Chapter Four - Train Station

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With her head low, Buggy gets to the station as fast as she can. She then remembers no one's going to recognize her and lifts it up again. 

     The station's more crowded than she assumed. Kids are running around, either chasing each other or looking for gullible adults to give them candy. A tired man in a booth reaches for the money required with a robotic movement. Couples are arguing over the arrivals and departures. And the best part is, everyone's so busy Buggy can blend in without a problem.

     Not that she ever has a problem about blending in.

     In a flash she ducks under several buff-looking guys, who look as if they're having affairs with their local gyms, and opens the door to the 'ladies' room. Pleased by the fact (and pure chance) that no one's there, Buggy locks the door behind her. There's no way in hell she's changing in a public stall. That was another lesson she's learned from the past missions. 

     The first thing Buggy gets out of her bag is an official conductor's hat. She sets it down on the counter all the sinks share. Pulling out the other items she needs (jacket, slacks, devious gadgets that suspiciously look like something out of Phineas and Ferb), Buggy then changes into the disguise. 

     She's debated wearing a wig to go along with it, but decides against it. She can simply tuck her hair under the hat. Satisfied with how she looks, Buggy puts the wig she was thinking about back in her bag and zips it up. She slings it over her shoulder and unlocks the door. A little girl zips past her as soon as she opens it.

     Not thinking much about it, Buggy walks out, now planning on what to do or say or look for in the next few minutes. Without paying much attention to the surroundings, Buggy bumps into a not-very-happy lady. "Why in the hell did you lock the door?" she demands. "My child's been waiting for five minutes to go while you were in there doing God-knows-what!"

     Buggy pulls the brim of her hat down a little. "Sorry, ma'am," she says in her best professional voice. "There was an incident in there, and I didn't want anyone barging in while I was resolving the problem." With that, Buggy steps past the woman, leaving her questioning out loud why there wasn't a cleaning service to take care of the incident. 

     Buggy looks around for any sign of someone, anyone, waiting for her. She knows it's ridiculous thinking about that, but really. The mysterious person risked breaking and entering her place to leave a note on her window way in the back of the apartment. What was Buggy supposed to do, not assume someone's going to pull a cliched newspaper-and-sunglasses routine?

     Figuring she has time, she walks over to the newsstand and purchases a fashion magazine (it was the only one that doesn't mention anything about the model). She stands away from any other people rushing to get what they need, which is considered a challenge. Buggy opens the magazine and keeps an eye out while the other eye's reading about the do's and don't's in the what to wear category.

     Trains come and go, with overeager people boarding and overtired people leaving. At one point a man found a bench and started his beauty sleep. No one bothered to shake him awake. The side effects of staying up since five a.m., Buggy thinks. 

     It doesn't take long for her to find something flashing up on the board announcing the schedule. While practically the whole board contains yellow words that doesn't move on the screen, the flash is green and shows the time for Buffalo. 

     Getting the message pretty quickly (at least, she hopes it's a message for her), Buggy looks at the clock. It's a couple minutes after the time the message stated. Gathering her things, she rushes for the ticket she needs to have to get to Buffalo.

     While she's pretty satisfied finding where she needs to go, the annoyed employee shows her disapproval. "Buying a ticket at the last minute?" she asks. 

     Buggy nods, nudging the money towards her. 

     The girl takes it, puts it in the till, and hands over the ticket. "With you dressed like that, you should know better than to get one right before the train arrives," she says. She eyes Buggy. "Say, what station do you work at?"

      Buggy mumbles a random station while she finds the train. She lines up with the other boarders, gets her ticket checked, and chooses a seat. Maybe the person's in here? she asks herself. Buggy looks around discreetly, trying to target anyone looking in her direction. When she doesn't find any stares, she slumps.

     "They better know what they're doing," she mutters. "I'm missing school for this."


A long time later, long past when Buggy stopped counting the hours, she arrives in Buffalo. She wearily gets off and looks around. There's only one word to describe the scenery, and that's 'sparse'. By 'sparse', Buggy can only count a few people waiting for their transportation, not to mention the lack of kids. (She was secretly happy about it, though. They're unpredictable to be around with sometimes.) 

     From the manual wall clock, Buggy knows it's now roughly 4:30 in the afternoon. She can't believe it's been more than seven hours to get the train go from New York City to Buffalo. On the other hand, her numb ass gives her a strong reminder. 

     Buggy drags her luggage behind her. She ignores the others asking her questions only the conductors would know the answers to. Frankly, all she wants to do now is find a hotel room and crash onto a bed and sleep longer than Rip van Wrinkle. "If that's too much of me to ask," she mutters, "then there's always a spare bench I can use."

     She finds a motel with empty rooms, however, so she's all good with the arrangements. Buggy doesn't even mind having to be in the room next to what she thinks there's some funky drug party going on. 

     Dressing down to her pajamas, Buggy puts the rest of her things in a corner of the room. She gets under the covers after the curtains are closed. Not caring a single ounce about the time being still daytime, she closes her eyes. 

     There's got to be a very good reason I'm here, right? is her last thought before she practically passes out. 

Girl Master of Disguises (Lesbian Story, GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now