Dark preference series #2: When it all began

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Again this is Dark so not for the soft hearted. Also i don't think any of the boys would do this, this is called fan fiction for a reason.

Also! I have been away because I've been trying to get my man back. And no he didn't get taken away or we broke up. We didn't even date.. But we liked each other since freshman year and guys he was perfect (to me) he was a guy i could just be my perverted, nerdy self and he would just join me and i let that go and slip through my fingers for so long its almost been one year.. I might make my first move but I'm immobilized by the fear of him already moving on because we are from different academies and i haven't talked to him since the beginning of last year. This kind of makes me upset because generally i am an outgoing girl, but when it comes to doing something for myself i cant, i put everyone in front of myself but i might talk to him :) please accept my apology. i was just being a heart broken writer. But I'm making it up by making these as long as i can 😄

Zayn (3rd month into the relationship): You herd knocking downstairs and your heart pumped faster with excitement. You race down the steps to get to the living room, making your parents laugh, and opened the door. "Zaynie!" You smiled throwing yourself on him. "You look beautiful babe," He smiled looking you up and down. You were wearing your black tight dress but was down to your knees. You blushed and looked at him, wearing his black skinny jeans, white t-shirt and with a button up shirt (only the top button buttoned up.). "Y-you look sexy babe." You stated, but blushed furiously. He laughed and held you close, "You ready to go out love?" You nodded against his chest and he led you outside to his car. "Make sure to have her back by twelve. sharp." Your dad stated, Zayn nodded, "Yes sir." Your dad nodded and smiled waving you guys away. Zayn pulled out of the driveway and into the street driving to get to a date he set up. "So how was your day so far babe?" He asked, keeping his focus on the road. "Pretty swell if I do say so myself, yours?" You smiled. "Started off alright, but now?," He smiled looking at you, "Better than ever." You smiled, your cheeks reddening. He pulled into the driveway of a large home and you looked around with wide eyes. "You look like a lost puppy babe. Just follow me." He smiled as he got out of the car and opened your door helping you out. Inside the beautiful, luxurious home he had dinner set up. "Oh Zayn this is beautiful." You whispered in awe. He smiled and pulled you in for a hug. "Anything for you baby." He mumbled kissing the top of your head, "Lets eat shall we?" He smiled leading you to the table and pulling your chair out for you. "M' lady." He smirked with a posh tone. "Why thank you my good man." You laughed sitting. You both ate and laughed talking about anything and everything. By the time it hit ten you both were sitting in front of the fireplace just snuggling about and watching telly like you always did; But something felt odd this time. Zayn's hands roaming as if his life depended on it, his lips kissing all over your neck and his... soldier at full attention. "Zayn stop." You mumbled pushing his hand away from under your shirt. He sighed frustrated but kept his hands still but his lips continued their onslaught. "Zayn stop before you leave a mark!" You scolded. He growled, "Don't tell me what to fücking do! If i want to leave a mark so people know your taken ill leave my freaking mark if i want to!" He seethed as he flipped you both over so he was on top of you. He pinned you arms in one of his hands over your head and his other hand kept busy on you. "Zaynie stop! You promised you wouldn't make me do anything i didn't-" "But i love you baby, don't you wanna make me feel good?" He asked, putting emphasis on good as he thrust his èrected male sēxual organ on you. You shook your head ferociously, "No i told you i want to wait till we are together for a bit longer." You pleaded as you struggled against him, trying to get your legs loose from his weight but found it useless. "Just let it happen baby, its what people in love do right? So just let it happen." He smiled warm hearted as he began pulling his trousers off, making sure you couldn't escape first, and then proceeded to pull your short and panties down at the same time. "Zayn-" "Sh, i promise to be gentle." But thats the thing. You might have accidentally already seen the monstrosity Zayn has for a wang and don't believe gentle was in its vocabulary. You were so busy in your thoughts you didn't realize Zayn had already pushed his boxers down and was pushing into you. "Oh my god-" Your scream wad cut off by Zayn covering your mouth. "Sh it will get better baby. I promise." It didn't. He kept going until he reached his climax, and just like you thought. That thing he calls a dïck left you in so much pain you couldn't even start to explain. You had tears running down your face as Zayn snapped out of whatever trance he was in and pulled you panties and shorts back up your legs; afterwards instantly cradled you, tears going down his ace as well. "Baby I'm so fücking sorry! This will never happen again i promise baby girl." He sobbed rocking you back and forth. You held onto his shirts collar. "C-can you stand up (y/n)?" You shrugged and he stood up gently pulling you up with him, but as you straightened out you shrieked and shook your head falling to the floor. "I cant it hurts." You cried. Zayn looked at you with such distress, sadness and guilt. "Ill carry you baby." He mumbled picking you up and carrying you to his car placing you in the passengers seat. You both drove in silence but Zayn's hand on your hand rubbing soothing circles with his thumb. As he pulled up to your driveway he got out and walked to your door opening it and picked you up again, walking towards your front door. "Ill act asleep." He looked at you and nodded sadly. He knocked and your father opened the door. "Great timing- Why are you carrying her?" "She fell asleep sir, and i- i.. Didn't have the heart to wake her up." You heard your dad chuckle, "Good man you are, Im glad she found you." You felt Zayn tense but he nodded and walked inside. "May i take her to her bedroom sir?" "Please, call me dad Zayn. And of course you can." Zayn nodded and he walked to your room gently laying you down and kissing your forehead. "I love you baby. Call me if you need anything okay (y/n)?" You nodded and kissed his cheek, he caressed your cheek smiling softly and then got up and waved at you before closing your bedroom door and leaving. You sighed to yourself and pulled the blankets over yourself. Zayn promised this wouldn't happen again so, you could trust him. Right?

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