#17: You Get Stuck With Him But You Are Not A Fan

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Hey loves haven't been on but i am back! Like i said i might not update as soon as i use to but i will update! ;)

Thank you @samerahoran for the request! :)

Oh yeah Part 2 will be Louis, Zayn, and Niall. Sorry didn't have much time. I'm sorry if i am a bad author now please don't hate me! :(

Harry: You were currently stuck in a elevator with this guy that kept mumbling stuff like 'Do they know who i am?!', and 'They can't do this to me!'. After a bit you started getting frusterated with his mumbling so you burst. "Hey shit head! Incase you haven't noticed your not the only one stuck here!" You shouted. He turned, and his Emerald Green eyes captivated you. "Do you not know who i am!?" He shouted dumb founded. And there goes the attitude. "Yeah. You know i do." You 'smiled'. He grinned widely. "A fucking moron who thinks he runs the whole fucking place!" You yelled angrily. He looked taken back. "Um no... Listen love I'm sorry. I'm Harry. Harry Styles." he said with a wink while extending his hand. Oh crap. Now hes a flirt? "And I'm not interested." You scoffed. "Feisty. I like it." He winked. You groaned, and wondered how much longer you were going to be in here with this crack head. "Hey arent you from that band um.... Juan Direction?" You asked. He whined, and glared at you. But All the while waiting he kept using pick up lines trying to get your name, and number. So just to shut him up you gave him your name, and your little sisters number. Bad idea. he found your number by her, and wouldn't stop bugging you until you went on a date with him.

Liam: You were currently stuck in line at a coffee shop waiting for your turn to come up when someone rushed infront of you. You were already very pissed off to start off with so you just went off on him. "Hey buddy i was here first." He turned to you, and you recognized him as the band member your little brother's girlfriend fangirled over. "Love I'm Liam Payne, and i am running late to the music video so just please get over it. Oh, and no pictures please." He chuckled the last part turning around. Except you spinned him back around by the shoulders. ''Listen here buddy! I've been waiting 2 hours! I am also late but unlike you im late for work! And i don't want a stupid photo with someone that is so far up their ass that they are a prick to everybody! So you know what? YOU get over yourself, and get behind me asshole!" You whisper/yelled threatenly. His eyes go wide But you notice slight amusement, and lust in them. He smiled, and went behind you. While you waited in line he sweet talked to you trying to apologize but you would not give in. He was being a jerk. But he never stopped. In fact. He followed you home, and started going there after work always waiting for you with flowers or cheesy poems. You gave him a chance... A month or so later.


Aright loves! Any request? Leave them below! Part 2 will be up tomorrow or after tomorrow!

~ D.J. <3

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