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I slowly stood up, staring down Niall as I did. I saw Kate lean closer, deeper into the couch. Hiding herself from what's about to happen. It was obvious what was going to happen next. Tension quickly filled the room; it was thick.

Nialls eyes, if they weren't open enough, widened more. The sleep that once filled his eyes was replaced with confusion and a fear lightly danced in his eyes. "W-what's up?" He stuttered.

"I'm going to speak and you're going to listen." I stated, walking around the couch over to him. My voice low with anger.

"I don't know who, in this world, you think you are to 'fake date' me. Who are you to accept a bet from Jake, your so called friend, to see if you can get with me? Didn't your mom teach you better than that?" I angrily said. My hands opening and closing as I spoke.

Nialls face went pale with shock then a dark pink with embarrassment. I quickly spoke again, "I don't know what goes on in a guys mind when they see girls, but, seeing from your point of view, it probably goes something along the lines of 'oh, dude, she's so hot. I bet I can score with her tonight. Oh you don't think so? Let's make a bet on it.'" My voice sounded deep and stupid as I tried to do a male voice.

Niall was quiet. He didn't object to anything I was saying, not trying to relieve himself from the embarrassment that I was causing him. He just stood there; hands lying motionlessly by his sides, head hung slightly down, eyes looking directly at mine.

My mind was racing with things that I could be mad about. I wasn't thinking about what I was saying. Once the words formed a line, I just opened my mouth and they all fell out. "Yeah, Niall, I know." I pointed to myself.

I heard him inhale deeply through his nose. "I know about your little fucking bet with Jake. I know that he bet that you couldn't 'get with me.' I know that you took that stupid fucking bet, too." My voice cracked at the end, the hurt that I was feeling overcame my anger for a second. I shoved it back down. I wasn't done.

I sniffled and narrowed my eyebrows more, keeping up my heated demeanor. I saw him open his mouth about to talk, but I quickly moved my hand up telling him to stop. "How dare you accept that bet. How fucking dare you try to coax me into sleeping with you that night." I spat out.

"You know," I lightly laughed, "I was actually all in for sleeping with you. You seemed like a cool guy and, honestly, you looked really hot that night." Kate snorted from behind me. I forgot that she was there, but I ignored it.

"And I was ashamed when I stopped you, but you know what? I'm glad I did. I'm fucking thrilled that I didn't because, then, it didn't give you the pleasure of victory from winning a stupid ass bet." I moved closer to him with every word. Niall barely blinked. It was evident that he was in shock. I wouldn't blame him.

I paused for a few minutes. Thinking about what I said and how true it was. I started to laugh, the joy from not giving him the pleasure of winning overwhelmed me. "You don't how glad I am that we didn't sleep together." I said in between laughs.

"Sam." He finally spoke. His voice hoarse from either just being woken up or from the amount of time he was silent. He lifted up his hand, positioning it as if asking for my hand. I looked down at it with disgust. "Don't." I spat.

"To go above and beyond your little bet," I continued, not wanting to hear him talk, "You wanted to fake date me. And what was your reason?" I cocked my head to the side.

"To make Ray happy.." He whispered.

"To make Ray happy!" I exclaimed and threw my hands in the air as if I found an answer to a long thought about question. I lowered my voice, "Was this a part of your bet? I wouldn't sleep with you that one night so you end up trying to date me to try and get me to sleep with you then?" I harshly whispered.

"No, no it wasn't." Niall whispered between my questions.

"Then you show up out of nowhere," I interrupt him, "when I'm having a good time not thinking about you. You drag me out of the club and to your freaking apartment, and I wake up to my best friend who, by the way I know everything between you two," I quickly spoke, "came over here to talk to you about how idiotic you are."

I whipped my head around and saw Kate staring at us bug-eyed. Her chin was sunk into the couch's pillow, her eyes the only think visible. I turned back to stare at Niall who was looking between Kate and I.

Once his eyes shifted back to mine I stared at his keenly. "You seemed like a really nice guy, Niall. All those times we were together, I find you very nice. But I don't know who you are because of everything you've done. So, I just have one thing to say: go fuck yourself." My tone shifted from sweet to pissed off quickly.

I turned on my heel and grabbed anything that was mine or Kates that laid on the couch and started walking away. "We can go now." I said to Kate. She wasted no time in moving. She scrambled to her feet, obvious that she didn't want to stay there anymore.

I walked out of Nialls apartment without looking back once. Kate followed close behind me. The sound of his door shutting broke the silence, followed by Kate. "Don't you think that was a bit.. mean?" She whispered.

"Good." I scoffed. "Let him have a taste of his own medicine." I walked faster, not wanting to hear her scold me.


This book has over 7k reads! This is surreal! Thank you all who continue to read this :) I, personally, like The Model more. Maybe it's because I'm a Louis girl or whatever haha. But this has waaay more views than The Model does haha.

I am grateful, nonetheless. Thank you so much!

I hope you enjoyed!

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Have a great week :)

love u cuties xx

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