Chapter Thirty - Hi! We're Legit Workers!

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For once, Buggy's grateful for the sweater. It's warm enough that she only needs a jacket instead of a sleeping bag with puffy arms to withstand the harsh weather. For bonus points, people are looking at her as she and Laina pass by them. 

     Laina doesn't notice the stares, thank God. Who knows what kind of jokes she'd crack. "I swear you were taking so long in the bathroom before we left," she says to Buggy. "I thought you were stuck and needed help." Those who heard quickly stifle the laughter at what they think had happened.

     "It's not like you can hurry up with make-up," Buggy responds, ignoring the witnesses. "Not unless you plan to look like the Joker."

     Laina snorts. "For once, that was funny."

     "You mean all my other comments weren't before?"

     If the girl heard Buggy, she doesn't make a note of it. "You've been to the Space Needle before, haven't you?" she asks.

     "Yeah, right before I found out about Peptin."

     Laina avoids a pedestrian who seems to not know where the hell he is in the city. "Then you know what it looks like in the inside, right?" she asks next.

     "Maybe . . ." Buggy doesn't remember much about her visit, to be honest. The woman who was hitting on her, well, that she's going to remember, no matter how much she wants to forget. "Why are you asking?"

     "Have you ever done research on the possible location your targets would be?" Laina says. "I don't know how you do it, but I feel comfortable if we both know the nooks and crannies we can hide in to eavesdrop on the men's conversation or to stash Malik later when they leave him."

     Buggy feels a little concerned about the brevity of a plan. "Have you been in the Space Needle?" she asks. The girl nods, and Buggy adds, "Then I think we'll be fine with not exploring the 'nooks and crannies'."

     "Oh come on, that's not something we should say in a mission," Laina says. "I say we go there and look."

     "I say not."

     "I think I was the one inviting you into the mission."

     Buggy rolls her eyes. "Okay, fine. We'll go."

     Her partner smiles widely. "Great! We're almost there anyway," she says pointing in front of them. Buggy looks straight ahead to see the landmark. 

     "Wha--? Did you plan it without telling me?" she asks.

     "Hey, I got your consent, so you can't be complaining." 

     A guy walks towards the girls and leers at them, looking like a lion looking for a meal. Unfortunately for him, it's not going to happen on Laina's watch. 

     Now, if she would stop volunteering Buggy for unnecessary touching, that'd be great.

     The guy looks more excited, until Laina flips him off. His shoulders slump as he continues walking the opposite way. Buggy waits for him to be gone long enough before she tries to get her hand back. Man, Laina grips hard.

     "You're welcome," Laina says out of nowhere.

     "Did I even thank you?" Buggy grumbles, smoothing her hand to keep it from cramping.

     "No, but you should," the girl responds. "You didn't need to do anything drastic to keep him away."

     Buggy leaves her hands dangling. "I don't know how your world works, but that's not how mine does it." She says it quietly, but Laina somehow still hears her, judging from an amused smirk on her face afterwards.

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