Chapter Eighteen - Anticipation

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Later that day, Buggy and Laina wait for the club to end. Since they've arrived, the bouncer stayed outside, keeping an eye out on certain peoples. Buggy uses his presence to her advantage, always checking on him to see if now or later's a good time to look around the inside. 

     Sometimes she'd see a couple of people coming out and assume each time that the club's over. Every time she's been proven wrong.

     Seven o'clock strikes, and Buggy notices a steady stream of bodies coming out of the door. Some acknowledge the bouncer, saying something close to, "I'll see your sorry ass when I get enough money to make you leave me alone."

     Unsure if it was a joke or insult, Buggy ignores them and doesn't move from her and Laina's hiding place far down from the club until everyone is gone. The bouncer disappears into the building, and then reappears outside after a minute. He waves at someone inside before leaving the alley. Buggy nudges Laina, who at the time was zoning out.

     "We're on the move," Buggy whispers.

     Laina glances at the club doors. Marvis is laughing along with a couple of other men, who Buggy assumes are the other founders of the club. One of them takes out a key and locks the door. They continue on their way, most likely to a bar.

     After forcing themselves to let five minutes pass, the girls come out of their hiding spot and casually walk towards the door. As soon as they get there, Laina pulls out a pouch of weird looking tools. "What are those?" Buggy asks as the barista chooses one of the thin and squiggly-shaped metal.

     "They're lock-picking tools," Laina explains. "I might have stolen them from a retired locksmith a few months back."

     "I might steal them from you," Buggy informs, watching her partner shove the tool into the lock.

     "You do, and I'll have no choice but to kick your ass."

     Buggy reconsiders the consequence. "Fair enough."

     With a click from the lock, Laina smiles with success as she opens the door with a flourish. Rolling her eyes at the gesture, Buggy hurriedly gets in after Laina. She shuts the door behind her, and takes out her phone for a flashlight when she notices how dark the room is.

     "Do you see anything?" Laina asks in a quiet voice. She herself is using her phone as a light source, and is combing through the room as carefully as she can. 

     Buggy's about to shake her head before realizing Laina isn't looking at her. "Uh, no," she says. She moves her phone upward. "Oh, I think I found a door."

     "You sure it's not the one we used to get inside?" Laina teases.

     "Shut up. Seriously, it's over here." Buggy click clacks her way to the door she's looking at. She puts her phone in her pocket and reaches out to feel the door, searching for the knob. To her surprise, there isn't one.

     Laina materializes next to Buggy. "Scoot," she orders. Buggy does, and the barista looks for the knob with her hands. "Huh. You sure this is a door?"

     "Of course I'm sure," Buggy protests. "I can feel the bolts at the side."

     The barista seems to be taking her word. "We can figure out how to open it. Help me look for something thin and strong." The girls look with their makeshift flashlights in the room for the requested tool. After finding nothing like that, Buggy doubts they'd be able to find out what's inside the door.

     She trips, but miraculously doesn't fall. "What the hell did I trip over?" she asks herself. Buggy bends down and reaches for the object. Her hand touches the object next to the big furniture, which she can tell is some kind of stepping stool. "Laina?"

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