#27: He is left with a baby (Not yours)

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Hello loves! this will be in His POV :) Caution you may or may not appear in some.

Harry: I looked at the baby on my couch and then looked at the note. I did this for a few minutes more before i realized, what the fuck am i going to tell (y/n)! 'Oh hi love! yeah you see that baby well its my 2 month old baby and his mom dropped him off. She was a mistake and im sorry i never told you i slept with someone else i hope you can love me still.' Yeah right! She is the love of my life... But i love this baby already. "Hazz you got a letter." (y/n) shouted. My heart started racing as i picked up baby Geo and carried him to where i heard her voice. She turned to me looking at her phone. "Harry I have honestly no idea where i put my freaking curling iron-.... Are you baby sitting?" she said finally looking up. She squealed and made grabby hands towards Geo.I handed him to her and she caressed his chubby cheeks and gushed at him. She looks so beautiful with a baby. I smiled at her. "Look at you. You are one dashing little guy aren't ya?" She giggled pulling funny faces at the baby. He gurgled at her and she leaned down and kissed his forehead. "Love?" She turned to me and hummed. Still looking at the baby. "The baby... Its.. It's my baby." She stopped laughing and her smile turned into a straight line. She looked up at me and then at the baby. She carefully put him on my bed and grabbed a bag putting some clothes in it. "(y/n). P-Please don't leave." "You lied Harold! You toldme you didn't sleep with her, and you do this? Fuc- ... Fudge you!" she whisper shouted at me. As she pushed her way past me. I picked up Geo and followed her. "(y/n) please! I'm all he's got! His mom left him with me. I understand if you hate me but please babe, i want you to be his mum." I looked at her pleadingly. She looked at me hurt but smiled at Geo. She walked to me and kissed Geo's cheek. "Hi bubba im your mum..." She said unsure if that was what she wanted. I smiled at her. Sure it hurt that for 6 years she never looked at me the same. It hurt that we got married only to be a proper family. It hurt that she didnt want kids with me. It definitely hurt knowing she loved someone else and she cheated with them. Once. But she is mine now. (y/n) is now having our first child and Geo is as happy as ever. He never once was told (y/n) wasn't his real mom. Thats something i will never tell him. (y/n) is his mum and the only woman that owns my heart.

Liam: "Hello?.... Who's this?" i asked as a female voice on the other side started talking. "Walk outside your apartment please.... Its an emergency." I threw on a shirt and sprinted out to the front door.Where i stopped hearing a wailing sound. I looked down and saw a baby... and a woman. "L-Liam. I know you said what happened between us was a mistake but. I cant take care of Delilah no more. She is your daughter. Please take care of her." The woman i vaguely remembered said as she walked away. It took a couple minutes to register what just happened before i reacted. "Wait! What?! Hold up!" i shouted chasing after her, but it was too late. I gripped my hair and walked back to the baby. Her chocolate eyes and light brown hair reminding me of myself. "um..Hi there princess. I'm your pops Liam... Um I'm new to the parenting stuff so i hope you know your in for a ride." i chuckled lightly.She smiled a toothless smile and giggles. It warmed up my heart. "Lets get you inside yeah?" I picked her up and changed her into something warm. "Tomorrow will be a busy day Delilah. Your going to meet your uncles.But i warn you that Loui is coo coo." I laughed watching her facial expressions change every second. I could get used to this.

Louis: "What do you mean she just brought a baby and said it was yours!?" (y/n) shouted at me. "Louis you bastard! You should have told me you would cheat before i married you and let you knock me up!" She cried out. "Calm down love. Stress isn't good for our baby." I said. "No. MY baby. I need time. I'll go to Niall's flat... Yeah.. I wish you the best for now Louis. I didn't sign up for this." She spat.I grabbed her wrist and brought her to my chest. "So if i would have had children in past relationships you would do this?" i asked curiously yet frustrated from trying to make her stay. I can't lose her and my baby. But i cant give up my other baby. "No Louis because that would be different! You had them when in a relationship with their mums, you had this one while being with me! Thats not right Lou! I cant even look at you right now." She cried out. I heard the baby's cry from upstairs and pulled at my hair. I pulled her with me to the room the baby was at and sat her on the bed. I picked up Kylie and handed her to (y/n). "Hold her." i stated. She shook her head. "Hold. Her." I said more authority in my voice. She glared at me through tears and held her arms out. I placed Kylie carefully on her and watched as (y/n) looked at her curiously. A small smile found its way on her face as she rubbed her cheeks. I wrapped my arm around them and kissed her cheek. "Your going to be a great mum. To her and OUR children." I stated. She shook her head. "Im not having any more kids with you Louis." She whispered. I looked at her flabbergasted. I kept quiet though. Knowing why she would not want more kids with me. I kissed her forehead and hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry you feel that way. I cant say i wish i never cheated because that would mean Kylie wouldn't be here. Im sorry. so sorry." I sighed.


No Zayn or Niall. Sorry you see the ones i was gonna put are similar to the ones i was putting on my Ziall story so i didnt want to give anything away. Sorry :(
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~D.J. <3

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