Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter 16: Jinyoung's POV

It was around 5pm when we left the apartment. Our belongings were taken away first by JunK hyung and the seven of us rode a separate van with Taecyeon hyung and Jia nuna.

"Hyung, hyung! Where are we going?" Bambam excitedly asked. He was so cheerful that it's hard to think he just had a close encounter with the hunters last night.

"To the safest place own by JYP himself," Taecyeon hyung answered while driving.

"But where is it?"

"You'll see. I'm sure you'll like it there. Especially Youngjae,"

Youngjae was resting his head on Jaebum's shoulder but he perked up when he heard his name. "Really? Why?" he asked sleepily.

"You'll see when we get there. But for now, why don't you take a nap. It's going to be a long ride," Jia nuna said.

Bambam and Youngjae were pouting coz they didn't receive the answer that they wanted but nonetheless they complied.

Bambam was sitting beside Jackson and I couldn't quite see what they were doing but I have a feeling that Jackson has his hands on Bambam's as the latter stare outside the window.

Jaebum and Youngjae were right in front of me so I can definitely see how sweet they were. Jaebum's arm around the younger's shoulder while his other hand was slowly running through Youngjae's hair as he tried to sleep on the elder's shoulder. I wonder what's going on between them. Are they like me and Mark?

And me? I'm sitting way at the back with Mark on my right and Yugyeom on the other side of Mark. Yugyeom was sleeping soundly since few minutes ago and Mark was staring worriedly at him.

"What's wrong?" I asked Mark, voice lower coz I don't want to wake those who are sleeping.

"What?" he asked absentmindedly as he turned to look at me.

"Why are you staring like that at Yugyeom?"

"Like what?"

"Like your worried over something. Are you okay?" I reached for his hand and squeeze it. I felt him squeeze back before lacing or fingers together.

"It just that... he looks so tired recently and I don't know why. He wouldn't tell me." He said, glancing again at Yugyeom.

"Maybe he's worn out from school Mark. He's in his senior year so he must have been busy,"

"I hope you're right Jinyoung-ah but something's telling me he's hiding something. Sometimes I'd caught him looking so bothered,"

I want to tell him he might be wrong but Yugyeom is his brother. He knows him more than any of us and at times like this it's better not to question his brotherly instincts.

"We'll talk to him later, okay? Don't worry too much," I told him. He sighed but then he smiled at me after mouthing an almost inaudible "thanks."

It was a long ride indeed. Night has also fell outside and darkness crept in the surroundings. Everybody has fallen asleep too except for Taecyeon hyung, obviously because he was driving, Mark hyung and me.

It happened out of nowhere. Yugyeom suddenly muttered something so Mark and I stared at him. At first we thought he was just dreaming but then he yelped followed by series 'No' and 'Don't.' That's when we started to panic.

"Gyeom? Gyeomie what's wrong?" Mark asked while shaking his brother on the shoulder. The younger didn't wake up and instead he started thrashing and raising his arms in front of him as if defending himself.

"Yugyeom stop! Yugyeom!" Mark was shouting now and I was helping him shake Yugyeom awake. We caused quite a ruckus at the back of the van so the others eventually woke up.

"Jinyoung what's wrong back there?"Taecyeon asked. Jia nuna was awake already and she was looking back at us, so as the four other boys at the front.

"Hyung what's wrong?"

"What's wrong with Yugyeom?"

The all asked in chorus. I couldn't answer them though coz I don't know too.

We continued calling on Yugyeom's name and shake him. After a minute of trying he finally woke up with a loud shout of "Stop!"

"Stop the car! They're waiting for us! Stop the car NOW!" he screamed, eyes wide and alert. The rest of us just stared at him, shocked and confused.

"Gyeom what are you saying? We can't stop, we're almost there," Mark said as calmly as he could while rubbing his brother's back.

"No! You don't understand!" he shouted again, this time he started crying already. "I... I c-can see things, okay? I-I can't explain it but it happens every single time," he continued.

"What are you saying Yugyeom-ah? What do you mean?" I asked him.

"We have no time for this! Stop the car! I told you to freaking stop the car!" he shouted between his sobs and Mark was holding him down coz he started attempting to get up while the car was still moving.

Taecyeon hyung didn't stop the car but he did slowed down. We understand why he didn't. We were near our destination, the place where we'll be safe, so stopping now might not be a good idea.

"Yugyeom-ah, calm down. We'll be fine, okay? We're almost there buddy. We'll be safe." Jaebum stated as he helped us calm the youngest down.

"No! You really don't understand! They know! They're waiting for us!" Yugyeom really looked terrified and it sent chills down my spine. The other two youngest was also starting to panic. Bambam was already close to crying.

We were busy assuring Yugyeom that everything was fine, that it was okay all the while he kept insisting to stop the car and turn back. We couldn't understand the other things he said coz he was frantically sobbing as he speak but soon everything did stop.

The car let out a loud screech as it swayed violently on the road. We heard Taecyeon hyung curse and Jia nuna told us to brace ourselves. The car only came into a complete stop when it hit a big tree beside the road.

"Hyung what's wrong?" Jackson asked.

"Everybody out!" both Jia nuna and Taecyeon hyung shouted.

While we were too confused of what was happening, Yugyeom started to speak again. It was only two words but it was enough to scare the shit out of me.

"They're here."

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