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Back to Sams POV (bc I didn't like writing in Nialls pov lol)

"Ray!" I yelled as soon as I gathered myself, Ray just dead ass asked Niall if he 'loves me.'

Both heads were staring at me with wide, shocked eyes. "Hi," Ray squeaked and gave me a small smile.

"No, no, don't you smile at me," I walked up to him waving my finger in his face, "what are you doing?" I raised my voice, trying to have a sense of authority.

Niall quietly got up and excused himself from the room, I felt a bit embarrassed by how Ray acted. Ray was a father figure to me, I've been visiting him for about a year and half now, we've gotten really close. I loved Ray with all my heart, but I was just so upset with him right now.

"You can't just ask him if he loves me!" I practically shouted as I waved my hands in the air. "Ray, we met two days ago, two," I dropped into my previous chair.

"Sam, listen-" he started, but I didn't let him finish. "That's not even enough time for him to like me, Ray! Let alone love me, I can't believe you did that!" I ranted on more about how unbelievable he was being.

"Sam!" Ray yelled as he noticed I wasn't going to stop anytime soon, this made me shut up. I narrowed my eyes at him as I stopped talking.

He sighed, "I just wanted to make sure you were going to be taken care of," his voice dropped.

"What?" I choked out, "Ray, you know I take care of myself," I softened my tone.

"I know you do, but I wanted to make sure. I'm not going to be here forever, you know?" he laughed lightly.

This was the first time he ever mentioned something about him 'not being here' I stared at him in confusion, wondering what he was talking about.

"Ray.." my voice trailed off as I got an idea of what he was saying, "what are you saying?" I scooted my chair closer to his bed, suddenly feeling so far from him.

"I'm dying, Sam.." he dropped his head.

My heart broke into a million fucking pieces. "What? No, no, you aren't, Ray. No you aren't, I won't let you. You can't!" I started screaming.

"Sam, hey, sam," Ray tried to calm me down, but it all made me worse.

"Ray, you can't. You can't leave me," I shot out of my chair and pacing around the room.

My eyes started watering, my heart started beating rapidly, I was pulling at my hair while the tears started to leave my eyes.

"Sam, don't cry, honey," Ray motioned for me to come over. I quickly ran into his arms, and the real tears started to come. I was full on sobbing, soaking his blankets.

"It'll all be okay," he tried to comfort me by stroking my back, so soft and gentle.

After a few minutes of silence except my tears, he spoke up. "I asked him those questions because I wanted to know you will be taken care of, you are like the daughter I never had Sam. You know that," he said to me, "I just want what's best for you," he whispered.

"But, Ray," I said containing myself, "why now? Why all of a sudden?" I begged for him to tell me why.

"I've been sick for a while now, Sam. But the doctors saw some improvement in me, we thought I was going to get better. I was about to leave next week," he chuckled, "but today they saw something they haven't seen before," he sighed.

"That's why I kind of had an episode," he confessed. I asked him more questions about what happened, what was going on, and what is going to come. He told me everything.

After he told me all the things I wanted to know, Niall walked back in.

"Perfect timing," Ray nudged me with a smile. God, I'll miss him so much. I smiled, holding back the tears.

"I'm sorry I bombarded you with all those questions, Niall," he apologized as Niall sat down.

"It's fine, Ray," Niall gave a forgiving smile, "It did catch me off guard though," a nervous smile escaped his lips. Ray and I laughed with him.

Ray yawned then said, "Sam is just like a daughter to me, you know? I just wanted to make sure that, if she ever got with you, you'd take care of her. You know?" he yawned again.

"I just want to see her happy," he faced me, "she hasn't had a boyfriend in a while you know," he 'whispered' to Niall to which I called him out on and he laughed.

I checked the time and it was getting close to nine, "I'll see you tomorrow, Ray," I said as I got up, "if not tomorrow then the next day," I gave him a kiss on the head and walked out with Niall behind me.

Niall and I left the hospital with smiles on our faces, thinking back on the last few hours we had with Ray.

"Hey, Samantha," Niall put his hand on my shoulder. I turned to face him, "I know it's not my place to ask but," he shoved his hand back into his pocket. Shielding it from the cold, winter air. "I overhead what Ray and you said in the room.. is he really going to die?" he asked.

I looked down at my feet and gave a slow nod, I heard him sigh as soon as I did. "I'm so sorry," he said.

I looked up at his face and I saw how distraught he was. He may have met Ray only twice, but that man could make such an impact on someone.

"I have an idea," he quickly perked up. I shot him a glare and asked, "What is it?"

"You don't have to agree, but just hear me out," his hands were in front of him in a way of him saying that he means no harm.

"Well, what is it then?" I asked again, getting impatient.

"Ray, said he wants to see you happy, yeah? And he thought that you'd be happy with me, right?" he questioned.

"Yeah, yeah, what's your point, blondie?" I asked. Niall smiled at the little nickname I've used a few times now.

"What if we dated?" he spat out, I was quick to objectify but he cut me off. "Fake dated," he clarified, "just to make Ray happy, let him live his last final days happy," he smiled.

"I don't know what kind of twisted person you are to lie to a dying man," I scoffed, he dropped his head in shame.

"But I'm in," I continued, his face snapped up and he had the biggest smile I have ever seen.


I know some of you'll probably hate me for killing off Ray, and I'm sorry! But hey, someone's got to die, right? (bad joke, I know)

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! 

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Btw I'll be updating this every Monday 

love u cuties xx

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