Chapter Twenty-Four - The Lost Bug

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Changing out of her clothes from the day before and dressing into what Buggy calls the "school bitch"--midriff tank top, shorts that end to her upper thighs, black leggings, and Uggs--she then musses up her hair so the natural curls are even wilder. She's forgotten her make-up kit, so she had to resort to using Laina's. She considers herself lucky that the host keeps extras, still in their packaging.

     She hears a door open and close, but doesn't look away from the mirror (as if she needs another reason to poke her eye with the mascara stick). Footsteps follow to her, and then they stop. Buggy hears Laina laughing at the sight. 

     "Laugh it all out," Buggy grumps. "I still need to do the lipstick." She puts the wand back into the container as soon as the many layers of mascara threaten to fall away in flakes at a time from her eyelashes. At least she thought to apply the eyeliner before. 

     "I get what character you're dressing up as, but I don't know any girl who'd put on half a tub of mascara," Laina informs. She grabs the lipstick from Buggy and starts wiping away the traces of it Buggy's managed to put on her face. 

     "You obviously hung out with the wrong crowd." Laina shushes her as she moves the tube around the lips, making them pinker with every swipe. "Okay, that's enough of that!" The girl smirks in amusement while Buggy tries to snatch the make-up back.

     Putting the lid over it, Laina puts the rest of the lipstick in the bathroom cabinet. "So what were your plans with this . . . appearance?"

     "Um, go out and investigate?"

     "Weren't you complaining about being man bait just last night?"

     Buggy brushes past Laina to pick up the pile of clothes and put them by the suitcase. "That was then, and this is now." She turns to face the girl. "And now that we've been forced to be in this situation, I say we should be a step ahead of Blond Beard and Dean this time."

     She would have continued if not all of the sudden Laina's phone beeps. She takes it out of her pocket and curses. "I forgot I have a shift at the cafe starting in ten minutes," she says. "You'd think after a while of being a barista, I'd remember."

     "When do you get off?" Buggy asks.

     "After an eternity." Stashing the phone in the pocket, Laina picks up her jacket she's just stripped off.

     Which reminds Buggy--"Where were you when I got up?"

     Laina pauses to think, slowly pulling the jacket over her shoulders. "Hang on, I was . . . Oh yeah!" She turns to the coffee table and picks up a brown bag. "Think fast," she commands, throwing it in the air. Buggy barely catches it in time.

     She opens the bag to reveal a croissant leaking something brown, most likely from the bakery where she and Laina were planning on how to get in the underground club. "Chocolate filling?" Buggy assumes, raising an eyebrow.

     "You better not tell me you don't like chocolate. That's just wrong on so many levels."

     Snorting, Buggy takes the pastry out of the bag. "If I didn't, then more chocolate for you to eat."

     "Good point."

     Buggy underestimates how much of a mess the treat would make when she bites into it. She makes a surprised noise and catches a couple drops of chocolate before they slipped from her chin. Laina calmly picks up a napkin from the napkin holder on the dining table and hands it over. "Don't say I've never saved your life," she tells Buggy while she's wiping the stains.

     "How is this saving my life?" Buggy wonders.

     Laina gestures to the white carpet Buggy's standing on. "I happen to like this carpet stain-free."

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