#16 B.G.S: You do something stupid

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Harry: "Hello?" "Is this the residence of Harry Styles?" Harry frowned, "Yes, may i ask who this is?" "I'm Bob from the L.A. Police department and I'm calling to inform you that (y/n) (l/n) is arrested for driving under the influence." Harry sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "How much would the bail be?" "$5,000." "I- uh okay. I'll be right there." He said hanging up and running up the stairs to your bedroom into the closet where he knew you kept your money. Not even 20 minutes later he arrived to the L.A.P.D . "I'm here for (y/n) (l/n)." He mumbled handing over the money. "She'll be out." The officer huffed, and Harry sat down on the chairs waiting. "Remember (l/n) i know your past and i understand you went through rough times but, this is enough okay? I'm taking your license away for 3 months." "What the fuck!?" You shouted as Harry looked on, unfazed. "Want me to make it 6?" The officer threatened. "Oh bite it." You spat walking towards Harry. "Babe!" You smiled staggering over to him. He extended his arms shoving your chest lightly. "Stop. just get in the car." You bowed your head and followed close behind.

Liam: "Babe." Liam whined as you put another dish in the sink. "I'm not always gonna clean up after you." He grumbled. "Babe calm down okay? I'll do them next time." "When is next time? When i cant move anymore? How about when i'm not here no more!?" Liam fussed. "Liam you're being dramatic, just calm down." Liam glared at you. "No, i will not calm down! You have been treating me like a slave lately and i am freaking tired of it!" He shouted. You breathed in and out trying to calm your temper. "Liam. I'm trying to help you in every way i can, I go to fucking work everyday and last all day till night. I come home tired alright, but i don't come home and complain like a bitch to you!" You spat losing your temper and throwing a vase that was close by, instantly regretting it as you saw his face change to fear. "Li. I- I'm sorry!" You pleaded as he ran down the hallway to your room slamming it.

Louis: "(y/n)!? I brought BK!" Louis shouted from the kitchen. "Coming!" You shouted going down the stairs. "How was school babe?" You asked. "Eh same old same old. But this guy said some things that were interesting." he said watching you closely. "What did he say?" you asked cluelessly. "Well he said that he knew you for a night and the next day you were gone." He muttered looking at his untouched whopper. "Babe i would never do that to you again! i promised you and i have kept it-" "i know but, your past worries me. What if our child grows up learning these things about you. He is gonna think I'm stupid for getting with you." "Whats that suppose to mean huh?" You snarled. Louis jumped back in fright. "Nothing! I'm just saying that you're not the type of person people thought i would go for." "Yeah well you aren't the best I've had either." You mumbled walking back up to your room. "Don't walk away from me!" "Fuck off you bitch!" You shouted going into your room and grabbing a bag dumping random clothes into it. "W-what are you doing?" "Non of your business." You spat, Louis grabbed the bag and dumped the clothes out. "You're not leaving me!" He cried. You looked at him with pity. "Don't wait up for me, ill probably not come home tonight." You mumbled brushing past him.

Zayn: "You're going to get hurt (y/n)!" Zayn said. You shook your head, "I'll be fine babe. No one messes with you and gets away with it." You kissed his forehead and got out of the car walking up to the familiar home and banging on the door. The door opened slightly and out came your cousin. "Whats up (y/n)? Finally got tired of the bitch-" You wasted no time in punching her and grabbing her by the neck. "You piece of shit he is pregnant! You don't mess with my family." You growled. "Stop it! She is your cousin!" Mike your cousins boyfriend shouted. "Shut up Mike!" You yelled. You slammed your cousins body with yours against the wall and punched at her ribs, blow after blow. "Stay away from him." You sneered as she fell to the floor. You turned to walk away but she tackled you and began punching your face. You mindlessly grabbed one of her wrist and brought it all the way to her back. "Aw fuck!" You got up slowly keeping her wrist locked only to feel a stinging sensation on your cheek. You turned with wide yes at Mike and he looked at you in return with regret. "You bitch." You growled as you pushed your cousin out of the way and stalked towards Mike. "I'm sorry!" He cried out as you grabbed him by the neck. "Don't you ever. Slap me again." You spat letting him go and walking back to your car. You buckled in ignoring Zayn's tear stricken eyes and drove back home. "Why would you do that? Mike is a man. You said you would never lay a wrong hand on a man." Zayn whispered. "Zayn i didn't do anything bad to him! If anything he slapped me-" "I saw that! But I'm not worth you fighting your family! Do you know how stupid that was?! They could have called the cops (y/n)!" "Oh shut up already!" You shouted parking the car in your garage and slamming the door shut after you. "I'm sleeping in the guest room." You said, not even bothering to look back at a heartbroken crying Zayn.

Niall: "Babe be careful please!" Niall pleaded as you got into your boxing lessons. "Ni babe i promise ill be careful." You said winking at him quickly before focusing on your opponent. Niall didn't want to see this so he walked out quickly to the cafe across the street. You threw right hook after right hook trying to get the perfect hit but Mariah kept dodging quickly. "Slow down tiger." She laughed, she turned you quickly getting you into a headlock. "Yeah, you shouldn't get too cocky either babe." You mumbled as you countered it and got her down to the floor wrestling her. You both began laughing as what your serious lessons were suppose to be, turned to fits of giggles. "Alright.. enough before i piss myself lets get this going. I want you to try and spear me." You looked at her wide eyed. "I've never-" "Theres a first time for everything." She smirked. You nodded and got into position, one shoulder out and ran full force at her abdomen area only to have you both land on the floor in pain. "Fuck!" You both shouted. "I think you broke my ribs." She laughed. "I think you dislocated my shoulder." You chuckled pushing her slightly. A clearing of the throat separated you two and you looked up to see Niall. "uh hi babe." You smiled trying to get up but your shoulder being a bother. "Oh fuck." You whispered clenching your teeth in pain. "Here let me help you-" "i can help her just fine." Niall interfered grabbing onto you and pulling you towards him, not letting you say bye and dragging you to the car. You knew you were in deep shit when he called Liam and asked if he could come over after taking you to the hospital.


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~ D.J. Drencher

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