Chapter Twenty Nine

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Chapter29: Jinyoung's POV

"Gone?! What do you mean gone? He was just fucking there inside the training room!" Mark screeched as he paced back and forth inside JYP's office. "Bam he was with you the whole time. You knew about his vision so why the fuck did you leave him alone?!" Bambam flinched and fresh tears sprang into his eyes. Jackson and Youngjae were quick to console the poor kid.

"I-I'm sorry. Mr. Yang t-told me to get his bag that he left h-here in JYP hyung's office. I thought he was safe with him," Bambam tearfully explained.

"You knew we have a spy inside the org, JYP hyung always reminds us not to trust anyone else and yet- urgh!" He frustratedly screamed before storming out of the room.

This was the second time I saw him so mad, the first being with me when I stayed so late at school with hunters roaming around. I apologetically glanced at the still crying boy and made my way to the door. "I'll go calm him down," I told them before leaving.

I found Mark inside Yugyeom's room sitting on the foot of the bed. He had his brother's pillow between his chest and his curled up knees. His face was buried on the soft thing.

The ruckus all started at twilight when Bambam came dashing in the indoor gym where us five oldest were exercising. He was out of breath and frantically scramming with his words. After a few breaths he tearfully said that Yugyeom was gone and so was Mr. Yang. We all made a run to where they were supposed to be training and indeed the two were gone.

We were currently waiting for JYP hyung to arrive as he was still driving back to the mansion from a very important meeting in the city.

Since the news broke Mark was throwing a fit. He has already broken a lot of glass and porcelain display and burned things without even touching them. All of us stayed silent as Mark lashed out in front of us. Even our mentors and some other older elementalists didn't dare intervene Mark's anger. Bambam however got the best of Mark's temper.

I walked over to Mark. I can sense the distress in him. I stopped and crouched down to him as I reached over and held his hand.

"Hyung..." I softly called while caressing his hand. At first he stayed motionless. I waited patiently for him to acknowledge my presence and when he did my heart broke into pieces.

He raised his head from the pillow with a broken 'Jinyoung' leaving his lips. I shattered when I saw his tear-stained face. I quickly scooted closer to him and lock him in my arms as he sobbed, full of worry and pain in every heave of his chest.

It pained me to see him like this. Mark is the kind of person who always shows his brave facade coz he knows people also depends on how he reacts on situations. He's the eldest and the most experienced after all so to see him like this, so broken and scared affected me so much. If only I can take some of his pain away but I myself was too dumbfounded of the rapid pace of events. Everything just came crashing on us and we were all unprepared.

"It's gonna be okay hyung," I soothed. I rubbed his back while my other hand stroked his hair. "We'll take Yugie back. We'll get him back no matter what."

"I'm a failure Jinyoung-ah. I was supposed to be the one looking after him! I was supposed to be protecting him! But I was so relaxed and trusting even though he had already told us his vision days ago! I am stupid and now he's gone! It's my entire fault!" He hurtfully cried. His body trembled as he continued to break down under the cradle of my arms.

"No, don't say that hyung! It... it was too sudden and none of us expected it. Don't blame yourself baby, it's not your fault. But like I said, we'll get him back. But first you have to be strong baby. Stay strong for Yugie. He needs you now more than ever," I told him before kissing his sweaty temple. Thankfully his sobs slowly died down but we remained cuddled up on the carpeted floor.

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