Chapter Thirty One

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Sorry to keep you waiting guys. Like I said before, I suck at writing war parts of stories. I'm not really into angst and battles so I had a hard time writing >.< I had to write then delete the entire thing again then write a whole new chap >.< I'm still not satisfied with what I came up with but this is all I coud think of >.< PLEASE BEAR WITH MY POOR WAR/BATTLE SCENE >.<


Jinyoung's POV

The day finally came where we were to face the hunters and end this centuries of fighting for freedom and seeking revenge.

It has been three days since Yugyeom contacted Mark through his dreams. According to what he said the leader of the hunters were to return two days from that day he talked to his brother therefore their leader has been on their hq since yesterday.

Mark was mad. He knew Yugyeom would be beaten and tortured when their leader arrived but JYP remained unfazed with his decision to wait and plan everything carefully. It pissed Mark but he knew for a fact that JYP was right. We can't rush things and attack without a concrete plan. It would end us.

Mark spent the last three days inside the training room. We have already lost count of how many punching bags, training dummies and equipment Mark has destroyed with just that 3 days. I wanted to tell him to stop coz he might overdo himself before the war even started but I know he has to have something to vent his anger and frustration.

The rest of our friends were no better. Several times I have walked in to see Youngjae crying on Jaebum hyung's embrace telling him he misses Yugyeom. Jackson too was having a hard time cheering up Bambam.

When JYP came to us last night and told us the plan, I saw the glint in their eyes and I know I reflect the same thing. Finally! We're going to battle!

We spent the whole day preparing ourselves, physically and mentally. By 5pm we were inside the van and heading to war.

"We're here," JunK hyung said after the long silent ride. It was already dark outside and the other elementalists where probably positioning themselves on their areas. JunK hyung slipped outside the car leaving the six of us in.

"So, the day has finally come," Jaebum said breaking the thick silence. "Promise me you guys will be careful," he pleaded.

"We will hyung. We got each other's back right?" Bambam asked. We all gave a small smile as reassurance.

We were about to scramble out into the dark when Mark's voice ringed."Please don't die tonight," he blurted and we snapped our heads to him. He had his head down, staring into his hands in his lap. "Promise me you won't die tonight. I-I don't want to lose my family again," he said, almost a whisper as he balled his hands into fists, his head still hanging low.

I can sense the fear in him. The thought of any of us dying scares me too but that won't stop me from fulfilling my destiny. Before any of us could utter a reply, I held his chin with my fingers and lifted his head up. Then I kissed him. I heard the other boys snickering and with one quick glance I saw Jaebum doing the same to Youngjae and to my surprise I saw Jackson kissing Bambam too. It was the last thing I saw before I surrender myself in Mark's dominating kiss.

"C'mon, let's go kick some hunter ass!" Mark declared and we finally slide into the darkness outside.


Yugyeom was on basement somewhere. Unless he was move somewhere. As JYP gave the signal, we all inched closer towards the tall brick wall. Our technical team has alreadydid their job in disarming the security system around the tall gates so it was easy to sneak in. On by one we climbed up and jumped over the other side. There were a few guards but silencing them was a piece of cake.

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