Chapter Twenty

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(A/N: Coz I know you guys are looking forward to this so I'l post this now instead of next week.. hehehehe)

Mark's POV

"Shower with me," I told him. I can see the shock and hesitation in his face and honestly it was quite funny. He's always shy every time I initiate something intimate and the blush he had always warms me.

"C'mon Jinyoung-ah, you smell sweaty too. You can use a bath before sleeping." I tugged him closer even before he could utter a response. We were still near the door I reached out making sure to lock it and grinned when I felt his body heat rises just from that. My powers definitely have its perks.

"Fill the tub for me?" I requested and he nodded. He turned around and extended his arm. I was certain he was gonna fill the bathtub using his powers so I stopped him.

"Use the tap baby, not your powers. It's unnecessary so reserve them,"

His back was still on me and I couldn't tell what his reaction was. He froze for about two seconds before he reached for the faucet and turned it.

The room was filled with the sound of the water that fell down the tub. I used that moment when his attention was not on me to rid myself of clothes. Once done, I called him over. "Baby, come here," I said.

I really like calling him baby. It makes me want to protect him and take care of him. But of course I only call him that when we're alone. Not because I don't want others to hear but because he might collapse in embarrassment.

He stood up and turned around but he instantly turned his back again on me and covered his face with his hands.

"Oh my god! Why the hell are you naked!?" he gasped.

I smiled and walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his waist and lean over to his ear. "What? Do you expect me to shower with my clothes on?" I giggled as I dropped a kiss on his nape. I giggled more when he flinched.

His hands were still on his face and I'm sure he's blushing furiously by now. "Hey, don't hide from me. Why are you always hiding away?" I softly asked him as I took his hands off of his face. When I succeeded, I walked us over to the shower room with him still in my embrace. Once there, my hands traveled to the hem of his t-shirt.

"Let's take your clothes off,"

I was already on the process of lifting his shirt up but he protested.

"M-Mark, wait!"

"I've already seen you bare before Jinyoungie, no need to be shy," I teased.

"I-I'm not,"

"Yes you are,"






"Then turn around and strip in front of me," I told him with a wicked grin. He froze an I stared at him as he bit his lip.

"Didn't you say you're not shy baby? Prove it,"

I was still holding him so I can feel him breathing deeply. With hesitant movements, he slowly turned around and face me. His head however seemed to be glued on the side.

"You can look, y'know," I said before tilting his head towards me and gave him a quick kiss. "Now take those clothes off,"

He still wasn't moving. He looked like he was ready to convulse anytime so I took pity on him and decided to leave him first in favor of preparing our bubble bath on the tub, giving him the chance to do as I said.

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