Chapter Thirty-Seven - Departing to New York

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"I really can't make you change your mind?" Laina asks, watching Buggy pack up her things. "Have you stay here a couple more days and do fun stuff?"

     Buggy chuckles. "You told me you wanted some help to get Malik back," she says. "You never said anything about me being more than the help." She's wearing her normal, non-disguise clothes, which is simply a black turtleneck and warm pants. Her hair's in a ponytail, which Laina says Buggy should do more often.

     "How was I supposed to know you'd be full of snark?" Laina defends. "This probably wouldn't happen if you kept that side of you hidden."

     Amused, Buggy clarifies, "It's my fault my snarkiness turns you on?"

     "I never said that!"

     Zipping her suitcase close, Buggy straightens up and, after a brief pause, tentatively holds Laina's hands. It's been about two days after the fiasco at the Space Needle, and Buggy still feels a little awkward about touching Laina in any kind of affectionate way, whether friend or girlfriend or such. She finds it comforting that Laina feels the same way, by how she quickly gets her hands back, and then reconsiders it and puts her hands back. 

     "Is this the part where one of us says something gushy about the other?" Buggy pipes up.

     "Sure, if we were in a movie," Laina retorts. "Right now the only thing I want to say is, 'You're an ass for wanting to get out of here'."

     Buggy smiles amusingly. "Would it make you feel better if I ask for a cup of one of your coffee mixtures before I go?"

     "No," she says stubbornly, permanently removing her hands. She stands still. "Maybe." Another pause. "I'm in the mood for coffee, too."

     While Laina's getting out the things she bought at her own workplace, Buggy asks, "Is there anything we can do about the club?"

     "What club?" The girl takes a moment to remember the club Marvis runs. "Oh. For now, no. But hey." She pretends to stroke her chin in a pensive position. "Maybe that's the one thing that'll make you come back here."

     "Keep dreaming," Buggy responds. "Maybe you'll find something that you can actually make happen." As soon as the words escape from her lips, a flashback of her odd dream appears in her mind.

     The girl doesn't notice the quietness. She's humming a little tune to entertain herself. While she does so, Buggy's thinking about the statement: "You can hide from the criminals, the police, your family, everyone. But you can't hide from me." The dream was talking about her life as Girl Master, wasn't it?

     Then again, the girl from the dream said this after she kissed Buggy. Was she talking about her apparent interest in Laina?

     "Here." Buggy absentmindedly takes the mug from Laina and takes a long sip. "You alright in there?" Laina asks.

     Buggy's slow to respond. "Yeah," she says simply. "The coffee's great."

     "That's because I didn't put in a whole lot of 'serene'," the girl says. Buggy sticks her tongue out. Laina snarks, "I have my own coffee to taste, thanks."

     "Ugh, that's gross," Buggy comments.

     Neither person says anything as they finish their drinks. Buggy contemplates on getting more, but the clock on the stove shows her that she should better get to the airport. "Is there a taxi I can take?" she asks.

     "'We' can take," Laina corrects. "I'm not saying my goodbyes here in this place." She bends down and picks up Buggy's suitcase. "And no, we don't have the time for that. I have a friend who owes me a favor, and he, after I told him your situation, happily lent us a driver to take us to the airport, and me back here after you get on the plane."

Girl Master of Disguises (Lesbian Story, GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now