Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter 14: Mark's POV

(A/N: sorry but I just need to write the previous confession part in Mark's POV coz I myself still can't get over it >.< it's a just a short recollection of the events though, hope you don't mind J)

Peace amidst chaos.

That's how I feel when I'm with Jinyoung.

I feel relieved that I was able to finally comprehend what I'm feeling for him – thanks to Gyeomie, that is. It was quite amusing when I try to recall the scene that morning; Jinyoung sitting on top of the counter and my overgrown younger brother interrogating him. I didn't mean to eavesdrop on whatever they were talking aboutbut I froze and got curious when I heard my name the soonest I stepped out of my door.

Instead of walking up to them, I decided to stay and lean on my room's doorframe. A few seconds after Gyeom's eyes met mine and I immediately motioned for him to keep quiet. Jinyoung's head was hanging low so I was sure he didn't even notice our exchange of gazes.

"My Mark hyung likes you, but I don't think he realized that yet," Yugyeom stated. He was talking to Jinyoung but in fact he was looking straight at me. Jinyoung was still oblivious of my presence.

I raised a brow at what my brother just said coz honestly, since when did my brother knows my feelings more than I do??

"I-I don't know what you're saying Yugyeom-ah," he stammerly replied.

"He likes you hyung, believe me. I know my Mark hyung well and it's the first time I'm seeing him like this."

Oh really?

"Like what Yugyeom-ah?" he asked.

"Like you're the only thing that lightens up his day. Like you're a delicate piece of art he always wants to keep and protect and like you're his happiness that he looks so sad and pained when you're hurting or crying. I'm not blind hyung, I've noticed. I have always seen the way he looks at you and treat you. I feel jealous at first but now I'm glad and thankful."

Do I really look like that? Was I that obvious? Why haven't I noticed?

As much as I want to deny everything Yugyeom said, I guess my inner self would always scream the truth and slap it on to my consciousness. An now that my brother mentioned it, I think... Yeah, it's the truth.

"W-why?" Jinyoung asked again.

"Because you make him happy," Gyeom answered with a bright smile. "He's been through a lot hyung. I'm sure you know that. And it's the first time I've seen him smile genuinely. The smile that's true and not just something he wears when he wants to try to pretend he's fine. It's all because of you hyung and I'm thankful to you."

Did I really frown a lot? Was it really that noticeable? Did Jinyoung really has that effect on me?

I tried to think deep, back to all those moments I shared with Jinyoung, how his presence was enough to calm me, how the thought of him hurting pains me and how I give in to everything he wishes just to see his smiles when he gets what he wanted. Then my thoughts drifted to all the firsts I did with him. There were already too many of them and I didn't regret any of it. And also the fact that he knows more than what the others knew about me despite the fact that among six of them he was the latest person I met.

My thoughts however was interrupted when Yugyeom asked him if he likes me.

That's right Jinyoung-ah, do you like me? I want to know too.

And he said he didn't know. Tsk. I guess he's just as clueless and confused as me.

"What do you mean hyung? I mean, Mark hyung is handsome, strong, what is there to not like him?" I heard Gyeom asked with a wide grin on his face and a playfully glance at me. Seriously? Is this kid trying to provoke him?

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