#12: Your dog bites his 'mini him'

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Harry: "Babe?" Harry yelled. "Yes Harry?" "Have you seen my car keys anywhere?" "The last time I saw them you dropped them on top of buddy's bed." Harry groaned. Him, and Buddy never had a great relationship. Both of them always fighting for your attention. At first Buddy was faun of both of you but he got closer to you, and Harry looked at him as a enemy he swore that Buddy had a crush on you but you would laugh it off. "Can you get them for me? Please." "Harry I'm busy making dinner!" He huffed but went into your room where Buddy's bed was. "God damn dog!" He growled as he saw his keys all chewed up. "I knew we should have gotten a cat!" He said loud enough for you to hear. He bent down, and grabbed his keys then standing up heading towards you. "Okay love I'm off to the studio." He leaned down, and gave you a kiss. He smirked into it as he heard Buddy growling. But that smirked got wiped off as he yelped, and cupped his 'friend'. "Bloody hell!" He cried. Buddy ignored him as he happily walked towards you wagging his tail. You put a hand to your mouth trying to suppress your giggles.

Liam: Liam, and Loki were out on a walk for a while, and both came home tired... Well mostly Liam. Loki wanted to play fetch. "Later Loki. Daddy is tired." Liam went to take a shower, and then went to bed. Loki looked at you pleadingly. "Aw Loki! I would baba but I have to go to work." You smiled sadly at the dog, and kissed his nose. "Bye Liam!" "Bye beautiful!" Loki ran into your bedroom, and jumped on the bed laying next to Liam. "I'm sorry Daddy is being mean Loki." He patted the dog's head. Loki dropped the ball on Liam, and looked at him with sad, pleading puppy eyes. "Fine. ONE." He grabbed the ball, and threw it. Loki jumped in happiness, and went after the ball. Liam sighed in content, and closed his eyes. Only having them blast open when Loki dropped the ball on him again. "No Loki. Go play by yourself for a bit." Loki whined but did as told. Except he accidently bit Liam's 'ball'. "Oh good god! Not that ball Loki!" He cried in pain.

Louis: "SUPER MAAAAAAAAANNNNN!" Louis yelled as he blasted for the door. The dog jumped up at the mention of his name barking, and jumping back, and forth in a playing matter. "Come at me boy." Louis teased patting his hands on the couch Super Man was on while his paws attempted to catch Lou's hand. Louis chuckled, and sat on the couch. "Hey babe." he smiled at you. "Hi Louis." You both kissed, and then pulled apart hearing a growl. "Oh no. jealous dog alert!" you smirked. Super Man was very possessive of Louis, and never let you two be close. Louis chuckled, and stuck his tongue at you. "Your just jealous no one loves you like he loves me!" He joked. You fake cried. "Your right! I should just go to Channing Tatum!" You smirked. Louis rolled his eyes. "Never! Right Super Man she's ours!" Louis pat his lap instructing Super Man to sit on his lap. He did. Louis decide to be the booger he Is, and kept gripping the dogs mug, and laughed at his attempts at trying to bite him. Super Man got frustrated, and stopped. So did Louis, but once he put his hands down the dog aimed, and bit Louis's 'carrot'. "HOLY FUCKING FIRE TRUCKS!" He whined as he cupped his lower region.

Zayn: Zayn had chosen a bad day to play around with your dog Milo. "Milo! Milo! Milo!" Zayn said every time he grabbed his mug. Milo would growl in anger, and bite his hand but Zayn would keep going. "Come on Milo. Who's a good mug!? Who's a good mug? You are!" Zayn baby talked at him. "Zayn babe leave him alone. He just had a bad day. Poor dog had to go get his shots!" Zayn whined at your request but stopped as he saw your 'try it again, and i'll make sure you won't see daylight' face. Milo hopped on the couch, and laid on your lap snoring in content. But Zayn being the stubborn boy he is gripped Milo's mug yet again. Milo woke up instantly, and growled at him pouncing on Zayn, and trying to bite his hands. Zayn did the mistake of hiding his hands behind his back, and Milo settled for something a little lower. "Holy fucking balls!"

Niall: Niall had gotten you guys a guard dog named Salvador (Savior in Spanish) for when he was gone on tour. One night while you were deep asleep Niall had come home early from tour, and since all the lights were out he couldn't see balls! He kept bumping into things while trying to find the light switch. You were a deep sleeper so you didn't even flinch at the noises. But Savior did. He jumped off your bed, and ran into the direction of the noise immediately growling. "Sh Savior!" Niall pleaded. But Savior had no idea he person he was about to attack was his other owner. Savior ran at full force at Niall only to jump in attempt to bite Niall's arm but he moved making Savior bite something lower. Niall bit his lip stopping himself from screaming but to no avail did Savior look like he was going to let go. "Fucking son of a bitch! Get the fuck off!" And as a line of profanities left his mouth you turned the lights on, and giggled. Niall glared at the dog who now let go of his 'manly region'. Savior looked at him with pleading bright blue eyes, and Niall couldn't help but smile. But his smile held pain as well that lasted for a month, and a half.


Hello loves! First off I would like to inform you that NO ONE DIRECTION MEMBERS WERE SEVERELY HURT DURING THE MAKING OF THIS STORY! Secondly..... Did you like it? If so which one was your favorite?

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~D.J. <3

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