#8 B.G.S: You Cheat

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Harry: "I miss you." Harry mumbled. You smiled brightly even though he couldn't see you. "I miss you too love, but look at the bright side! Four more days and I'm home babe." You had recently gone across the Countries sponsored for different dance academies and you have been gone for close to 3 months. "Yeah.. I just, what if we don't feel the same later on?" He whispered. Your heart began to pound. "W-why do you say that babe?" "You're probably gonna be traveling more now... What if you find someone else?" "No one will ever compare to you babe. I love you so much.." You said your heart clenching a bit. "I love you too. I cant wait till you get home! Chase has been missing you like crazy, poor thing wont even eat regularly." "My poor boy ill make sure he gets a new friend soon." You smirked putting emphasis on friend. "Ew babe stop haha okay i have to go now, mum's cooking dinner ill see you soon!" He said sounding in pain the last part. "See you soon baby... I need to talk to you when i get home though-" Harry mumbled an okay sounding scared and hung up before you could finish. "you might hate me." You sighed to yourself. "You will hate me."

Liam: "Get back in bed (y/n)." Your ex Xander said as you got up quickly realizing what you had done after a night out with the guys (girls). "This was wrong Xander you gotta forget this ever happened!" You growled. "Your saying this because of the kid your dating right?" He spat the word kid with distaste and you felt your anger boil. "Don't talk about him like that-" "Forget him! He isn't your age babe, he doesn't know half of the things to make you go," He paused biting your sensitive spot making an involuntary moan pass your lips. "insane." He smirked. "Get out." you growled. He rolled his eyes but did as told and you lead him to the door. But before he left, like always, he had to leave with a 'bang'. He crashed his lips on yours not giving you enough time to react before a strangled sob was heard. You pushed him away and looked up at Liam. "Babe i can explain!" You said as you ran towards him. Liam shook his head looking at you in anger and Xander in disgust. You reached for his hand but he pulled it away, as if your touch burned him. "Don't. Touch. Me." He spat. "I'll talk to you later. Maybe." He said before walking away. You shouted at the top of your lungs making Xander run in terror, scared for his life.

Louis: "Don't." He whimpered keeping you at a distance with his hands. "I heard it all." You shook your head silent tears going down both your faces. "No babe you haven't heard my side of the story-" "Why!? So you can lie to me!? I don't think so." He spat trying to walk past you. You grabbed on to his wrist and pull him towards you. "I fucking love you Lou! I would never hurt you!" You tried reasoning. "You already did. I thought you would never do that to me, Why are all girls the same?" He whimpered crying and punching your chest. "Hit me. Yell at me. Use me. But don't leave me baby. I would die without you!" You cried. He looked up at you with rage but nodded. "I might forgive, but i wont forget." He stated finally letting you hold him.

Zayn: "So you and... Him. huh?" Zayn seethed. You shrank back at his cold voice. "Babe it meant nothing! He was just a mistake." He shook his head looking at you. "I cant forgive you for this. You ruined what we had. I need space." Zayn whimpered getting up off your couch. "Babe please wait." You pleaded. He turned to you angrily. "Why should i!? Its not you that got cheated on! In fact if I cheated on you, you'd probably already have kicked me out. I put up with all your bullshit only to have you throw it in my face." He spat. You looked at him wearily. "I don't expect you to forgive me right away. But i am asking for a second chance. To prove i can be the one you need. The one you want. And the one you can spend the rest of your life with." You managed to choke out. He looked at you and finally let the tears fall. He ran to you and you both fell on the couch hugging tightly. "One chance. Screw up again and it will be the last you hear of Zayn Malik."

Niall: "He was my best friend. And you slept with him!?" He sobbed. "Niall it wasn't her fault i came at her during the party. I just wanted to.. I just wanted to have what you did." Niall looked at his ex best friend in disgust. "So you made her drink to the point she couldn't even comprehend what was going on and then continued to have sex with her!? Her in a state of unknowingness? Your more of a bastard than i thought. Get out." His friend looked at his hands and walked out of the house. Niall looked at you disappointed. "It was my fault. I should've known he was planning something. But before i go Ni, i just want you to know i love you with every fibre in my body." You said in a sincere voice. You got up head hung low walking out only to have a small body collide into yours and soft lips attached to yours. "I fucking love you too. But you have to make it up to me."


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~ D.J. <3

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