Facts About GMOD In The Making

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Hallo, readers! I'm pretty sure at this point you've already read the whole story from the first chapter to its last (or if you're like me, you were checking out this book, found this chapter and figured, "Why the hell not?"), and are curious about my train of thoughts while I was writing Girl Master of Disguises

I have to say, I really enjoyed writing the book. At times when I was so pissed I could punch a wall and leave a hole in it without damaging my fist, the moments the GMOD characters have made me laugh and act little more pleasant to be around with. So, I guess I'll end this note by saying, "I hope you find the facts a little interesting."

1. Girl Master was thought up as a singer celebrity who happened to disguise herself as a signature.

2. The name Buggy was an equivalent of a childhood friend's nickname, which was Levybug.

3. Girl Master of Disguises wasn't a lesbian romance/adventure at first. Laina Crawford was added after someone suggested there'd be another obstacle for Buggy to go through.

4. The main character was briefly considered to be a guy.

5. Buggy Gills was supposed to be a high school girl at the time the story took place, but as you see, it was a little risky to make her that young. (There was a fine line between fiction and just completely unrealistic.)

6. James was to be the Alfred/Robin to her Batman. The only reason it didn't happen was the writer (*sighs* me) kept forgetting to add the detail in before he started writing the story, leaving James as the oblivious friend of the main character instead.

7. In "Chapter 27: Share and Tell", there was supposed to be a kissing moment between Buggy and Laina. That was also put off because of forgetfulness.

8. The setting was originally planned to be strictly in New York. Sadly, I overestimated my knowledge of the layout of the place, so I had her move to Seattle, where I was more familiar with. (Sorry, New Yorkers!)

9. The novel was planned completely without any mention of family, either Buggy's or Laina's. After reading a couple of "clichéd Wattpad moments" books (in which one of the moments is never mentioning parents when the characters are pretty young enough that there should be), I didn't want to seem like a first-time writer and added a couple of conversations between Buggy and her mom. (The second draft will definitely have more of these kinds of moments.)

10. Buggy and Laina were NOT supposed to have so many of the snarky conversations between them. Actually, they were planned to be serene people, but I can't seem to write anything without snark.

11. There were several things that were going to be the one-time mentionees, but have been written about a couple more times and actually have a bigger part of the story than originally. Such things were the museum criminal (where Laina supposedly noticed Buggy for the first time), the computer bug from the café, and the riddle slash message from the dream Buggy had.

12. Dean and Blond Beard were meant to be just that, Dean and Blond Beard. No Royal and no Buck.

13. Girl Master of Disguises has been thought to be a little series, but as I'm unsure about whether it should be a stand-alone or the start of Buggy's misadventures, I've left some wriggle room for the possibility of a series.

14. The Tempted Moon, the underground club (and its unusual rules), and Marvis Tinser? You guessed it, never planned at all.

15. The whole case with Malik was supposed to be a straight up kidnapping with a huge ransom. Apparently, my hands had other ideas and turned the case into an attempted murder.

16. Although at times I'd let a week or so go by without updating GMOD, I have to say it was an easier flow of a story than Becoming Her (which I recommend reading), From Bully to Submissive (which I don't recommend reading), and even Between Two Girls (oddly enough).

17. Girl Master of Disguises wasn't going to have chapter names. I was bored at some point and added the names in to amuse myself. Needless to say, they helped a lot when I needed to find a certain scene if it connects to the scene I'd be working on at the time.

17 1/2. GMOD is the first book I've ever written that has chapter names.

18. There are some chapters that would have been better off connecting together (ex. Chapters 29 and 30). I'm still unsure as to why I did that.

That's all the facts about GMOD! (I think.)

Thanks for reading!

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