Chapter Three

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Chapter3: Mark's POV

I locked the door behind me as soon as I slipped inside the room and finally let out a shaky breath I didn't know I was holding in. I walked into my bed and sat on it with my back against the headboard.

My mind was drifting to what had happened a while ago. Was it really wrong to keep the truth from them? Should I have told them? All I wanted was for them to enjoy themselves while they still can, to experience a normal life which something I haven't really experienced since my parent's death. Was it too much to ask?

They're probably boiling mad at me right now. Even Yugyeom looked disappointed at me. I couldn't blame them thou. I know they have the right to know about the prophecy. It was about their life and future after all but I have my reasons too. I just hope they'll understand it as well.

I brought my knees to my chest and hugged it with my right hand while I extend the left in front of me. I slowly opened it and seconds later a small ball of fire started to dance on my palm. For others it might look amazing, like something they often see on magic shows or movies. But all I can see on these flames are memories of my past - images of those people I killed using it. They were bad, i know. If I didn't kill them they may be the one killing me and Yugyeom. But it still didn't change the fact that I'm a killer.

I felt something dropped on my knees while I was in daze with the ball of fire in my hand. Only then that I realized I was crying. I extinguished the fire on my palm and wiped my cheeks. This wasn't the first time I cried upon remembering my past. I did it everytime. The memories are just too vivid to ignore and set aside. I wanted to forget them, wanted to remember the happy times I have spent with my family but the unwanted thoughts were just too much it drowns me.

I don't know for how long I stayed like that – crying and in blanked out in space. I finally got tired of sobbing so I tucked myself under the sheets and decided to sleep. Maybe everything would be fine when I wake up. Tomorrow I'll face my friends again. Will they still be my friends? Or would they hate me? Whatever they choose I'd respect it as long as we all can survive this fucking prophecy.


The door to my room burst open. Mom came running in with Yugyeom sleeping deeply in her arms.

"Mom what's wrong?" I asked. I was playing with my toys but the moment she entered I could sense something was already not right.

"Honey listen," she started. Her voice was quivering and it only made me more anxious. "Mark take Yugyeom with you. You two have to leave .Now!" She stated and I can tell she was frightened, from what thou, i don't know.

I froze. I was staring at her with wide teary eyes. The day I dreaded most is here. Will we be okay?

She placed the sleeping boy on my bed then pulled me close. She cupped my face with her hands and said, "Mark the hunters are coming. They've found out where we're living and they're on their way to get you and Yugyeom."

I know this day will come. I know one day I have to leave my parents to fulfill my part from the prophecy but I never knew it would be this soon. It's way too soon than I expected. The moment I heard her say the hunters were coming I immediately tensed up. I was scared. What can a 10 year old boy do against them?

"Me and daddy are gonna delay them, okay? We'll try to buy you some time to escape. Take Yugyeom and use the backdoor," mom said, she was already close to crying but she was holding it in for our sake.

"But what about you and daddy? I'm- I'm not leaving without you!" I stubbornly said. I was already crying and mommy instantly wiped my tears.

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