Chapter Twenty-One - Caution! Hot!

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The Tempted Moon is the typical nightclub. Neon signs are bright with the name and a small picture of a seductive moon. Two enormous bouncers are standing at either side of the entrance door, their arms crossed over their chests. The line outside is short, but they all seem to have been waiting for a long time.

     Buggy and Laina witness a guy getting kicked out of the building by another bouncer. The guy crashes into the first person in the line, holding onto him as he stabilizes himself with little success. While he stumbles away, unaware of what just happened to him, a couple of people start giggling at the sight. Some technology addicts pull out their phones to take a picture. 

     Buggy checks for the time on her own phone. It's barely ten o'clock, but after yesterday and today, she's jittery for something to happen. 

     The day after the visit (and the rest), Laina and Buggy checked again with the club. They waited for several hours before Laina demanded Marvis to tell her what's happened. "The meeting was cancelled," he said into the other line. "The people brought there are missing from the uh, . . . " He hadn't realized Laina already knew about the secret room. 

     With a clipped farewell, Laina hung up and told the eavesdropping Buggy what Marvis said. "It'll probably be back on tomorrow," she added. "Need a break after yesterday?"

     Buggy didn't hesitate to take the day off.

     But now she kind of wished she hadn't. While she had some fun looking up funny sites on her phone while on the comfy bed in her hotel room, Buggy felt like she was going to bounce around by the end of the day.

     "I doubt we'll be able to get in the club in time," Laina notes. "Is there any other way to get in without the bouncers noticing?"

     Taking a couple steps back to see, Buggy points down the area between buildings. "There's that alley all the clubs seem to have," she quips.

     Laina peers in. "That can work." 

     The girls casually walk down the alley, past the barely private drug deal going on. Something in the darkness catches Buggy's eye with a gleam, and she reaches out to feel something cool and smooth. "I think I found a door," she says. "This time it has a doorknob."

     "Hilarious," Laina deadpans. 

     "I thought it was." Buggy twists the doorknob around. To her annoyance, it's locked. "Can you use your lock-picking tools on this?" she asks. 

     She turns her head to see her partner, hands-deep in her pockets, looking for said tools. After the long search, Laina produces the pouch. "I got this," she says, nudging Buggy aside. Laina pulls one out of the pouch and inserts the squiggly end in the lock. She twists it around awhile as Buggy leans against the wall, trying not to think of how many couples have come out into the alley for on-the-wall quickies.

     "Huh," Laina mutters, surprised. She puts away the tool and pulls out another one. "How about you? Do you work?"

     "Do you talk to them like that?" Buggy asks. 

     "Sh." Laina continues trying to unlock. Moments pass, and she lets out a 'damn'. "This bastard is stubborn," she says.

     Feeling more energetic by the minute, Buggy looks around for alternate ways to get in. The window above her (most likely leading into a restroom) is too small for either of the girls. Other than that, there's no way they can get in. "We can't use the window either," she says.

     Annoyed, Laina straightens herself up and puts her hands on her hips. "I can't seem to open it," she says.

     "Maybe you're doing it wrong?" Buggy suggests.

     If Laina heard her, she chose not to respond to that. "I was really hoping to be dancing around people I want to interrogate," she says. "Instead, I get the honors of being locked out and looking like an idiot."

     "We can convince the bouncers to let us in," Buggy says. Her partner shakes her head. "Can we bribe them?"

     Laina snorts. "With what money?"

     "You realize we still have the amount for the underground club that we never used, right?"

     The girl pauses. "Oh yeah," she says absently. She pauses again. "Nah, I like the money a little too much." Buggy glances to see that the drug deal's over, and both the client and dealer are leaving the area, satisfied with what they have now.

     How else can we get in? Buggy thinks. She finds herself pacing down the alley as she thinks it over. Laina's still in the same place, arms now crossed behind her back. Some time passes before Buggy asks aloud, "Does anyone ever use the back door?"

     "Why do you ask?" Laina responds. Buggy gives her a look. "Never mind. Stupid question. If we can convince them we were locked out of the club, then--"

     She's interrupted by a loud BANG! Both the girls jump at the sound as a bulky, thug-looking guy storms out of the club into the alley. Since he's about ten yards away and looking the opposite way, Buggy assumes she can find a hiding spot nearby. Unfortunately for her, Laina has other ideas.

     Buggy feels a hand grabbing at her shirt and being pulled forward. She barely registers the fast move when she feels her lips crashing into Laina's. She's pretty sure she made a surprised noise, but Laina's busy making Buggy's mouth follow in a similar pattern. She's also pretty sure the chapstick the other girl is wearing is strawberry-flavored. 

     If Buggy turns at a slight angle, she'd see the thug's reaction. He notices them, that's for sure. He's not averting his eyes away from the scene. Is that supposed to be a good thing? Buggy asks in her head.

     Laina's snaked an arm around the middle of Buggy's back. Buggy hasn't realized that she's staying still as a scarecrow, and tries to figure out a way she can look like she's into it without, well, being into it. Apparently, her (non-romantic) partner knows, by twisting Buggy's hand around to place on the back of Laina's neck. 

     Finally, Buggy pulls away, mostly to catch her breath. "Don't you (huff) think--" she starts.

     Laina laughs a little. "Can't catch up with me, can you?" she questions, her tone a type of teasing completely different from what Buggy's used to. Laina wraps her arms around Buggy's waist. Their foreheads press gently against each other. The girl smiles a knowing one before leaning forward and kissing Buggy again. This time, Buggy sees it coming.

     She doesn't realize the thug is still there until the door opens again. "Get your ass in here!" a male voice says. "You're needed for the stuff!"

     The thug grumbles a reply, but reluctantly goes in with the guy. The kissing doesn't stop until the door closes again. When a second ago Laina was grabby, she's now pushing Buggy away by the shoulders. She inhales, exhales, and then takes out a tube of chapstick and applies it on again. Neither she nor Buggy say anything until Laina puts the tube away. 

     She looks at Buggy. "Now that's over, any new ideas?" Laina says. 

     "Uhhh . . . " Buggy's mind has a shortened circuit. She doubts she'd be able to string a sentence for the next five minutes, or until the shock wears off. The best she can do is blink several times. 

     "I'll take it as a no." The girl pauses, obviously expecting something. Still blinking. Laina sighs. "Great, I've rendered you useless. How convenient." 

     The door opens again, this time with a giggling couple. Laina takes the opportunity to run over and catch the door before it closes yet again. She holds it open long enough to let Buggy in. The shock starting to wear off a little, Buggy manages to get inside. She doesn't look at Laina, though.

     Buggy hears Laina mutter, "I guess the next time I find a partner, I'll have to make sure they won't freak out so easily at times like this," before shutting the door behind them.

Girl Master of Disguises (Lesbian Story, GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now