get out of his chair.

"Hey, where are you going?" I heard Sam ask him.

"Bathroom. Can't talk. Talk to Don." He yelled as he walked away.

"Why does he act so macho around you but around me he acts like a little girl?" I questioned her as soon she sat down.

"I honestly don't know. I've also realized that when he's had something to drink he acts real tough." Sam replied.

"He's not acting tough around me." I mumbled before taking a sip of water. "Anyways, how did Niall screw up before?"

Sam choked on her water the moment I asked. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't fucking lie to me. We used to tell each other everything and here you are now lying to my face! What did the little leprechaun do?" I asked.

"It's not that big of a deal, Don. I've already dealt with it." She sighed.

"Sammy. You are going to tell me what he did. And if you don't then I'll just assume the worst and beat his little ass up." I snarled.

"Damn it. Fine, Don. A friend of Niall's made a bet with him saying that Niall couldn't hook up with me. So, when we first met his intention was to, you know, sleep with me but it didn't go that way." She started.

"Oh, thank God." I intervened.

She gave me a nasty look. "So, he didn't want to lose the bet so he pretended to date me and stuff and it just got messy and I ended up being hurt and upset. I told you it's over with so no big deal."

"No big deal?! He was going to do you for a bet! How is that no big deal? Was he just going to hump and dump you if he had the chance? Who knows if he's not doing all this for that stupid bet!" I yelled which earned me stares from the people around us.

"He's not!" She yelled back.

"How do you know?" I asked but before she could answer I spoke again. "I'm going to find out right now." I stood up from my chair and started walking to the bathroom. I heard her chair scoot back and her footsteps running after me. "Don!" She yelled.

Once I got to the bathroom hallway Niall was coming out. I grabbed his shirt by fistfuls and pinned him to the wall.

"My shirt." He whined.

"I don't give a fuck about your shirt! Who are you to think you can mess with my little sister like that? Using her to win a stupid fucking bet?" I yelled in his face.

"I-I" He stuttered.

"How do I know if you're not here playing around with her again, huh?" I asked but he didn't speak. "Answer me." I growled at him.

"Because I love her!" He yelled. My hands loosened their grip on his shirt and I pulled my weight off of his body, unpinning him.

"You what?" I asked.

"I love her, Don. I love your sister." He said while straightening his shirt. "I know what I did was wrong and that you should probably kick my ass for doing it but I'm not playing around this time. I care about Samantha and I never want to hurt her again. I love her."

I looked at his face. Contemplating if he was genuine or just fucking with me. But all I could see was sincerity. "Alright." I patted him on his shoulder.

We started to walk out of the hallway before something stopped us. "You what?" Sam asked.


Hey! So I know it's late but I've been busy. Also, I've been thinking that this story will be updated when I have the time. It's my senior year and I have a lot of things going on right now. 

Don't forget to comment and vote!

love u cuties xx 

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