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My alarm clock started blaring at eight in the morning. Yes, I am old fashioned; I still use alarm clocks. But it's not just any, cheap radio. The radio that was displayed on top of my headboard, that was conveniently also a shelf, was a vintage one. Gold with a hint of silver in the bells.

The moment it started to dance around my headboard, making tapping noises, I knew I had to get up or it would fall down and break. I groaned and grunted as I shifted beneath my comforter. I managed to wrap myself like a new born baby being swaddled. I opened one of my eyes to spot where my alarm clock was dancing.

I opened it just in time because two seconds later it would have fallen onto the floor. I lunged towards the right side of my headboard and turned it off. "About time." A female voice spoke. I quickly turned around to see who it was, gasping from shock. It was Mrs. Green, my apartment cleaner.

"Oh, hey." My voice came out hoarse. "How are you today, Mrs. Green?" I asked as I flopped back into bed, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"I'm doing just fine, thank you." She was standing in the middle of my door way. She did this every time my alarm would ring longer than it usually does. I knew she secretly wanted to see me panic and rush towards the old alarm clock, she just never said anything. "And the weather?" I slowly got out of bed and stretched.

"Oh, it is lovely outside. It's cloudy and there's a little wind. I'd say it'd turn out to be a perfect day." She walked towards my bed and started to pull at the comforter, fixing it.

"No, no, no," I rushed to her and gently grabbed the blanket from her hands. "You don't need to fix my bed. I can do it." I gave her a smile and she sweetly returned it. Mrs. Green came twice a week because I rarely had the time to clean up after myself. I would but I'm just busy at work. I wouldn't say she's an old lady but she was getting there, but she was really active.

She mumbled an okay and left my room. As I lifted my duvet up above my head, I caught a glimpse of what I was wearing. "Thank God I wore pants to sleep last night." I mumbled. It would've been awkward if she came in here and I was just in my boxers.

After fixing my bed, I grabbed my towel off its hanger and started the shower. In the middle of showering, I thought about Samantha. I haven't seen her in two days. The last time was our date. She's been busy with Kate and work, and I've been busy with work period. I didn't have anything busy today and, with Mrs. Green word for it, it's a perfect day.

Today was Tuesday and I remember Sam saying only Tuesdays and Thursdays she only works for half of the day. I wanted to see her.


After spending a few hours at home, I told Mrs. Green she didn't have to be here today, I was on my way to Samantha's work place. I took my time walking down the street because I still had about thirty minutes until her shift was over.

My hands were shoved into my front pockets and my head was tilted higher than usual, my face capturing the sunlight. I had a shy smile on my face. Mrs. Green was right, I thought, today is a perfect day.

I passed by a small flower shop and stopped. The flowers smelled better today than they usually did. I literally had to 'stop to smell the roses.' I thought about getting Samantha a few flowers but changed my mind. I've never seen any flowers in her apartment, she probably doesn't like them.

I've been absentmindedly walking, staring up and down the buildings, amazed by how the light that was behind the clothes beautifully shined on these tall buildings. The weather has also put everyone in a good mood. Everyone is usually in a hurry, pushing and shoving people aside who are walking slower than they wanted them to. But everyone was calm and collected today. It was comforting.

In a matter of time, I was at the entrance of Samantha's work. I shook my arm and looked at my watch. I still had about fifteen minutes until she was off so I decided to check out the little shops that were around. I walked into a shop that had hand crafted wooden and glass trinkets. It was an odd combination to make together but inside the store was fascinating.

I saw everything ranging from wooden Christmas decorations to wind chimes, from glass turtles to glass jewelry boxes. I took my time, taking tiny steps, being ever so cautious about the things around me, looking at each and every little thing that was in this store. I hadn't noticed, but there were a few wooden and glass clocks along a wall. They all dinged and donged twelve times.

Lunch time.

I looked at my watch and realized I've been wandering around this store for fifteen minutes. I carefully made my way out and walked back to Samantha's work, walking right in. The smell of food and a hint of cleaning liquids hit me the moment I walked in. "Good afternoon! For one?" The hostess greeted me.

"No, actually, I'm looking for someone. Samantha?" I put my forearm on the top of the podium, leaning into it. The hostess, I saw, swallowed hard. "She just got off but she's having lunch right now. She's at the booth, right around the corner." She pointed me to the direction of the booths. I tapped the podium lightly and said a low 'thanks' before walking away.

A smile was playing on my lips as I inched closer towards the booths, excited to see her. As I rounded the corner, I peaked into the first booth. She wasn't there. I apologized to the people sitting there and told them I was looking for someone. Walking down the row of booths, I started to grow anxious because I didn't see her.

Finally, I reached the last booth and thought she ought to be in this one. I leaned against tall, wooden backrest. "Hey-" I quickly shut up because, I realized, Samantha wasn't alone. There was a guy sitting across from her.


Hey guys!

So, Niall has a girlfriend, huh? In real life, I mean. I'm actually really happy for him! He deserves some sugar, but she better treat him well because he's the sweetest person out there. She's really lucky! And they're actually pretty cute together.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment!

Have a great weekend! And please stay safe!

love u cuties xx

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