Chapter Thirty Two

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First let me apologize for not updating way too long. I'm a career woman and I have a bunch of work piled up for the past weeks that I need to finish. Hope you guys understand >.<

This is my last chapter guys! It's nothing much but I hope you enjoyed the whole story :)

Mark's POV

To be honest, I was prepared to die. What I wasn't ready for was to see any of my friends, my brother especially, to die in front of me. What's worst was that, that was supposed to be me. That sword was supposed to be buried in my flesh and not his.

To let of go of yourself and surrender everything to a god was frightening. But seeing Yugyeom sprawled on the floor was the last straw and my anger skyrocketed. I wanted revenge – for my parents' death, for the normal life I never had, for my friends, for my brother and for my race. So I finally let Djim take over and avenge for me. He and the other gods deserve the rights to end all this centuries of war as they were the first to have been betrayed. I allowed my body to be a tool for a god to seek the long awaited justice.

"Hyung?" A sweet voice has broken my thread of thoughts. I averted my gaze to the bed next to mine and saw Jinyoung rubbing the sleep in his eyes. I smiled at him.

"Finally awake?" I asked him. He smiled back and nodded. He got out of his bed and made his way to mine, holding on the table that separated our bed for support.

"What were you thinking? You seemed so deep in your thoughts," he pointed out as he sat beside me.

"Nothing, just some... things," I replied. I grabbed his hand and started to play with his fingers mindlessly.

"It's over now, okay? Everything's gonna be back to normal,"

Indeed the war was over, but nothing is really normal in our case so I doubt the last part of what he said.

It has been three days since the war finally ended. We barely remembered what happened as we let the gods take over us. We were told that everyone from outside the cave heard a series of screams before various lights penetrated through the entrance of the cave. A few minutes after a blinding light enveloped the cave and when it was gone they found the cave have collapsed and they found us bloodied and heavily injured among the remnants of the cave. It seems we were out of it for two days and when we woke up we were invaded with immense body pains from the fight and from letting the gods consume almost all our elemental energy.


When I woke up the first thing I looked for was Yugyeom. I scanned the infirmary where all of us was resting and found there was only the six of us. Yugyeom was nowhere near so I panicked.

"Yugyeom? Yugyeom!" I screamed. I tried to go out of the bed but JYP came in along with a few more elementalists. "Let go! I need to save Yugyeom! Stop it! I said let go!" I screamed and thrashed as they held me down. On usual days I could have easily pushed them away but I was still weak and in so much pain. I ignored the pain that was seeping through me as my mind was filled with the thoughts of Yugyeom.

"Mark, calm down! You need to stay in bed!" JYP pleaded. He too was trying to push me back on my bed.

"I don't fucking care! I need to see Yugyeom! Where is he?! Tell me where did you take him!" I continued screaming and my noise probably woke up the other heirs.

"Calm down this instant and I will tell you!" JYP said. That caught my attention and immediately stayed still. The other elementalists made sure I was completely calm before they let go of me. They left my side to help my friends who were stirring awake.

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