Chapter Two

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Chapter 2: Jinyoung's POV

I woke up to the sound of people constantly chatting around me. My head hurts. Where am I anyway? The last time I remembered was that there were people chasing me. There were five of them and they said they wanted my blood. I thought it was someone high in drugs coz, honestly, who would be in their right mind to ask a stranger for blood? Do vampires even still exist? Geez. Then three more people came but unlike those who were chasing me, these three dudes got in between me and those blood thirsty guys.

"Get behind me!" One of the three guys said while the other two started to attack those five men.

Being a stubborn and all troublesome person as I am, I pushed them away too. "Who the hell are you? You wanna take my too, aren't you?" I growled at them.

"We're here to rescue you kid!" the guy shouted and I know he was getting pissed, "Now get your ass behind me!"

Guess what I did. I ran – ran away from all of them. And that was the last thing I remembered before everything went black.

I shook my head and grunted. They must have heard me coz I heard one of them squeak. "Oh he's awake!" A cute guy in honey like hair said making all of them stare at me.

I only recognize one guy from all of them coz he was one of those three dudes who came to help me. I pulled my knees to my chest and hugged it as they make their way to sit around me. I looked at them with questioning eyes and said, "You're not going to take my blood, right?"

They amusedly stared at me like I said something funny and they were obviously trying to hold their laughter. "Yuck dude! Why would we do that? We have our own blood y'know," A boy in a snapback said. Something from the tone of his voice tells me he's a foreigner.

"JunK hyung, what's with the blood he's talking about?" the tallest guy said.

The guy they call JunK doesn't even have the chance to reply as somebody walked in. The new guy was in aqua blue suit and he's wearing sunglasses. How weird. It's late in the night and he still has his sun glasses on. Is this freaks-go-chase-Jinyoung day? Coz honestly I've been surrounded by freaks since this morning! Oh screw it! On the second thought, I've always been surrounded with freaks anyway.

Everybody stood up and bowed to the sunglasses dude. And here I was, looking confused and dazed. He ignored them then straightly went to sit beside me. "You must be the guy the team rescued this evening. What's your name?" he asked.

"Jinyoung, I'm Park Jinyoung."

"I'm Park Jinyoung too," the guy in sunglasses replied with a giggle, "but you can call me JYP. I'm the head of the organization that helps protect elementals like you."

Elementals? So that's what we're called! Honestly I have always known that there is something different in me. I do things which no normal kid could do and most of the time it involves water. I don't know how I do it but sometimes it just triggers when I'm angry or sad or desperate. I felt relieved and happy that at least I'm not alone and that there are many people like me.

"So you guys have water powers too?" I asked enthusiastically.

"It's not only water Jinyoung-ah. There are 6 other elemental powers aside from water," JunK explained. A soft 'oh' left my lips. So there are other powers - I didn't think about it.

"I'm Im Jaebum, earth elementalist," the dude with small eyes said from behind me. He gave me this one sided smile as he extended his hand which I gladly took.

"Hi hyung! I'm Kim Yugyeom! I'm an aether kid," the tallest boy in the group greeted.

Did he just call me hyung? "Hyung? Aren't you older than me?" I asked.

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