Chapter Twenty One

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(A/N: First let me apologize for 2 things: One, this chap was supposed to be posted last week and I was so stupid coz I saved it as draft rather than post it >.< Second, This chap is quite written hurriedly so I'm sorry for all the mistakes you'll be noticing through out the chap >.< )

Mark's POV


Training with JYP was damn exhausting.

When I finally had my strength back, JYP wasted no time and summoned me for training. It was really tiring. Learning how to control something powerful was too draining.

Tonight JYP hyung left me to finish my training for the day. He received a call about two hours ago and he hurriedly left, entrusting me to continue the routines he taught on my own.

Once I was through I made my way to my room, took a very much needed shower then ate before joining my friends on the garden. Recently the pavilion over the garden has become our favorite hangout place.We dragged a few beanbags in there some nights ago and since thenit's where we would gather to chill and talk about things.

I can hear Jackson's obnoxious laughter even from afar. When I got near I could see them animatedly chatting , smiles on their faces as they eat some chips.

"Hyung!" Yugyeom called before he waved at me.

I gave them a smile then proceeded to slump myself beside my boyfriend.

"How's training?" he asked. The other boys resumed chatting.

"Tiring," I admitted with a heavy sigh. He didn't reply but he held my hand and squeezed it. After that we joined the blabber with our friends.

Jinyoung and I weren't really touchy and sweet when we were around other people. I don't know why but it was like a silent agreement to keep our hands to ourselves and our hormones down when people are watching. Up until now we actually haven't confirmed or denied our true relationship to our friends yet and they've been asking repeatedly about it.

I guess we just want them to wonder more withwhat ourreal status is.

"Can I join you?" another voice suddenly asked from behind us. We all looked from the direction of the voice and saw JYP walking to our place.

"Hi hyung!" The three maknaes said in chorus.

JYP smiled lovingly at them. "So can I?" He asked again and we nodded. He took a seat beside Jaebum.

"Hyung, Mark hyung said you left earlier. Where did you go?" Jackson asked.

"Yeah. I had an urgent meeting. The research team's back,"

All attention was on him. Curious eyes landed on the org's leader waiting for him to continue.

"They all did a great job researching about your special powers. I already handed the information to your mentors so they can make a routine for you," JYP continued.

The youngest three including the childish Jackson erupted in a fit of cheers, seemingly excited with the thought of learning new abilities.

"So what powers are they? Tell us!" Bambam exclaimed. He and Yugyeom were looking at JYP with their cute pleading eyes.

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