Chapter Twenty Seven

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Jinyoung's POV

It was already past noon when I woke up again. I stretched my limbs and wince from the dull ache of my body. Geez I didn't know love making would tire the shit out of me.

I found Mark curled beside me. His arms were loosely wrapped in my torso and for a few minutes I just watched him sleep. That until my stomach began to grumble.

Hesitantly, I started to poke Mark's cheeks. He didn't budge. I poked harder and on my next attempt he suddenly snapped his head and captured my finger between his teeth.

"Ouch! Hey let go!" I protested. He chuckled and eventually let go of my poor finger.

"How are you feeling?" he asked. I smiled at how concerned he was with me.

"I feel better," I told him. "Can we go eat? I'm kinda hungry."

He helped me up and we both went out of the room. We made our way to the kitchen and found Jaebum and Youngjae eating lunch... with a half asleep Youngjae sitting on Jaebum's lap.

Mark and I exchanged surprised and amused gazes before finally breaking the sweet bubble of what we assume was the new couple.

"So I see someone finally confessed," Mark teased and both their heads snapped towards our direction. I saw Youngjae tried to stand up but Jaebum held him firm on his lap.

"Jae are you okay?" Mark suddenly asked. I looked at him and he seemed to be worried. "Your body temperature seems higher than usual," he pointed out.

"Well he got a little too excited with the rain last night and decided to shower under the sky so now he's got a little flu," Jaebum explained, voice a bit scolding as he hugged the younger boy tighter.

Mark, being an overly protective hyung he was, started to scoldYoungjae too and I can sense the latter was getting upset with the scolding he's getting from the two eldest so I interrupted them.

"Shush you two! You're upsetting him," I told them. They watched as Youngjae lowered his head. "It was not like he wants to get sick so spare him the scolding. He's already not feeling well and you're just adding to it." I snapped at them.

Mark sighed and proceeded to make some late lunch for us. Jaebum on the other hand whispered apologies to the sick and sulking boy.

It was a beautiful sight and I can't help but smile wide as I watch Jaebum – the ever so strict and stern Jaebum – being all gentle and caring towards someone else.

"Jealous of them? Wanna come and sit on my lap too?" Mark whispered from behind me as he placed the food on the table. I scoffed and playfully hit his shoulders.

Halfway through our meal Mark pointed at Youngjae and we smiled when we saw he was peacefully sleeping against Jaebum's chest. The latter excused himself and carried Youngjae to bed.

"It's nice to finally see them together," I stated with a smile.

"Yeah. At least now we don't have to deal with Jaebum's death stares," Mark snorted and I chuckled.

After eating I cleaned the table while Mark washed the dishes. Just as I was putting the dirty paper towels awaya tired Yugyeom trudged in to the kitchen.

"Morning Yugie!" I greeted. He smiled when I held my arms out. He instantly accepted my invitation for a hug and sighed in my embrace.

It all felt so normal at first coz Yugyeom has always been clingy to me and Mark so I let him snuggle into me longer while Mark was doing the dishes. It was only when I felt him shook in my embrace that I figured something was wrong with him.

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