#6: (C.S) Your relationship ends in ...

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Harry: SURPRISE!!!! (2 1/2 years later)

"That will be $4 doll." The cashier said flirtatiously. You fake smiled, and handed him the money. But someone shoved their money at him. "Here you go lad. Shall we leave love?" A deep accented voice said.. British?.... Your eyes widen as you looked up, and saw those emerald green eyes. "H-Harry?" He looked older.. In a good way. More mature, But he still had that playful attitude. He winked at you, and wrapped his arm around your waist. "We'll be on our way now. Good day lad." He said. "G-Good day mister." The cashier stuttered. Harry led you out, and started chuckling. You smacked his chest, and glared at him playfully. "You almost made him piss his pants you wanker!" You giggled. Harry looked at you with so much love that you didn't know how that was directed towards you. "(y/n) I just want you to know that... I've cleaned myself up, and I am more ready than ever to have a stable relationship. But I want that stable relationship with you. The girl of my dreams." He breathed out. You were astonished by this. This wasn't the Harry you had left 4 1/2 years ago. "Harry?" He looked down at you. "... Have you gone mad!?" You asked touching his forehead dramatically. "Oh boy you have a bad case of the love bug." you said faking fear. He chuckled, and brought you closer to him. "Your still the same lovely... Yet crazy.. But still lovely, girl I fell in love with." He kissed your cheek, and looked at you with hope. "Okay Harry I'll give us another chance. But on one condition." You said. "What's that love?" "We name our first son after Loui!" You shouted. He looked at you amused, and then shocked when he saw Louis come out with El. "Ello lad!" He shouted. Harry looked surprised. "Loueh! This is where you were all this time!? Why didn't you tell me?" Louis chuckled. "There wouldn't have been any fun in telling you. I wanted to see how far you would go to get to (y/n)." He had amusement in his voice. "Just like the time you were talking to that statue of a cat for hours remember? On how much you miss (y/n), her smile, her laugh, her eyes, her voice, and the way she can bend her body so you can hit the right spo-" "Shut up Louis!" Harry shouted with a tint of pink in his cheeks. You kissed his lips, and smiled at him. "So you missed the way my body bends huh?" You winked. He groaned knowing you were going to tease him for a long time before he 'gets it in'. Your relationship ends in undying love.

Liam: (7 years later) "(y/n) where is Leo's soccer shoes?!" Liam shouted from upstairs. "In his closet left cabinet!" You said brushing Lila's hair. "There you go baby girl. Lets get your backpack." You walked up the stairs, and heard Liam talking to Leo. "go get it sweetie, and meet me by the car okay?" Lila nodded, and did as told. You listened in to their conversation. "Why don't you want to go Leo?"... Leo stayed quiet. "If you don't speak I'm going to have to call your mum buddy." "No dad! It's just... My friend Collin.. He is special daddy right?" You saw Liam nod. "And there were these kids pushing him around, and I got mad... I- I got in a fight daddy! I- I didn't mean to! But they were h-hurting Collin, and he is like my b-brother." You heard Leo hiccupping meaning he was crying. "Come here buddy... You did what your instincts told you to do, and I'm okay with that Leo. We all do things in our life we're not proud of." He said patting his back. "B-but you haven't done anything bad daddy." You heard Liam sigh. "I did a lot of bad things buddy, and I'm not proud of them." "What kind of bad things dad?" "I'll tell you when your bigger bud. You probably wont understand now since your young, and I'm pretty sure you will hate me when I do tell you." "I could never hate you daddy.. I love you too much to hate you." You heard sniffling, and knew Liam started crying. You backed away from the door with a smile, and walked out to drive your daughter to school. When you came back two hours later (shopping and shit man... time flies with that shit...) you heard pacing in your room, and walked in seeing Liam pacing back, and forth. "Liam?" He looked up so quick you thought he got a whiplash. "Where have you been!?" He asked coming towards you. "I-I went out shopping.. Why?" "Why?! For fucks sake! I've been waiting for over 3 hours!... Or so.. ,and your no where! Were you out with Luke again... Huh?" He asked jealousy etched into his face. "No Liam... Liam, did you think I was cheating on you?" You were shocked he would think that. "Yes damn it! I mean come on! I'm not home much, and when I am we never do anything together." He said with sadness seeping through. "Liam well we have two kids now. A five year old girl, and a six year old boy. We are a busy family." Liam growled in frustration, pulling at his hair. "I get that baby. But don't you think I want something else now?" You looked at him confused. "I want another kid (y/n)." He said looking at you. ".... Liam. Why didn't you just say that in the first place?" "I.. I thought you really were with Luke." He said with guilt in his eyes. You hugged him, and whispered in his ear. "There's a reason I chose you over Luke. And its that I knew there would always be one man that could fill the void in my heart, and that man was you Li." You kissed his neck, and he moaned. "So how about that baby?" You said smirking. He looked at you with lust... 9 months later you had twins... oh yeah ;) Your relationship ended like all others.. Happy. Sure a fight here, and there but none less happy.

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