#28.5: Your back after...

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Akso scholl is starting again so SLOW updates again :( Ill try to update over the weekend.

well your back...But will he accept you? Will he let you see your child?

Harry (2 years): You heard from rumors that he moved on. You had photos of Darcy from your mum. She was beautiful so gorgeous. You got over your.... illness and got a job that pays very good money. You were planning on a date to finally meet Darcy. You didn't care about Harry right now, he was the least of your concerns right now. You walked into starbucks and ordered a white chocolate mocha, and sat down on one of the tables. You sighed contently as the warm drink blessed your body with heat. "Mommy?" You heard a little boy call to you. You looked at him and his eyes were tear struck. Oh my god its Gemma's son! Shit. "W-wheres your mom Max?" He smiled at you. "Auntie (y/n)!" He shouted his chubby hands making grabbing gestures. You picked him up and walked outside looking for Gemma as you gave him the rest of your drink and your jacket since it was snowing. You panicked wondering if something happened. You saw a lady running around in the parking lot and chased after her ignoring the coldness and your body shaking. "Gemma!" You shouted. But she was already in her car on the phone crying and driving away. You got to your car placing Max in the back seat and got in driving to Harry's house. You ran up the steps and knocked loudly. You heard loud footsteps and the door open. "(y/n)!?" Harry asked looking at you like you were imaginary. "Harry help Gemma lost Max and i couldn't catch up to her." You cried out. He nodded and pulled you inside placing you next to the fire place. Max sat next to you hugging you trying to keep you warm. "Thank you Maxy." You mumbled kissing his cheek and hugging him tightly as you cried. Harry walked into the room and cleared his throat. "Gemma is on her way." You nodded and pulled away from Max and rubbed his cheek. "Don't ever walk away from your mum again ok? You scared us both Maxy." You cried out. He nodded and looked at you guilty. You giggled. "Your not in trouble Max." You said pulling him in for another hug. "I missed you so much Max-" "Mommy?" Her small voice called out. You were scared to turn around. "Maxy thats my mom! Shes mine!" Darcy yelled trying to pull Max off of you. "Darcy sweetie stop. Look i got two arms for the both of you." You said. She ran to your open arms and you cried harder. "I missed you mommy." "I missed you too cupcake." You heard his deep voice say. You looked at him nodding while tears fell down. He walked towards you guys and hugged you all. You later found out he never moved on. And he talked about you to Darcy all the time thats why she recognized you. You both got back together and he forgave you but hated himself for not realizing you were having mental issues.

Liam (3 years): You walked up to the familiar house and knocked on the door. A little boy you recognized as Danny, Leo's play mate, opened the door. "Hi." He said bubbly. You smiled and waved. "Is Leo home?" You asked getting to your knees to be eye level with him. He nodded and ran inside. Moments later you held your breath in as almost an exact replica of Liam walked out. "Mom?" You nodded your head and he ran to you. You held him tightly and kissed his face. "My baby boy." You cried as you looked at him. You felt a tug at the back of your shirt and turned to Lilly. Your daughter. "Mommy who's this?" She asked innocently. "Mom who is she?" Leo asked glaring at the girl for calling you mommy. "She's your sister Leo. He's your brother Lilly." You said. Leo dropped his glare and smiled brightly at her bringing her in for a hug. "Can you guys come in so we can play?!" Leo asked excitedly. You smiled. "I'm sorry babe we have to go home-" "No. Do come in. We have a lot to talk about." Liam said as he stared at you. Your eyes grew wide and you stood up quickly. Lilly hid behind you and looked at Liam. Leo smacked his dad's leg and glared at him. "Dont scare mom away again! And don't scare my little sister!" He shouted. Liam looked at you confused and angry. He motioned you to come inside. You walked inside and Leo dragged Lilly into his toy room. Liam dragged you inro the kitchen and sat you down on the stool. "Why did you tell Leo that she is his sister? They are not blood related! You left and went to go get knocked up by some guy! If that's what you wanted i could have done it, better." He seethed. Holding onto your wrist. "Well you did it." You glared at him. "What the hell are you on about?" "She is yours. I didn't know i was pregnant when i left." You whispered. He looked at you pissed off, then angry, then sad and finally happy. "She's mine? W-what's her name?" "Lilly." You said. Liam picked you up and spinned you around. He kissed your cheek mumbling thank yous and telling you how he didnt move any of your stuff. "Liam. I'm not moving back. I left for a reason. Our marriage was falling apart." You said. He looked at you shaking his head. "I still love you just as much, if not, more than before." Be mumbled kissing your lips. You let the tears start falling and he rubbed them away as he led you to where the kids were and told them the news. Leo jumping and hugging Lilly. While she looked confused and Liam laughing at her adorable face.

Louis (1 1/2 years): You saw Louis and the twins walking towards you as you met up at the train station. You had become rather famous since you left. You were a model and spanish actress. Louis looked at you with such pride and love. While the twins giggled running to you, well wobbling to you. "Hi munchkins!" You shouted and they laughed as they catched up to you. You hugged them both and kissed their cheeks. Louis walked up to you a small smile on his face and his hands in his pocket. You smiled at him and his eyes twinkled. "Hi love." He breathed out. "Hi Daddy." You winked. He laughed and shook his head at you. He pulled you up along with the twins and pulled you in for a long kiss. "I love you mom." He said. "I love you Dad." You mumbled against his neck. He helped you with your luggage while you carried the twins.

Zayn (4 years): You knew the 3 years were up and that Zayn probably moved on by now. But that wouldn't stop you from going back for Zach. You walked up to their new home, and knocked patiently. Zayn opened the door and his eyes widened as he saw you. "(y/n)." He gasped. He looked at you happily and pulled you inside touching your arms and face. "Your here!" He shouted Happily. "Daddy i cant find my crayons-... Mommy!" Zach shouted. "Are you here to stay now!? I don't like Perrie." He sighed. You looked at him and picked him up kissing his cheek. You turned to Zayn and he was rubbing his face. "It's okay Zayn. I told you to move on." You said as you noticed his eyes watering and guilt written on his face. He shook his head. "I shouldn't have done it. I lost faith. It was 4 years i thought you would be back by the 2nd year. and now... Now im a cheater!" He cried. You hugged him. "It's fine. We both made mistakes." Yoh mumbled. He pulled away from you and looked at you questioningly. "No i didn't cheat on you. I meant what caused me to leave. I- My dad is... was a Mafia leader Zayn. Remember you met me running away from the cops. I was part of his Mafia to please him. But it got back at me and they threatened you and Zach." You cried. He looked at you skeptically. "Why didnt you tell me? We could have ran away to another country (y/n)! Anywhere to still be with you! Anywhere-... What happened to your cheek?" He asked. The scar on your cheek slightly visible. You placed Zach down and told him to go play. "I was part of the Mafia Zayn. So in order to leave it. They needed to initiate a beating." You told him. He looked at you angrily. He pulled you into him. "Im sorry i didnt protect you. Im sorry i cheated. Im sorry im such a shit husband." He sobbed. You hugged him rubbing circles on his back. "Its over Zayn and i could sign the divorce papers now-" He pulled away from you and looked at you angered. "What the hell no! I want you and only you! I don't want no damn divorce!" He cried. He pulled you in tighter and kissed your neck. "I love you boo." "I love you too Z." You whispered.

Niall (2 1/2 years): You smiled as you saw the perfect place to put your mom to rest. After looking for so long. You saw the beautiful hidden yet peaceful waterfall and opened the lid. You gently put her ashes in the water and did the final thing. You took off your clothes leaving your undergarments on and jumped in. Letting the water caress your body like if it was your mom. You got out about an hour later. You walked to your hotel room took a shower and grabbed your stuff and heading to the airport. You arrived home within 2 days and walked into your home. You heard giggling and then a deep voice with a heavy accent start making funny voices. You walked to the room and saw your husband and your daughter in bed reading a bedtime story. "Can i join?" You asked.They both turned to you wide eyes and Nicole jumped out of bed. "Mom!" She giggled. Niall looked at you taking in your appearance and smiled at you. He walked up to you and kissed you on the lips. "Daddy! I figured it out! Mommy was the Princess who had a mission and you were the Prince waiting!" She clapped her hands. You gasped and looked at Niall. He smiled and hugged you tightly. "Now we know what happens next." He whispered to you playfully biting your neck. You smacked his chest lightly and chuckled. "Lets finish the story yeah?"


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~ D.J. <3

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